Chapter 213 It’s all about Guo Guo
A pink ball of light appeared on the faces of all the villains, with many slashes and trembling. The indigenous prince Duan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that this should be a sign of shyness?
Really, so obviously shy!
Prince Duan couldn't help but laugh and felt a little more relaxed.

Tongtong said: "Thank you! Host, is this okay?"

Zhuzhu, who was lying on the ground and pretending to cry: "..."

I was so engrossed in the performance that I didn’t even listen.

Sheng Minglin was kneeling on the ground to comfort her. When he saw her raising her head, he quickly picked her up and explained it carefully. Tuanzi was a little unhappy and pointed to his little finger: "No, uncle Huang is fierce."

Sheng Minglin said softly: "Uncle Huang is a little bit fierce, but Uncle Huang also loves Zhuzhu very much. Someone who comes from a far, far away place and lives in Zhuzhu's mind makes Uncle Huang uneasy and afraid. You have to see it with your own eyes to see how clever it is in stealing Zhuzhu.”

Zhuzhu glanced at Emperor Mingxi secretly.

Emperor Mingxi smiled at her very kindly.

Tuanzi snorted meaningfully and said, "Then you won't be able to be cruel to Zhuzhu in the future."

"Of course," Emperor Mingxi said condescendingly, "Uncle Huang is wrong. Uncle Huang will definitely not be cruel to Zhuzhu in the future."

Tuanzi added uneasily: "Then when you finish reading, you must return Guo Guo!"

"Okay, okay," Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but nodded, which was called humility, "Don't worry! Uncle Huang will only watch this once! You will be responsible for everything from now on!"

Tuanzi nodded: "Okay then, let him see all the pots!"

All: "Okay!"

The next moment, there was a light curtain in front of Emperor Mingxi's eyes.

Emperor Mingxi stepped forward to take a closer look.

Prince Duan, who had finally finished a big play, snatched his daughter into his arms like a flying bird. Tuanzi complained to him: "The old man bullied Zhuzhu, persecuted Zhuzhu's buttocks, and then scalded Zhuzhu's hands... Zhuzhu." How miserable!”

Prince Duan was like an unprincipled bear parent: "It's too much, what the hell! Minglin, go and beat the guy who burned you just now!"

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

He stretched out his hand to take his sister back, but Prince Duan refused to give it to him. The two were in a stalemate for a while, and Sheng Minglin had to move over and said to his sister: "Is Zhuzhu sleepy? If you are sleepy, just sleep for a while. Uncle Huang may You have to watch it for a long time, just long enough for Zhuzhu to sleep for a while."

Tuanzi leaned on his father's shoulder and talked to him, his voice soft and soft: "Guo Guo, when we get back home, let Guo Guo send a few to see everything. We'll see for a hundred days!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Okay, thank you Zhuzhu."

"You're welcome," Tuanzi said, "Zhu Zhuchui loves Guo Guo. All Zhu Zhu's good things will be given to Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "My brother also loves Zhuzhu the most."

Tuanzi's eyes curled up and he fell asleep happily.

Prince Duan gave his son a look.

The fourth prince sat drinking tea and listening quietly.

He felt that although father and son, Uncle Duan Wang, had not gotten along much since childhood, their temperaments were really similar.

When Prince Duan is not in a bad mood, he is really well-behaved, more so than ordinary courtiers. He will never say a disrespectful word, let alone do anything disrespectful... Even if he makes a scene sometimes, who can say? , a high-ranking loner, don’t want such fireworks?
Zhuzhu fell asleep, and Prince Duan held her in his arms and sat down in the chair, yawning from time to time.

Emperor Mingxi said without looking back: "Yan Qing, go and sleep on the couch over there. We have to watch for a while. Just ask Ming Lin to stay here."

Prince Duan responded, yawned, and went over to the beauty's couch over there, hugging the child to sleep.

Emperor Mingxi also said to Sheng Minglin: "Your father has been squeamish since he was a child. When he came back from a business trip to Beijing, he would have no energy for several days. Once, he slept for a whole day and a whole night without eating, and he couldn't scream." I can’t afford to call you, your concubine was so anxious that she even called the imperial doctor.”

Sheng Minglin said: "My father must have been very happy when he was a child."

Emperor Mingxi smiled without saying anything and returned to sit down in front of the imperial cabinet.He carefully looked at the system interface, going through it one by one, and even clicked on the lottery. Unfortunately, it would prompt the guardian that he had no authority to operate.

Emperor Mingxi didn't say anything, and was not surprised, so he asked Tongtong: "Did you look like this on purpose?"

They are not as enthusiastic about him as their counterpart, Prince Duan, but they still answer questions: "What is captured from the host's mind is the image that the host likes to trust and is most willing to obey."

Emperor Mingxi nodded and asked curiously: "You are an advanced system. What is the difference between you and an ordinary system?"

Tongtong proudly said: "My module is more advanced! I can completely simulate human emotions! Therefore, it is only provided to hosts with extremely high quality. Moreover, when encountering such young hosts, the general system follows the script and cannot achieve effective interaction with the host. Communication, only advanced systems can..." Blah blah blah.

Got it, advanced, indeed more human-like, and even uses idioms.

As a poor emperor with nothing but a lot of people, Emperor Mingxi really couldn't understand that he had to use Granny Huang's spinning wheel... In short, it was a similar thing to study until it looked like a human. What was it? ?
Wouldn't it be nice to just find a living person?
Emperor Mingxi asked him again: "You said there are hundreds of kinds in this lottery, can you first pick out a dozen that are suitable for us, and then draw?"

"No," Tongtong said, "The system does not have this authority, but guardians don't have to worry. Generally speaking, what is extracted is what the host needs most at the moment, or what the host needs most in the current plane."

Emperor Mingxi slowly talked to it while looking at the system convention.

After chatting all the way, he found that the system was indeed an "auxiliary" system as the system convention said. It could provide things to help the host, but it could not make any "decisions". They did not have this ability.

In addition, although it is true that they can be tricked into taking advantage of loopholes, there are indeed not many loopholes that the system can exploit, and their regulations are very strict.

Just like the lottery, the system does not even have the authority to choose in advance, so... How to put it, Emperor Mingxi thought from the position of a superior, and felt that it would be more reassuring to release such a batch of systems, and generally nothing big would happen, Chen Kindness is something very special.

After such a round of testing, Emperor Mingxi and everyone were temporarily relieved.

Zhuzhu hadn't woken up yet, and everyone was sitting and chatting. The fourth prince said: "Eldest brother is still grounded, and the matter in the three halls has not been resolved yet. Otherwise, let the eldest brother come out to investigate the matter in the three halls?"

Emperor Mingxi looked at him sideways, and the fourth prince looked calm: "The eldest brother was negligent for a moment and was taken advantage of by his subordinates. Let him find out the person by himself. He has personal experience, understands the situation better, and is easier to get started. He should be able to get it as soon as possible. result."

Emperor Mingxi snorted: "Okay, let him come out and try."

The fourth prince stood up and saluted: "Thank you, father."

Sheng Minglin coughed lightly, half changing the subject, and half genuinely worried: "Uncle Huang, I wonder what the grievances in Shen Zhao's family are like?"



I saw that there was a section in the previous chapter that the little angel didn't like, so I added another chapter, mainly to explain my thoughts.

First of all, this is a group pet article, focusing on group pets. Zhuzhu's status is unshakable. All tests and vigilance against the system are based on the protection of Zhuzhu.In addition, this is a daily family story. After the transition is completed, the system will only account for a very small part, not the main line.

I'm honored that everyone has sympathy for the silly system, but don't forget that our colleagues in this system once subverted their country.

Dad doesn’t have a God’s perspective, so it’s impossible to believe it immediately after seeing it. He will definitely try every means to test it, and test it repeatedly. Adding a guardian is just a beginning, the purpose is to test the bottom line, step by step to test the authority and bottom line of the system. Only when they feel it clearly from head to toe, inside and out, can they feel at ease.

Those who can get along well in the court, whether they are emperors or princes, must not be stupid and sweet. Their kindness is only internal. To them, the system, no matter how cute they look, is an outsider and an intruder. They love this country, their families, and Zhuzhu, so they cannot be too cautious.You know, the image of the former system is also very cute!Being too simple may not be a good thing. They don't understand what is bad, and they don't understand what cannot be done.

And the most important point is that they are ancients and indigenous people. Dasheng is a feudal monarchy country. I don’t need to explain the meaning of the emperor. This is also their bottom line. This is what Prince Duan wants to tell the system. The emperor is important in this regard. The meaning of the world should not be like the previous system, which can only be understood after the water is overturned.

the second,
They were very poor. As mentioned in the previous article, most of the emperors and ministers of the Dasheng Dynasty did not understand economics. They were so poor that their salaries could not support their families. Therefore, it was impossible not to take advantage of the system that was brought to their doorsteps.It's like you live a life where you still hesitate to spend 100 yuan. An electronic pet lives on your mobile phone. When you say certain words, it will send you 1 yuan... Do you say sweet words to it every day?I know how to do it anyway, poor authors have no moral integrity.

This is true for one person, let alone a country. They carry the country and the country on their backs. The people of the world must want to pluck wool.

Every character has life and many sides. This is Prince Duan in my heart. I’m very sorry that everyone doesn’t like it. Now he is making trouble, saying that you, the changeable little goblins, have to come back from a business trip, and you will not be allowed to come back when you come back. If you want to dislike me, I'm a bit dark-hearted, but I'm good-looking...

well!Don't worry, I'm on the same side as you. I won't coax him, just let him cry.I still love you so much, with all my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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