Chapter 215 Holding the golden rice bowl and begging for rice

All the villains looked like uncles and smiled: "Host, these are called lollipops. Each one has a different taste."

The dumplings were held with little hands, reluctant to touch them, with bright eyes: "It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful! Thank you all for the pot!"

Everyone was satisfied: "You're welcome, host."

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but smile.

How could a book and a box of candies be put together? All the candies must have been put in there.

He smiled and looked at it for a long time, but Zhuzhu probably didn't see the book at all and never looked back.

The wooden box kept flashing, and Sheng Minglin simply reached out and took the book over. As soon as he took it over, he couldn't help but make a "pop" sound and almost sprayed.

Shen Lingjue asked: "What is it?"

Sheng Minglin raised it up silently, and everyone saw that the title of the book was "Holding a Golden Rice Bowl and Begging for Rice - Talking about Emperor Mingxi".

Emperor Mingxi, who had just said that he would not covet children's things: "..."

He stretched out his hand, "Bring it here!"

Sheng Minglin smiled deliberately and said: "Zhu Zhuer, there is another book in this grid! Take a look..."

Tuanzi's little fleshy face was about to fall on the candy box. When he heard him calling him, he looked back, obviously not interested: "Zhuzhu doesn't like reading, do you like Guoguo? Then give it to Guoguo!"

She turned back to the candy.

Okay, Sheng Minglin stopped teasing her and took a few steps forward to give the book to Emperor Mingxi.

Zhuzhu looked at it for a long time, her mouth watered, but she still didn't eat and reluctantly covered the box.

Prince Duan smiled and said, "Don't you want to taste one Zhuzhu?"

"No, mother hasn't seen it yet." She touched it reluctantly: "Dad, help hide the beads so that others don't steal them."

Prince Duan smiled and said, "Okay."

Tuanzi turned around and saw everyone looking at her. Her little face turned red all of a sudden, and she said in a squeaky voice, "Wait, wait for Zhuzhu Debt to see it for two days, and then I'll share it with everyone."

The fourth prince couldn't help but smile and said softly: "Fourth brother actually doesn't like sweets, so there is no need to share them with him."

Shen Lingjue: "Yeah, I don't like sweets either."

Sheng Minglin: "I don't like eating sweets either. Zhu Zhu'er can just eat it by herself."

"Impossible, everyone knows!" Tuanzi shook his head: "In this world, how can there be anyone who doesn't like to eat candy? Candy is so delicious, candy is the most delicious in the world Something!”

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Why doesn't Zhuzhu like the coriander that my brother likes to eat? My brother loves it very much!"

Tuanzi was stunned and frowned.

Sheng Minglin tugged at her stupid hair: "Si Bao, everyone has their own favorite things. If you like sweets, just eat them by yourself. If there is something you like and I like it, my brother will eat it with you. "

Tuanzi was convinced: "Okay then!"

Sheng Minglin pulled her over: "Okay, let's take the second one."

Tuanzi stretched out his little hand and clicked again.

Then, a transparent little man was pulled out.

Tuanzi was a little curious and stretched his head to look: "Is it a rabbit? Or a doll?"

Sheng Minglin took it out, read the description, and was surprised: "It's the Medicine Man!" He quickly handed the note to Prince Duan to read, and took the little Medicine Man, squatting down to read it with Tuanzi.

This medicine man is about half a person tall. It is transparent, soft and not heavy. The internal organs are clearly visible. It is a bit scary at first glance.

Look at the description, this is for testing medicine. For example, if you want to practice medicine for treating heart disease, you can make the medicine person suffer from heart disease, and then feed it medicine. You can clearly see the whole process of taking the medicine. After the physical changes, if you can recover, you will see the recovery.

This is so useful!
Tuanzi felt that he didn't understand, but he seemed to understand very well. He touched his little head and said without hesitation: "Give me one to the beautiful Guoguo! Guoguo, help Zhuzhu hide it and give it to Zhuzhu when he gets home." !”

Sheng Minglin immediately said: "Zhuzhu has the final say." He quickly put it into the box and hugged it.

Emperor Mingxi, who saw through everything: "Ha!"

Although we secretly took this book, this book is about us!Shouldn't we take it for granted?We really have no intention of robbing this medicine man!
Zhuzhu couldn't wait and clicked again.

The pointer stopped, but the box was not pushed out. There was only one line of words. Sheng Minglin took a look at it and was shocked on the spot. He read it out loud: "Reward for a year of good weather and good harvests!"

Several people almost said in unison: "What/really?!"

Prince Duan also hurried over and clicked it to take a look.

The scope is actually the entire Dasheng territory, and it is noted that good weather only means that there are no heavy rains, hail and other weather disasters, and embankment bursts are not included in this. A good harvest means that the grain harvest is increased by [-]% on the original basis.

Emperor Mingxi couldn't sit still anymore and hurried over.

Although he couldn't see it, he looked in this direction for a long time and couldn't help but burst into tears. Prince Duan could have held it back, but as soon as he met his brother's eyes, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

A whole year of good weather and good harvests!

How rare and rare this is for the common people who live by the sky!

And a year like this is so rare for Dasheng, who has been struggling to move forward!How rare! !
The little dwarf dumpling was surrounded by a bunch of tall people. He couldn't help but turn around in a circle, looked up at his little face, and then took his father's hand: "Is it not good to tie the beads?"

"No." Emperor Mingxi was rarely serious. He knelt down and hugged the soft little dumpling: "It's so good, so good! Zhuzhuer! Uncle Huang loves you, you are my great auspiciousness! Dasheng Sheng's lucky star! Uncle Huang is grateful!"

It was rare for Tuanzi to see Uncle Huang like this, so he was hugged by him very obediently. He stretched out his little hand and wiped his tears: "Uncle Huang, don't cry. Zhuzhu will give you a better one!"

She turned around and went to light the light curtain.

But there are only three items in the novice gift pack, and they have been drawn out. The one that is drawn now is the reward of the group pet line. I pulled out a light-colored cloth bag, and I didn’t know what was inside. As soon as I pulled it out, everyone trembled. , Zhuzhu was the first to bear the brunt and sneezed directly.

It was supposed to be midday, the hottest time in midsummer, but the temperature in the palace suddenly dropped.

Sheng Minglin quickly pulled Zhuzhu back a few steps, then took the manual and took a look.

This kind of ice stone is called ice stone. It is said that if you only need a small piece the size of a bean and hang it at the four corners of the house, the whole house will become cooler. Or if you hang it in front of the window, the wind blowing in will also become cooler.

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized: "This is probably because Zhuzhu was burned by the ground, so he took out such a reward."

"Anyway, let's ask someone to carry her down first." Prince Duan put his arms around his daughter and stood far away: "It's too cold. It's summer. Don't freeze the child."

Emperor Mingxi asked someone to carry it away, and then took a single piece over, holding it in his hand and looking at it carefully.

This ice stone looks like an ordinary stone, maybe a bit like white marble?The color is relatively pure and beautiful, and it feels really cool in your hand.

Emperor Mingxi said: "This is a good thing."

Prince Duan rubbed his daughter's hands, feet and belly for a long time, and fed her half a cup of hot tea. Zhuzhu had already recovered and touched his big head: "Zhuzhu is not cold anymore, thank you, daddy."

She was still thinking about the lottery and stretched out her little hands to reach for it. The system light curtain immediately flew over and clicked on it.

(End of this chapter)

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