Chapter 216 Beautiful Guoguo is crying

The grid is opened, there is no box, only the description: One pet to carry with you (loyal, protective, with an IQ of about five human years, and combat power equivalent to a human master), optional: dog, cat, horse, rabbit...etc.

Several people were a little surprised that they could actually smoke live animals!And looking at this setting, he is simply the best guard!

Tuanzi listened to his brother's explanation and said without hesitation: "I want a bird, a bird that can fall big and big! A bird that can fly high and fall high!"

Several species of birds suddenly appeared on the screen.

Tuanzi looked over one by one, picked out a good-looking one, and said with bright eyes: "Would you like to introduce me?"

She looked at Prince Duan, who nodded: "Zhu Zhu wants whichever one she wants."

Sheng Minglin said anxiously: "Wait..."

He looked at the introduction above, "Two meters tall, eight meters wingspan" and so on. Although he didn't know what a meter was, he always felt something was wrong... For such a huge bird, Tuanzi might not be as big as its claws. Tuanzi How could you like it?
But, it's too late.

As soon as the beads clicked, a high-pitched cry came from not far away.

The next moment, the palace servants waiting outside all exclaimed, and a little eunuch crawled in and reported: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is a huge bird coming outside!"

Emperor Mingxi raised his eyebrows and walked around the imperial case to go out. Prince Duan picked up Zhuzhu and followed him out to take a look.

Outside, a black and white giant bird that looked a bit like an eagle, but was taller than an adult man, was standing in front of the door, looking at all directions.

Emperor Mingxi couldn't help but cheered: "What a handsome bird!"

The giant eagle took a few steps forward, lowered his head, and put his head close to Tuanzi's hand.

Tuanzi slowly closed his open mouth. When he saw its head coming towards him, he was so frightened that he backed away and huddled up. Fear was written all over his body.

But although the big bird looked fierce, it looked very docile. It kept its head lowered and waited. Zhuzhu looked left and right, and finally tentatively stretched out her little hand and touched its head.

The giant eagle prostrated even lower. Tuanzi became more courageous and touched it again. Then he felt a little happy and whispered: "Birds love Zhuzhu!"

"Yes," Tongtong said proudly: "Of course the pets produced by the system will always love their hosts!"

Tuanzi asked: "Can Zhuzhu carry the debt on his back?"

Tongtong: "Of course."

Prince Duan was frightened. Did his daughter evolve too fast?You were so scared just now that you shrank your neck, but now you want to ride on it?

Prince Duan hurriedly said: "Zhuzhu, this won't work. There is a strong wind in the sky. Zhuzhu is still small and will fall when the wind blows. So you have to wait until Zhuzhu grows up, at least after he is 20 years old, before you can try it." .”

Tuanzi actually didn't dare to say that, "Okay then."

She glanced at the giant eagle again, then turned her head and said, "Elbow, elbow, let's go home? Show me Tangtang!"

Prince Duan glanced at his brother, Emperor Mingxi nodded, and Prince Duan said: "Let's go home!"

So several people left the palace and went home, accompanied by giant eagles flying in mid-air.

On the carriage, Tuanzi was touching the candy box with one hand and holding the medicine man box with the other hand. He was obviously hesitating whether to show the candy to his mother first or to show the little man to the beautiful pot first.

Sheng Minglin secretly wanted Zhuzhu to go see Huo Chenzhao first.

He was worried that Huo Chenzhao was sad at the moment, but as long as Zhuzhu was gone, he would definitely be able to relax, and then show him the medicine man, and his mind would be taken away.

Before he opened his mouth, he heard Prince Duan say: "Zhuzhu, go find your beautiful brother first. Dad wants to talk to mother about something. Zhuzhu will come back later."

Tuanzi hugged the box and said, "Zhuzhu, how much should I send to my mother to see Tangtang?"

"Okay," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Brother, let Zhuzhu hold him, and he will go back with Zhuzhu later."

So a few people went to Huo Chenzhao's courtyard first.

Sheng Minglin didn't tell Tuanzi what to say, family feud or anything like that. He couldn't comfort him in the first place, but it would be bad if he was too deliberate.

So the dumpling happily ran in, shouting: "Beautiful Guoguo! Beautiful Guoguo! Zhuzhu is back!" Huo Chenzhao, who was sitting at the table, hurriedly wiped the tears from his face.

Zhuzhu rushed in, was startled, and looked at him doubtfully: "Beautiful Guoguo, are you crying?"

"No," Huo Chenzhao laughed anxiously: "I was trying a medicine, but it turned out that the medicine was wrong. It made my eyes red."

He pointed and said, "Look, I've poured it all out."

Tuanzi believed it and came up to give him a blow.

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but hugged the little man, and said softly: "What does Zhuzhu want from me?"

Tuanzi immediately opened the box and said: "Look! Introduce a little person and give it to the beautiful Guoguo!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled, stretched out his hand to open it, and was stunned: "This is it?"

When he saw it, he was pleasantly surprised: "This is so amazing! Where did the beads come from?"

Tuanzi smiled so hard that his eyes were rounded: "The beads are tied well! There are only a few beads, pretty Guo Guo will like it!"

Huo Chenzhao subconsciously wanted to say it was too expensive and I couldn't take it, but seeing Xiaotuanzi's eyes full of smiles, he swallowed his words and said, "Thank you Zhuzhu, I really like it and am very happy."

He hugged her again and rubbed her gently.

It's amazing. Even though it's just a little baby, it actually makes people feel warm and cares about their life.

Over there, Sheng Minglin picked up the written form on the table and gestured to Huo Chenzhao, asking him if he could read it.

Huo Chenzhao nodded silently, and then Sheng Minglin sat down and took a closer look.

The Huo family feud is simple to say.

Huo Chenzhao's grandfather was an imperial physician during Taizu's time. Because he told the truth, he offended a concubine who asked for favors on the pretext of illness. Later, she found an excuse and was demoted back to his place of origin.

Although he left in disgrace, his medical skills are very good. His two sons, Huo Chenzhao’s father and uncle, are also good at medicine. His grandchildren like Huo Chenzhao have also been practicing medicine since they were young. The family has been practicing medicine for 20 years. It is quite prestigious locally.

Then, about five years ago, there was a cholera epidemic.

Mr. Huo had participated in several plagues and knew how powerful they were. Almost immediately, he organized manpower to control the patients. He paid for the medical kits for diagnosis and treatment. He also rushed here and there, asking people from various medical clinics to help, and all the patients were gathered there. Together, no walking around.

In fact, the epidemic was not serious at that time. Within a few days, the Huo family tried out an effective prescription and asked dozens of people to test the medicine. The medicine was effective as soon as they were taken, and most of them recovered after three or four days.

It just so happened that at that time, the third prince came with his people.

Most of the princes of the Mingxi Dynasty got married when they were fifteen or sixteen years old. Before and after they got married, they would start to go on errands.

The Huo family's grandfather had been an imperial doctor and knew the ways inside. He knew that the third prince needed credit for his first errand, so he quickly presented the prescription.

The third prince praised him highly and accepted the prescription.

Then, the next day, Yang Xianrong, the civil servant accompanying the third prince and the husband of the third prince, went to Huo Mansion in person and asked them to help.

The Huo family was always warm-hearted, not to mention that no one could refuse the call from the imperial court, so they naturally went without hesitation. Even the Huo family's grandfather followed him as soon as he was young.

However, the three of them never returned home. Since grandchildren like Huo Chenzhao were not qualified to sit in the hospital, the medical center was naturally closed.

At that time, Huo Chenzhao was seven or eight years old and could remember. He was at home with his grandmother, mother-in-law, aunt, and cousin. He often heard rumors from outside. For example, the third prince valued the Huo family very much and gave them all the medicinal materials to treat the epidemic. reason.

Another example is that the Huo family's grandfather was originally an imperial physician. After the epidemic was cured, he would bring Huo's father and brother back to the capital to continue to be imperial physicians, and ask for merit for them.

The family members were very puzzled.

Because my grandfather has said many times that it is not easy to be an imperial doctor, so it may not be a bad thing to avoid entering the palace because of his reputation of offending noble people.

So why did the grandfather ask the third prince to let his son continue to be an imperial physician?
(End of this chapter)

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