Chapter 217 The unloved child

The Huo family and his son never came home, and the family was too confused to ask questions.

After waiting for a few days, I found that more and more people were getting sick around me. The epidemic that had been under control seemed to become uncontrollable in a few days.

In the end, the family didn't dare to go out to buy anything, but the servants still got sick one after another. Although my mother's medical skills were not good, they had ready-made prescriptions that were effective after taking them.

But that’s why it’s unreasonable!Since the medicine is effective, why are there more and more patients?

The more the family thought about it, the more worried they became. They boldly went to the government office to see the Huo family, but the servants refused to let them in.

Huo Chenzhao relied on his martial arts skills to secretly go out and go to the epidemic shed built by the government.

As soon as I walked over, I saw officers and soldiers carrying out the bodies one by one and stacking them on the cars. One car after another. At first glance, there were 300 people. The elders of the museum didn’t dare to look at it more.

But going around to the front, everything was in order.

The officers and soldiers were all tangled up and were distributing medicine. They looked like they were dedicated to treating the epidemic. But when Huo Chenzhao smelled the medicine, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Their recipe is called Shuanghuang Decoction, and the main ingredients in it, such as skullcap, coptis, and dandelion, all clear away heat.

But why does the medicine they boil smell like aconite?Aconite replenishes fire and supports yang!The effect of the medicine is completely opposite!
Huo Chenzhao thought he had smelled it wrong. He wanted to get closer and smell it again, but the officers and soldiers discovered it and drove him away. After returning, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he was, so he told his family.

They were so stupid back then.

My mother and aunt felt that something must have gone wrong. If this continued, wouldn't more people die?

So he rushed to the government office to tell the people in the court that the medicine was wrong and he needed to change it as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, a group of officers and soldiers suddenly came the next day. They shouted loudly as soon as they entered the door, saying that the Huo family and his son, in order to gain credit, secretly changed the dressings, so that the patients' minor illnesses could become serious ones before they went to be treated. As a result, many people died during the treatment. He died because the third prince was careful and realized something was wrong, so he detained them for interrogation. Now the Huo family has recruited them.

The family was arrested on the spot by officers and soldiers.

At this point in the epidemic, how many people have not died?

As soon as they heard this, everyone went crazy and rushed to beat them. At that time, the two mothers argued desperately, but people at that time had no sense.

Huo Chenzhao's kung fu was actually pretty good, but he really didn't have the ability to save his family among so many people.

In the end, the entire family was covered in bruises.

My cousin was less than five years old at the time. He was snatched by crazy people and beaten to the ground, dying.

When they were pushed into the dungeon, they discovered that their grandfather and father were sitting in a pile of filth.

My grandfather also contracted the disease. He was in a trance and his voice was hoarse. He kept saying: "The Huo family is gone in my hands. I am sorry to all my ancestors..."

He grabbed Huo Chenzhao's hand and said, "Go to the imperial court and go to the emperor to make the decision. The name of our Huo family has been clear for generations and cannot be ruined in my hands. Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I have been wronged..."

He went crazy.

The family almost went crazy on the spot.

The old man took the Huo family very seriously. He had been kind to others all his life and was serious to the point of stubbornness. Even when he was an imperial doctor, he never told a lie. In the end, he lost such a reputation to the fellow villagers who had saved him his whole life. We regard them as life and death enemies, and the old man will never rest in peace.

That night, my little cousin also died.

Another day later, my aunt committed suicide by hitting the wall, and then my grandmother, mother, and uncle all got sick...

You obviously have a lot of medical skills and ready-made prescriptions, but you can only be locked in this claustrophobic and dark dungeon, watching your loved ones die in pain one by one. This feeling can really drive people crazy.

Later, Huo Chenzhao also became infected.

He clearly remembered that on that night, his father suddenly woke him up and said to him: "Cong'er, since your grandfather and I came here, we have been staying in the warehouse, only responsible for checking the purchased medicines. All matters of brewing medicine and treating diseases were handled by people from the imperial court, and we had never seen them from beginning to end. Those who were with us at that time were Dr. Hu from Yikang Hall and Dr. Bu from Zhengxin Hall, who could do everything for us. It turns out... the people we often come into contact with are said to be the third prince’s eunuch named Chang Wang, and there is another steward who should also be from the third prince’s house named Liu Shun.”

"The third prince is reckless, but Yang Xianrong beside him is scheming. He was the one who talked to us twice. He seems to be the boss of the third prince. The steward he always brings with him is also named Yang, and he should be his confidant. You must know what happened. Cong'er, do you remember these people?"

In the darkness, Huo's father's voice was very low, but clear and firm: "Your grandfather, great-grandfather, great-grandfather, and heavenly ancestor, plus your father, our Huo family has been practicing medicine for five generations. The brand of our Huo family is better than that of the Great Sheng Dynasty. You still have a long life! We uphold the family motto, save lives and heal the wounded, and we have no regrets... I don’t believe that God will let our entire Huo family be wiped out!"

"Cong'er, you must remember that you are a doctor. No matter when the time comes, a doctor can never solve a problem by killing people. You can save people, you can save the world. My father wants you to treat me with dignity and dignity. Put up the Huo family’s signboard again! Let the world know that our Huo family has never harmed anyone!”

His tears fell on his face, and then he risked squeezing his Achilles' heel.

No one has ever used this method before. If you are not careful, you will really die.

But Huo Chenzhao woke up.

When he woke up, he was in a mass grave, among countless corpses, and officers and soldiers were preparing to burn them.

He climbed out quietly when no one was prepared. Looking at the blazing fire over there, the seven-year-old boy burst into tears, but did not dare to make a sound.

From then on, he had no father, no mother, and no home.

The unloved child grows up overnight.He quietly returned home, only to find that his home had been burned down, all his servants were killed in the flames, and even the medical books accumulated over generations were gone.

Huo Chenzhao was filled with hatred, but he could only endure it. He hid nearby for a few days, stole medicine to cure his illness, and then disguised himself as a beggar and investigated secretly.

In fact, you can know these things without looking up.

The charges they imputed to the Huo family were their own crimes.

Because the Huo family reacted too quickly, the epidemic was under control before the third prince arrived, and it did not spread at all.

If they don't come, the remaining dozens of mild patients will be cured in less than ten days.

But it was the third prince's first time to go on an errand, and he was very ambitious and wanted to make a big achievement so that he could become famous.

As a result, the third prince and Yang Xianrong hit it off immediately, and the two decided to let the epidemic spread before dealing with it. The reason why they controlled the three people of the Huo family was that they didn't want them to save people outside, and they didn't want them to talk nonsense.

But these two people didn't understand medical skills at all.

The Huo family's treatment was too timely, giving them the illusion that the plague was not terrible.

They never thought that the epidemic would spread so fast and that it would be completely out of control in just a few days, and the huge city would turn into a dead city in the blink of an eye.

They were afraid.

I'm afraid of death, and I'm even more afraid that this time I won't get any credit but will be blamed instead.

So they pushed back and put the blame on the Huo family.

The news that Corporal Li Xian was released to show that the third prince was released turned out to be the most favorable evidence.

While the Huo family was being imprisoned and waiting to die, their so-called confessions were released from time to time, completely confirming their charges.

Again, how could people have any sense at that time?

They never thought that the benevolent Huo family would never do such a thing. They only knew that my relative was dead and I wanted to cut my enemy into pieces.

Seeing these things happening, Huo Chenzhao became calmer.

Nowadays, the mass graves have become a pit of thousands of corpses, and he cannot find the bodies of his family members; his home has been burned down, and he cannot even erect a tomb for his relatives.

Only the character "Huo" in his surname is still there.

He quietly followed the third prince back to the capital, and then hid in the capital.

More than half a year later, he unexpectedly met Zhou Yinhan, the martial arts master who came to see him.

Zhou Yinhan was a Jianghu man. He accidentally met him when he was four years old and wanted to accept him as his apprentice. However, they were doctors and could only practice medicine. Zhou Yinhan was very regretful and stayed to teach him martial arts for three years. , and left.

I didn't expect that he would come back to find him.

Zhou Yinhan heard about what happened in Yunzhou City and went to their house again. He saw that the ancestral hall had been cleaned and the incense was burned with tree branches. He felt that outsiders would not do this. Someone from the Huo family must have survived. So I kept searching, from Yunzhou to Beijing, and finally found him.

Then Zhou Yinhan officially accepted him as his disciple and began to teach him the inner message of his sect.

His skills are getting better and better, and his investigation is becoming more and more convenient.

For example, the third prince's eunuch Chang Wang and steward Liu Shun... Because the third prince was guilty, he found an excuse to kill them after returning to the capital, but he was rescued by Huo Cong, who was renamed Huo Chenzhao.

Later, Huo Chenzhao also went to find a surviving doctor in Yunzhou County at that time.

Therefore, he had several testimonies and witnesses.

Yang Xianrong was the only one who didn't hold anything back. Even when he spoke in private, he was flawless and never left any clues behind. He could be said to be wily and scheming.

So he had no evidence to accuse him.

But he had gone to see him secretly, and found that Manager Yang was still in Yang Xianrong's house. He seemed to be in a high position and could be arrested and interrogated when the time came.

Sheng Minglin read it quietly, took a deep breath to suppress his anger, exchanged some details with Huo Chenzhao in a low voice, and then gestured to him towards the main room.

What he means is that he should tell Prince Duan about this matter so that he can cooperate with him tomorrow... This is a big matter, and since it needs to be done, it must be done at once.

Huo Chenzhao silently cupped his hands at him, his eyes showing gratitude.

Sheng Minglin took the piece of paper and left.

When they arrived at the main courtyard, Princess Duan was also there, waving to him as soon as she saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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