Chapter 218 The little sister and the big dog brother

Sheng Minglin handed the paper to his father, walked over quickly, and Princess Duan said enthusiastically: "Lin'er, look at it, what kind of sachet do you want?"

Sheng Minglin asked: "Sachet?"

"That's right," Princess Duan said, "Can't Zhuzhu's frozen beans be hung in the house? You can't throw them on the beams? Then you can't put them in the sachet? So you pick a color and pattern."

As he spoke, he held up a few for him to see.

Sheng Minglin saw that they were all similar, so he casually ordered one with several corners, "This one?"

Princess Duan said: "This is a rice dumpling! The Dragon Boat Festival is over, what do you want the rice dumplings for?"

Sheng Minglin: "How about this?"

"This one doesn't look good. It's the worst looking thing out of all of them, and you picked it out."

Sheng Minglin understood and said quickly: "I don't understand this, why don't you help me choose it?"

"Okay, okay, okay! Alas!" Princess Duan complained: "I have to choose it myself. You guys, you look so glamorous outside, but you can't even pick out a sachet."

Sheng Minglin could only smile innocently and well-behaved.

Then Princess Duan went back and forth for a long time, picked one, and compared it with him: "This is the one, it suits you very well, very scholarly and elegant."

Sheng Minglin looked at it and didn't dare to ask what was so elegant about the bells and whistles. He still said with an obedient expression: "The one chosen by my mother is indeed the most beautiful."

Princess Duan was satisfied and patted his back, "Be good! Go and do your work!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and left.

Prince Duan was watching quickly. Sheng Minglin came over to add tea to his father and poured a cup for himself to drink. Prince Duan had already finished reading and frowned: "This kid still thinks too little."

Sheng Minglin quickly asked: "What's wrong?"

Prince Duan said: "With the things we have on hand, it is no problem to kill Sheng Haomin. Even if Sheng Haomin is not crippled, there is no problem. But if we want to use this to kill Yang Xianrong, it will be difficult!"

He paused and sighed: "Don't think that the emperor can do whatever he wants. Do you know who Yang Xianrong is? Yang Xianrong is the current Minister of Staff, the head of the hundred officials!"

Ever since Emperor Taizu abolished the post of prime minister, there has been no prime minister in the Dasheng Dynasty.

After Emperor Mingxi ascended the throne, he established a cabinet, but the rank of the ministers was not high and the authority was not great. There was no clear rank among the cabinet ministers. As the saying goes, "the emperor accepts gifts calmly, and the emperor tries to humiliate himself and listens", it is only equivalent to The emperor's exclusive staff has less say in the court than the six ministries.

Therefore, Yang Xianrong's official minister is the real head of the hundred officials and the backbone of officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Prince Duan explained to him seriously: "You have to understand that no matter how powerful the emperor is, there must be constant struggle between civil servants and generals, and between monarchs and ministers. It is impossible to kill just by asking! That guy Yang Xianrong is straightforward. He said that it was because your uncle failed in the arm-wrestling that he was promoted to the throne, and he is an old fox."

"One thing you may not know is that Yang Xianrong was originally the third prince's tutor, but after the third prince came back from his business trip, his relationship with the third prince obviously faded away for a while... This Why? He is just preparing for the day when the incident comes to light and he is left alone!"

"This kid, Shen Zhao, came here with this name. Who wouldn't have second thoughts? He didn't complain even after entering Prince Duan's Mansion. It's obvious that this revenge is not simple. Yang Xianrong is a cunning old man and acts extremely cautiously. He must have thought of it a long time ago! At this moment, Manager Yang next to him has definitely been dealt with!"

Sheng Minglin said: "But Shen Zhao has met Manager Yang, and he also went to check it out personally. Manager Yang is still in the Yang Mansion!"

"Impossible." Prince Duan shook his head: "Yang Xianrong would never make such a low-level mistake. Haven't you heard a sentence? Only the dead can keep secrets! If I guess correctly, the current manager Yang will definitely Someone has been replaced.”

He took a long breath: "Let the original Manager Yang 'die' openly, and then replace him with someone who looks similar to the original Manager Yang, and still stay by his side, and he can advance, attack, retreat or defend. This is what Yang Xianrong is like It's a way to exploit people! Otherwise, what if you wait until the incident happens and then kill them in a hurry? Give them a reason?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly narrowed his eyes, and then he thought for a long time and said slowly: "I seem to remember that you said that Ling Jue will be able to change his appearance? If it doesn't work, why don't you ask Qin Jiangbai?"

Sheng Minglin opened his eyes wide in surprise: "What does dad mean?"

He actually already figured out what his father meant.

Since the real Manager Yang is dead and Yang Xianrong found a fake one to replace him...then they have "found" the real Manager Yang. From the perspective of outsiders, this is not impossible, right?After all, Yang Xianrong couldn't jump out and say that I had a guilty conscience and would I really kill him?
Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth, once again understanding the murderous intentions of politicians, so he turned around and said, "I'll call Ling Jue."

Prince Duan said: "Be careful, don't let the news leak out. I'll call someone over in a moment. You can try it in private first. I'm not sure yet whether it will work. I have to go out first and ask the manager Yang from before. Let’s talk about how you die.”

Before Sheng Minglin had time to ask anything, Prince Duan hurried away.

Sheng Minglin trotted back and saw the giant eagle in the courtyard.

To be honest, this giant eagle really doesn't look like a pet. It's too tall. Warriors like Emperor Mingxi and General Xie might like it. Zhuzhu... let alone Zhuzhu, he even finds it scary.

However, once you stop treating it as a pet and instead treat it as Zhuzhu's guardian, you will suddenly find it pleasing to the eye.

Absolutely loyal!Understand human nature!Understand human language!He is strong in combat and can fly!This is simply an invincible existence!
Sheng Minglin admired it for a while, then asked someone to tell the seventh prince to come over and see the giant eagle, and play with Zhuzhu for a while, so that he could bring Huo Chenzhao and Shen Lingjue out.

In fact, Zhuzhu didn't notice that the giant eagle had followed her back, nor did she notice that it was waiting in the courtyard.

She was nestling next to Huo Chenzhao's knees, playing medicine man with him, when she heard the voice of the Seventh Prince coming from outside: "Oh!! A giant eagle really came! Oh my God! This is too big. Come on! It’s so majestic!”

Huo Chenzhao was so preoccupied that he didn't pay attention to the outside world at all. He was stunned for a moment when he heard this: "Giant Eagle?"

"Yes!" Zhuzhu jumped up on the spot: "Zhuzhu will take you to see the big bird that Zhuzhu drew."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him out.

When the seventh prince saw her, he immediately walked around the giant eagle, hugged the dumpling with both hands, and threw it high: "Zhuzhu! Little baby!"

Tuanzi opened his hands and responded enthusiastically: "Qi Guo Guo! Big baby!"

The seventh prince caught her with a smile, took a sip on the little fleshy face, and then said: "Zhuzhu, where did this bird come from? It's so majestic! It's so beautiful! When it stops here, it's like He is a great general! He is so majestic!"

Although Zhuzhu was a little afraid of the giant eagle just now, and even regretted choosing the giant eagle a moment ago, when she saw that her friends liked it so much, envied it so much, and supported it so much... Tuanzi's little back immediately straightened up. , I feel great, and Big Bird is also great!

Tuanzi showed off his belly, "Tie the pearls! Tie the pearls and draw them!"

"I knew it!" The Seventh Prince said without hesitation: "I knew that these good things that have never been seen in the world must belong to Zhuzhu!"

Tuanzi nodded firmly: "Yes! Zhuzhuda!"

Sheng Minglin looked at the two of them and couldn't help laughing.

Whoever Zhuzhu is with, they are like brother and sister, quiet and warm.

However, as soon as they get together with the Seventh Prince... how can I put it, they are like a little sister and a big dog brother that she can't control, and they have an inexplicable temperament of working together to tear down the family.

He waved to Huo Chenzhao to come out, and gave Li Zhi a few more words of worry before leaving.

The seventh prince's eyes never left the giant eagle, and he didn't pay attention to others at all. He asked: "Zhuzhu, what is the name of this bird?"

"I haven't chosen a name yet," Tuanzi tilted his head and thought about it seriously, "It's Zhuzhu's child, and its surname is Sheng. Does it mean Weifeng? Otherwise, let's call it Shengweifeng!"

"Very good," the seventh prince immediately cheered: "Shengweifeng, sounds good! Shengweifeng, come here, the seventh uncle loves you!" He stretched out his hand to touch it.

The giant eagle raised its head proudly and ignored him.

The Seventh Prince clicked his tongue: "Zhuzhu'er, why does Shen Lingjue look like Shen Lingjue? What the hell?"

Tuanzi said quickly: "Don't worry, wait for Zhuzhu to teach it."

She looked up at the giant eagle, took courage, and asked politely: "Shengweifeng, can Zhuzhu touch your head?"

(End of this chapter)

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