After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 219 The feeling of belonging exclusively to the 7th prince

Chapter 219 The feeling of belonging exclusively to the Seventh Prince

Xiao Nai's voice was thin, but luckily Shan Sheng's majesty gave him face, so he immediately lowered his head and came over.

Tuanzi's face was full of surprise, and he looked at each other with the Seventh Prince, and then the two of them touched the head of the giant eagle with a tacit understanding.

Although I have already touched it, touching it together with Qi Guo Guo seems to have a different feeling.

Seventh Prince: "So hard!"

Tuanzi: "Slippery!"

Seventh Prince: "Its head is almost bigger than mine."

Tuanzi: "The eyes are so big!"

The seventh prince was very interested: "Sheng Ming Feng, can you show us your wings?"

Shanda Mingfeng tilted his head and glanced at him.

For some reason, the Seventh Prince always felt that he seemed to see disgust in these gray round eyes?
The next moment, the giant eagle slowly raised its head, spread its wings slowly, and its movements were even somewhat graceful.

The huge wings were like two folding fans, folding outwards. Whenever they thought they had spread to the end, they discovered that there were many more.

Until the wings that spanned almost the entire courtyard were fully unfolded, Zhuzhu and the Seventh Prince were so shocked that they were speechless.

At this moment, although they had no words to describe it, they suddenly understood that it was not just gorgeousness that was beautiful. Such simple black and white would have a majestic and simple beauty.

They all muttered in Zhuzhu's mind: "What does this mean? The system reward items cannot exceed the upper limit of this plane, otherwise there are even bigger ones!"

However, Zhuzhu didn't hear it at all.

Both of them opened their mouths wide and did not come back to their senses for a while. The servants next to them also had dull expressions, completely conquered by the grand majesty.

At this time,
Sheng Minglin and the other three had already gathered together, and Sheng Minglin briefly explained the matter.

Huo Chenzhao's face turned pale and he was silent for a long time. He still said with difficulty: "I thought too simply. It doesn't matter. Even if I really can't deal with Yang Xianrong, I can wait."

"What are you waiting for!" Shen Lingjue couldn't help but said: "He is old, what if he dies?"

Huo Chenzhao shook his head and did not answer.

Shen Lingjue said: "To be honest, Shen Zhao, your father... I didn't mean to say anything bad about my uncle. I really admire and respect this kind of person. However, if the same thing happened to me, I would really do it." If not, I can't bear it. I will just kill these beasts immediately, and then use their blood to write their crimes on the wall and tell the world! Anyway, there are no nine tribes in the Huo family anymore, so what are you afraid of!"

Sheng Minglin glared at him helplessly: "So? The Huo family's reputation from generation to generation is ignored? The last wishes of the old man and uncle are not important?"

Shen Lingjue sighed and waved his hands not to argue with him.

Sheng Minglin said warmly: "Let's not think about the unachievable problem first. Just try our best. Even the emperor is on our side. What are we afraid of? We officially declare war. We will never be tied up in the future! We are still young. , we can afford it!”

He turned to Huo Chenzhao and said, "You don't have to think too much. My father is willing to help you because of Zhuzhu. You don't owe us anything. Besides, Uncle Huang is willing to make decisions for you because you are worthy." , you are only 12 years old now, you still have a great life to serve the king!"

Before a few people said a few words, Prince Duan's people came over.

When Shen Lingjue moved, he brought all those things with him and tried to disguise him.

Unexpectedly, Prince Duan came back as soon as he got started. As soon as he entered the door, he said: "It's not good."

Sheng Minglin asked anxiously: "What?"

Prince Duan said: "More than two years ago, the previous manager Yang had a nightmare in the middle of the night for several days, and then he hanged himself from a beam... Listen to me, is this story smooth? You still don't believe me when I say he is an old fox."

Sheng Minglin's mind turned quickly and he understood it all at once. He said in shock: "You mean, Yang Xianrong has made two preparations for this matter. If he can get away with it, he will get away with it. If he really can't get away with it, then this is Manager Yang. Did he act on his own? Will he suffer retribution when he comes back? Is he at most lax with his subordinates?"

Prince Duan nodded.Sheng Minglin said: "Can the emperor believe this kind of thing? Can others believe it?"

"Innocent!" Prince Duan said seriously: "Does it matter whether you believe it or not? Even the evidence is not that important! The dispute in the court is a competition for power and interests. No one can do whatever they want."

Sheng Minglin knew that his father was teaching him, so he couldn't help but sigh and nodded silently to express his acceptance.

But he murmured: "However, no matter how dirty you are in private, you still have to use a fig leaf of fairness on the surface. Therefore, the more chips we have, the greater the price the other party has to pay. When this price is greater than His own value, their gang will definitely give up on him."

Lord Duan nodded slowly.

It makes sense in just one click, and you can see the key at once. Sheng Minglin is a born politician, better than him.

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but urge: "So, what should we do now?"

Prince Duan said: "At this moment, Sheng Haomin is still outside the city. I have asked someone to send a message to him privately. Now that he is like this, he will definitely bite Yang Xianrong... After all, he is in the right situation. I hope He can be smarter and show more strength."

He patted the back of Huo Chenzhao's hand: "Don't worry, even if we really can't deal with him this time, we can still make him shed his skin. Let's just take it slow."

Huo Chenzhao stood up and saluted: "Shen Zhao understands."

Prince Duan said again: "Tomorrow, remember..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a young boy rushed in, rolling on the ground: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's not good! His Majesty Seventh is going to take His Majesty the Young One to fly in the sky on an eagle!"

Sheng Minglin took a breath.

This familiar, frightening feeling that belongs only to the Seventh Prince! !
The father and son ran out without saying anything.

Huo Chenzhao and the other two were also afraid that they had already flown into the sky, so they also ran outside.

They knew Qinggong and were fast. When Prince Duan and his son arrived, the seventh prince was holding Zhuzhu's hand and confronting Huo Chenzhao.

The Seventh Prince was very dissatisfied: "How can there be any danger? You have never seen that Shengwei Feng's wings are several feet long, how could it not be able to carry us? Shengwei Feng himself said that he can carry us! If you don't believe me, just ask!"

Tuanzi kept nodding: "Yes!"

Grand and majestic... this name is so bead-like.

The two of them walked in silently. Zhuzhu saw it, opened her little hands and rushed over: "Daddy! Guo Guo!"

Both of them smiled and bent down, ready to receive the little baby's hug.

As a result, Zhuzhu ran halfway and saw Huo Chenzhao. She turned around and ran to Huo Chenzhao. She raised her face and looked at him for a long time, then took his hand and said, "Beautiful Guoguo, what's wrong with you?" ?”

Huo Chenzhao subconsciously wanted to find an excuse, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't help but choke.

He squatted down, hugged Tuanzi with both hands, and whispered: "Zhuzhu, I have something very important and important that I want to do, but I'm worried that I won't be able to do it..."

Tuanzi said without hesitation: "It will definitely happen!"

She opened her little arms and hugged him, patting him on the back like a little adult, "Beautiful Guoguo must be able to do anything! Zhuzhu gives you all her great wisdom, great blessings, and... and grand majesty!" "

Grand and majestic: "Gah?"

Huo Chenzhao said softly: "Thank you Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu is really the cutest baby in the world."

Tuanzi pursed her lips and nodded reservedly: "The beautiful Guo Guo is also precious!"

At this moment, no one thought that Zhuzhu's sweet words would actually come true.

(End of this chapter)

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