After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 221 As expected, it was my wife who gave birth to her child

Chapter 221 As expected, it was my wife who gave birth to her child
Prince Duan: "Here we come!"

He stood up and walked over, picked up the pen and started drawing. It looked like he was a professional at drawing flowers, and he sketched out the shape in a few seconds.

Tuanzi squeezed over to see: "Wow! Daddy is great!"

Princess Duan was squeezed away by her daughter. She simply stood up and stood back to watch. She said to Sheng Minglin, "Your father, he does whatever he wants. Even if he is not a prince, he can definitely do well outside."

Prince Duan smiled.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Then I want to learn more from my father, and also from my mother, so that we can combine the strengths of both families."

Princess Duan was happy: "I am not compatible with your kind of arrogance. You can't learn it. Even if you learn it forcefully at the time, you will be uncomfortable until midnight at least when you come back."

Sheng Minglin: "Pfft!"

While joking, Prince Duan had already drawn one skillfully and changed the paper to draw the next one.

Princess Duan held it up and looked at it: "How can someone make this pattern so beautiful? After finishing the painting, she asked the craftsman to use wood or something to carve a slightly larger one for Zhuzhu to play with in the house. It would be cute. ."

Tuanzi picked up the end of the conversation: "Cute."

As he spoke, he put the candy on his face and smelled it: "It smells so good! It really smells good!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "Zhuzhu, do you want to eat one? There are ten. After eating one, there are still nine."

Tuanzi raised his little chubby hand and looked at it, realizing how many there were nine. Then he swallowed and made up his mind: "One pearl at a time."

So Sheng Minglin started to dismantle it for her.

As soon as the transparent paper was opened, a sweet fruity aroma suddenly came out. Zhuzhu licked it carefully, bubbling with joy: "It's delicious! It's so sweet!"

She gave him: "Guo Guo, do you want to lick it?"

Sheng Minglin: "No, brother doesn't like sweets."

Prince Duan didn't lick it, but Princess Duan licked it with a smile, and then Zhuzhuer sat there quietly, rolling her little tongue, licking like a cat, her big eyes were crooked, and the satisfaction on her little face was all over the place. When it was about to overflow, just a piece of candy was forced into her mouth and she felt happy.

Princess Duan looked at her with a smile for a long time, and then said to herself: "It would be good to put a stick on this candy. It is really convenient for children to eat with it. I will ask someone to make a batch later. It will be easy to sell. "

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but laugh.

I really see that he is extremely rich, and all his eyes are filled with business opportunities.

Tuanzi licked the round candy in one breath. Suddenly he thought of something and called out to his father: "Tangtang."

Prince Duan didn't pay attention and just responded with a smile: "Well, eat it."

Tuanzi looked at his father's face, smiled like a kitten that had stolen a fish, and called out again: "Sugar Daddy."

Prince Duan suddenly came to his senses. As soon as he raised his head, Tuanzi grinned at him.

Prince Duan laughed and stretched out his hand to cup his daughter's fat chin: "Little brat, do you know daddy's name? Who told you?"

Tuanzi continued to eat sweets while saying: "Speaking of Siguoguo, my father's name is Tangtang. This name is really good... Zhuzhu's name is Zhuzhu. It's a beautiful and valuable name. Guoguo, your name is OK. What?"

Prince Duan did not wait for his son to speak, and smiled and said: "Your brother's name is Qilin, which is a very smart and powerful mythical beast. Your mother's name is An Ning, which means national peace. Because my grandfather and uncle often go there War, war is a very bad thing. Many people will be injured and it will be very painful, so your grandpa named your mother An Ning. He wanted this country and all places to be peaceful and all the people to be healthy. "

He touched his daughter's little head: "But Zhuzhu, a good baby can't call your father and mother by their names. This is not good. We won't call you by your mother's name in the future, okay?"

Tuanzi nodded obediently: "Zhuzhu, stop barking. Zhuzhu is a good baby."

Avoiding taboos is a very important etiquette and should not be joked about.

The main taboos are "taboos for respectable people, taboos for relatives, and taboos for wise people." Elders are taboos for relatives.

Not only cannot you call your parents by their names directly, but you must also avoid words that are the same as or have the same pronunciation as your parents' names, or pronounce them with different pronunciations. This is especially true when writing. You will usually reduce one or two strokes to mention them to others. The father's name should also be preceded by the word taboo.For example, there was a poet named Li He in the Tang Dynasty, and his father was named Li Jinsu. Because "Jin" and "jin" have the same pronunciation, although Li He was known as a poet and talented, he could not be promoted to Jinshi in his life.

But Zhuzhu is still young and hasn't officially been enlightened yet, so it's too early to pay attention to this. Mainly, she still can't pronounce the sounds of many words clearly. When she says "Tangtang", her pronunciation sounds like "changchang", and Sheng Minglin also follows her in saying "changchang". Intestine, otherwise I’m afraid she won’t remember it if I explain it.

Prince Duan told Zhuzhu briefly as if telling a story.

Tuanzi's eyes widened: "Fortunately, daddy didn't call for rice, otherwise Zhuzhu wouldn't be able to have rice again and would be hungry."

Prince Duan laughed, and was about to explain that that was not what he meant, but Tuanzi said again: "No, it doesn't mean you don't have to eat rice, it means you don't talk about rice, then Zhuzhu can just say dishes!"

Prince Duan was still a little shocked: "Yes! That's what it means!! Zhuzhu'er is too smart!!"

I actually understood it!Prince Duan stretched his head over and nibbled on Zhuzhu's forehead a few times: "It's so smart, as expected of wife."

Princess Duan smiled and gave him an angry look.

Tuanzi continued to eat the candy, and after eating half of it, she stopped and said to Sheng Minglin: "Guo Guo, please help Zhuzhu put in half of the candy... No," she thought seriously for a long time and changed her words, "It's better to add half of the candy. Eat it and pack it up."

Prince Duan couldn't help but laugh while tracing the pattern.

Sheng Minglin laughed and said, "Don't Zhuzhu finish eating?"

Tuanzi licked her lips, "It's so delicious. Zhuzhu couldn't bear to eat it all at once. She'll have to eat it tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Tongtong couldn't help but interject: "Host, you can eat it. Once you have points, this kind of candy will be very cheap!"

Tuanzi said: "But Zhuzhu only has this box of current debt. After eating, there will be nothing left!"

"There's more," Tongtong said, "I'll buy it for you after you finish eating!"

Although her factory points are only enough to buy seven boxes, isn’t seven boxes a lot?
Tuanzi said politely: "Thank you all, Guoguo, but Zhuzhu is full today!"

The main reason is that Tongtong Guoguo is not his own Guoguo, so Zhuzhu cannot defraud him of his money to buy food.

Read all of her thoughts: "..."

The next day, Prince Duan went to court, and Huo Chenzhao was waiting outside.

After a while, he was announced to the palace.

Since no knighthood was allowed in the Dasheng Dynasty except for military merit, Emperor Mingxi directly made an exception and conferred an official title on him and made him a judge of the Taiyuan Hospital.

Taiyuan Hospital had just been reformed a while ago. Originally, the hospital envoy was a fifth-grade official, and the hospital judge was a sixth-grade official. Each was promoted one level, and the hospital judge became a fifth-grade official.

But Huo Chenzhao's prescription solved the plague problem, which is a major event that can be recorded in the history, so this reward is not excessive. The main reason is that everyone is reluctant to offend a doctor easily, even if he is still a child now, but Because of this, the future is limitless.

No one opposed the move.

Then Huo Chenzhao saluted and said: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, but the common people are too embarrassed to accept it. The common people dare to ask the emperor to clear the grievances for the common people's family and the entire people of Yunzhou City!"

All officials looked shocked.

Most of the people who can stand here are smart people who are one in ten thousand. I have a strong memory. When I mention Yunzhou County, I can immediately go through all the information about this small county in my mind.

More than one person looked at Yang Xianrong secretly.


Because I don’t know why, it became three daily updates, so with the 2000 five-star reviews, it becomes four updates. But I didn’t notice before that it needs to be coded, so the last two chapters are a little later.

(End of this chapter)

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