After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 222: Treat His Majesty and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty as fools

Chapter 222: Treat His Majesty and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty as fools

Yang Xianrong was also frowning, as if he was thinking about what happened back then, and there was nothing strange about his face.

Emperor Mingxi said seriously: "What do you mean by this?"

Huo Chenzhao knelt on the ground and told the story from beginning to end. As he spoke, tears rolled down his face, but he resisted choking and spoke clearly.

He was the kind of extremely dazzlingly handsome, and he was still young. He was so pitiful that even the courtiers, who had experienced many hardships for a long time, couldn't bear it.

The whole hall was completely silent. Huo Chenzhao finally finished speaking and cried silently. He took two steps on his knees and presented the paper with both hands.

This piece of paper was rewritten, and no other parts were changed except for two changes.

First, when he presented the prescription, the third prince and Yang Xianrong accepted it jointly. When Huo's father presented the prescription, he also gave a list of people who had tried the medicine and recovered as evidence.

This is the truth, but Huo Chenzhao did not notice this when he wrote the petition.

The second point is that it is false.

He said that when Huo's father first came here, he was worried about his family and wanted to take leave to go home. He came over two quarters of an hour early to pay the bill, but met another steward who came to pay the bill because he smelled the smell of medicine on that person. At that time, he still felt Some prisoners muttered.

Why change it?

The first is to prove that the prescription is really effective and prevent them from arguing that the prescription they gave is useless or not effective enough, which is why so many people died.

In addition, Yang Xianrong has been known as a child prodigy since he was a child and is famous for his photographic memory. This can prove that he knows the ingredients of the prescription and believes that the prescription is effective.

As for the second point, purchasing other medicines is a confidential matter and must be handled by his own people. The third prince is also a high-ranking prince and cannot take care of it himself, so Yang Xianrong is definitely in charge of this matter.

Although it is a lie, it is very consistent with common sense.

This was the first time Emperor Mingxi had seen this piece of paper.

At that time, there were ten rooms in Yunzhou County and nine were empty. It was troublesome for the Jinyi Guards to investigate. They were definitely not as detailed as the parties concerned. Emperor Mingxi looked at it all the way and gritted his teeth with hatred and said angrily: "Things that are worse than beasts!"

He threw the paper to the ground. Yang Xianrong naturally took two steps and bent down to pick it up, but Emperor Mingxi said: "Xie Qing! Take a look too!"

Yang Xianrong was bent over. It was too awkward to get up at this time, so he naturally picked up the paper and handed it to the cabinet minister Xie Ji'an.

Xie Ji'an nodded and took it, holding it in both hands and looking at it carefully.

Xie Ji'an is known as the most talented man in Dasheng. He is not only talented, but also has an upright temperament, and is quite arrogant. Despite the ups and downs during the Taizu Dynasty, he has not changed his ambition. Even the Minister of Libu, who is the leader of hundreds of officials, still follows his example. Correct.

Sure enough, before he finished reading the petition, Xie Ji'an cursed loudly: "Your Majesty is right, you are worse than a beast! Yang Xianrong, you have no conscience, you are worse than a beast!"

Yang Xianrong was very calm and said with a smile but not a smile: "Master Jie, if you want to scold me, you must at least let me know where I went wrong, right?"

Xie Ji'an stared at him: "Why bother pretending! Don't you know the evil things you have done?"

Yang Xianrong lowered his eyes, with a look of pain on his face, and said, "Back in Yunzhou City..."

Prince Duan didn't intend to watch him act, so he interrupted him directly: "Master Jie, please show the paper to everyone."

Yang Xianrong's face flashed with anger, he shook his head and retreated into the queue.Emperor Mingxi ignored him and said: "Call that beast back, I will personally review the case!"

Zheng Zhongshun responded quickly and asked someone to pick up Sheng Haomin, a commoner outside the city.

At this time, the petition paper was still being circulated to the court. After the ministers had finished passing it on, it was about to be passed to the six ministries. Prince Duan stepped forward and pushed it, forcibly skipping Yang Xianrong.

Yang Xianrong slowly retracted his outstretched hand and said with a smile, "But when did I offend the prince?"

Prince Duan sneered and replied: "It's not a personal grudge, I'm just ashamed to be associated with people like you!"

Yang Xianrong could no longer hold back his smile and said: "Even if it is a murder case, it will only be known after the trial. Why did the prince convict me before the trial? The prince only cares about protecting his own people, so he wants to put me in a big position." Ignore the law?"

Prince Duan chuckled and said: "The person who is trying the case is the Emperor. I am just a passerby who has a little bit of wisdom. Even if there is no reason, I will not like you if I don't like you. So what? Besides, it is or No, doesn’t Mr. Yang know it very well? Why are you pretending here!? "

Xie Ji'an said loudly: "That's right!! You are the master of San... Sheng Shuren. Sheng Shuren was not even fifteen when he was on an errand. He has never been on errands before and has always obeyed your words. You said you don't know this. Qing, do you think His Majesty and the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty are fools?"

Yang Xianrong also said loudly: "What you said is just unfounded, take it for granted! During the epidemic in Yunzhou, I was indeed negligent and trusted the folk doctors too much, which led to a catastrophe and the flood was difficult to recover. But if you want to deduct it from me, I will never admit any other guilt!"

Prince Duan sneered slightly.

So, why not let him see the paper?

Yang Xianrong is a cunning and cunning person. Let him read the pleadings, and he can find several places to argue in an instant.

But if you don't let him see it, and force him to this point, he can only take the initiative to explain, explain, but he doesn't dare to say it too seriously, so the more he speaks, the more mistakes he will make.

You must know that in this government, even if officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang account for half of the country, there are always neutral officials who are neither cliques nor cliques; there are good ministers who care about the world and protect the people; there are pure ministers who only follow the emperor's footsteps.

They have their own ruler in their hearts and will make their own judgments. What Prince Duan wants to win is the alignment of this group of officials.

But at this time, an official from the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions had already read the petition and said, "This is just one-sided words. The fake death is so ridiculous that I can hardly believe it."

Emperor Mingxi said coldly: "At that time, the entire Imperial Hospital never found out the Queen's illness. Only Huo Chenzhao did. How old is Huo Chenzhao? A 12-year-old boy! I trust the Huo family's medical skills!"

The official was speechless on the spot, and another person said: "Master Yang is well-informed, how could he not know that the plague is like a spark that starts a prairie fire?"

"Exactly!" Another official said: "Even if you want to delay it, why not just not give the patient medicine, or find some grass roots and tree bark? Why use aconite and the like and spend a lot of money? This is a lie. It’s too outrageous!”

Prince Duan said: "The facts are so outrageous!"

That's why I say that the third prince and Yang Xianrong are really ignorant and vicious.

Just like what this person said, they randomly picked some grass roots and tree barks to use as medicine, but it was useless at best. Some people could always resist it, but they actually had to use the opposite medicine to make people sicker and die for several days. Then no one will stop... A lot of money is spent in this process. How "why not eat minced meat" is this?
Really, even the viciousness is so vicious.

As more and more officials read the petition, they began to express their opinions, and the quarrel became loud and clear.

At this moment, Sheng Shuren was dragged in.

Prince Duan looked at him quickly, and his heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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