Chapter 223 A common reminder
Some people become stronger when faced with a blow, but Sheng Shu people are obviously not among them.

His eyes were red, with hope in his eyes of despair, and the flesh on his face was twitching. It was obvious that he was not calm at all at this time.

This situation will only give Yang Xianrong and his group more opportunities to catch the loopholes in his words and put the blame on him.

Sure enough, as soon as Sheng Shuren came in, he shouted crazily: "Father! Father! Please spare me! I regret it, I regret it, I will never dare to do it again! Please spare me, Doesn’t the father love his sons the most..."

He burst into tears and spoke incoherently.

Emperor Mingxi looked at him quietly from under his crown and did not respond.

Sheng Shuren cried for a long time. He cried until he was hoarse and then stopped.

Emperor Mingxi said coldly: "Cheng Qing!"

Cheng Fengqi, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, responded to the call, raised his hands and said, "Sheng Shuren, five years ago you went to Yunzhou County to provide disaster relief. What happened, please tell me from beginning to end."

Prince Duan selected two minor officials from the Hanlin Academy and asked them to serve as scribes to record the records.

Sheng Shuren still cried for a while. Seeing that Emperor Mingxi was unmoved, he gritted his teeth and said: "Back then? It was my first time to go on an errand, and I was very nervous. I didn't have the courage! Everything happened because of him..." He suddenly said Pointing at Yang Xianrong: "He taught me everything!"

Yang Xianrong looked calm: "Sheng Shuren, when I teach you lessons, you often refute me in public, but when you are on errands, you say that you obey my words. How can others believe it?"

Sheng Shuren screamed: "It's you! It's you!"

Prince Duan lowered his eyes, turned to look at Huo Chenzhao, and gave him a calm look.

He wanted to let Sheng Shuren know that he would not be spared, so he dragged Yang Xianrong into the water, but you can't be so simple and crude!

Sure enough, Sheng Shuren's words became more and more incoherent, but Yang Xianrong's group became more and more sharp.

Prince Duan listened quietly.

He found that many people really felt that Yang Xianrong would not commit such stupid things as "spending money to buy monkshood" and that he would not even know how severe the plague was. Therefore, many people felt that these things might be based on the opinions of common people. Yang Xianrong just didn't stop it.

However, Yang Xianrong was an old rival of Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan, and both of them knew him too well. Yang Xianrong had a well-off family since he was a child, but he was modest on the surface but arrogant in reality. These intrigues in the court were very sophisticated and sophisticated, but... Not good at practical work.

Spending money to buy monkshood is really something he can do.

As for Sheng Shuren's temperament, he really taught him about it. He also had a sinister temperament, but was not good at practical matters.

In fact, the most likely reason for this matter is that officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang wanted to take advantage of the third prince, but accidentally got away with it.

The queen was born into a family of military commanders, and the prince who was the direct descendant of the queen was naturally closer to the military commanders' side.

As for the second prince, his biological mother was not of high birth and he had no power behind him, so he could only win over civil servants. With a common secret, this cooperation would be unbreakable.

It's a pity that it got out of hand. It is no longer a common secret, but a common reminder.

A group of people had been arguing for more than an hour, but there was no result.

In the end, Emperor Mingxi ordered the three judicial divisions to review the case and ordered the fourth prince to supervise the case. Huo Chenzhao, as the plaintiff, also wanted to follow.

Prince Duan wanted to avoid suspicion and couldn't interfere openly, so he just said to Cheng Shangshu: "Excuse me, Master Cheng, please help me take care of my people."

Cheng Shangshu said repeatedly: "Of course, Prince, don't worry."

Yang Xianrong sneered and left.

Prince Duan gritted his teeth secretly.

The civil servants are so powerful that they are so annoying.

Back then, Grandfather Taizu took back the kingdom from the foreigners. If the foreigners took over the kingdom, would they regard the Han people as their own?
Absolutely not, so it was a waste of effort, and what Taizu received was a standard mess.

Chaos, poverty, no one to help them, and they had to squeeze out money to fight the war.

At that time, the military attache was absolutely in charge.

However, when the war gradually subsided, it was necessary to recuperate and recuperate, and the status of civil servants would gradually rise. Today, they can often influence the king's decisions.

Grandfather Taizu could kill at random. To put it bluntly, it was because it was already in chaos at that time, and the people in charge were all newcomers. If they were replaced by newer people, they wouldn't be so bad.

But now, every time I use the knife, I have to be very careful, because sitting here is really affecting my whole body.

The Third Law Division did not dare to delay, and immediately brought over the witnesses that Huo Chenzhao had hidden, and began the trial, with the fourth prince observing the whole process.

But after all the interrogation, what Prince Duan said is that it is easier to kill common people Sheng, but not Yang Xianrong.

At this time,
In Prince Duan's Mansion.As soon as Tuanzi woke up and finished breakfast, he went to find Guo Guo as usual.

As a result, Sheng Minglin was not here, so he went to deliver frozen beans to the General's Mansion on the order of his mother, because there should be a lot of things to say about this kind of thing, but his mother didn't know what to say, so she sent him. Let him speak for himself.

Tuanzi went to look for Beautiful Guoguo again, but Beautiful Guoguo was not there either.

Qi Guo Guo has a literature class in the morning and cannot come out.

Zhuzhu did not think of looking for Xingxing Guoguo. After all, in her heart, Xingxing Guoguo still belonged to the category of maternal uncle who could not be found at any time.

So, all the brothers were gone, and Tuanzi was very disappointed. Even eating the spicy and delicious candies felt a little bit unhappy.

While sitting in front of the window eating sweets, she chatted with Shanda Weifeng through the window: "Do you have a father or mother?"

Grand and majestic: "Gah!"

Tuanzi nodded: "So you don't have a father or a mother, so do you have Guo Guo?"

Grand and majestic: "Gah??"

Tuanzi nodded again: "So you don't have Guo Guo, you are so pitiful."

Shanda Wei closed his beak: "..."

Tuanzi took another lick of candy and suddenly felt something was wrong: "But, aren't you Zhuzhu's child? Then what is Zhuzhu yours?"

Everyone in the yard was suppressing laughter.

Because there was this giant bird in the yard, everyone wanted to come over and take a look. At this moment, many servants were holding poles and sticking cicadas away from the trees, so as not to disturb the master, and they had already stuck a small bag.

Someone walked in from outside, suddenly jumped up, grabbed a cicada, threw it into the servant's bag, and stepped forward to salute: "Your Highness."

Tuanzi waved in surprise, "Master Qin!"

She ran around the window and introduced him: "Master Qin! This kid with beads, his name is Shanda Weifeng!"

your child? ?Qin Jiangbai looked at the huge eagle and said with a smile: "Hello, Shanda Mingfeng."

Grand and majestic, head held high.

Qin Jiangbai asked very curiously: "It is so huge, can it still fly?"

"Of course!" Tuanzi said, "It flies so high! It's grand and majestic. Fly it and show it to Lord Qin."

The giant eagle spread its wings, swooped into the sky, and then hovered over the small courtyard.

Qin Jiangbai looked up and praised repeatedly: "It's amazing. With the protection of the divine bird, His Highness is safe."

"That's right!" Tuanzi said proudly: "Zhuzhu and Shengweifeng will protect the Jie family together!"

The circle of grand and majestic Panshi was much larger on the spot and flew much higher. It probably encompassed the entire Prince Duan's Mansion.

You can actually understand what people are saying!
Qin Jiangbai clicked his tongue in surprise, and just as he looked up, Zhuzhu took his hand, and then Zhuzhu pulled him into the room, let him sit on her small stool, and asked him: "Master Qin, Are you here to play with Zhuzhu?"


Yesterday, a relative came to me to talk about Cui Yun's problem. I was surprised and guilty. A supporting role that can make people truly like or dislike it is a success for me and worthy of joy. However, Cui Yun's The ending has been decided, and it really can’t be changed.

This is all my fault. I was struggling with myself at the time, so I wanted to ask your opinions. I thought you would like the feeling of participating, but I didn't expect that opinions would be so polarized, so I regret it so much. Because I really want to make every little cutie who reads the article happy, but I can't do it. There will always be one party who is not happy, because they participated very seriously, and of course they all hope to get their wish.

But I don't want to make him not so good so that people don't love him; or make him not so bad so that people don't hate him. I don't want to, because in my heart he is real and alive. He is such a person, arrogant and extreme, as gorgeous as fireworks, and after being reduced to mud, he will madly drag the whole world to his death.

He and Huo Chenzhao, I actually wrote about these two people for comparison.

Huo Chenzhao's original name is Cong, which is a kind of jade.And the last thing is sunlight.Including Yujue, it is also implicitly hinted that Yujue is a kind of chipped jade.

A young boy as gentle as jade, after the jade was broken, his heart still looked towards the sunshine.

A handsome man who was as dazzling as the sun, after encountering a big change, his heart fell into a quagmire and he was unable to save himself.

He changed his name to Yun Zhiqi, what is the path, the path is a small road, Yun Zhiqi. In his madness and despair, he searched for a way back to the past, but he never found it, and he will never find it.

Should he deserve it? Damn it!
However, because you and I are all mortals and cannot be Huo Chenzhao, we can understand Cui Yun better.

In his previous life, he died calmly. In this life, I want to give him a ray of sunshine and a glimmer of life...I'm sorry to dissatisfy some of my relatives. Woo hoo, please don't dislike the stupid author. I'll call Zhuzhu to sell you one. Meng, don't be unhappy, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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