Chapter 224 Zhuzhu’s carefulness
Qin Jiangbai was sitting on a very short stool, with his knees raised and twisted. He coughed and said, "Yes. I came to play with His Highness for a while, and I also asked for your brother. Is he there?"

"Guo Guo is not at home," Tuanzi pressed his knee, as if he was afraid he would run away: "But you can ask Zhu Zhujie to wait for him, and Zhu Zhu will wait with you. Zhu Zhujie has a lot of fun, There are a lot of delicious things too…”

She suddenly remembered that there was something she hadn't shown off, so she immediately turned around, picked up Pretty Tangtang, and put it on his lap, "Look, it's delicious!"

Qin Jiangbai exclaimed in unison: "Ah! Is this candy?"

"Shh!" Tuanzi tried to cover his mouth so he couldn't reach it, so he had to cover his own mouth and whispered, "You can't say sweets. I call you sweets because of my daddy, so I can't say sweets. I have to say 'delicious'!"

Qin Jiangbai couldn't stop laughing and didn't explain to her. My father's name is not Tang, so I didn't have to avoid taboos, so I just said: "Your Highness is so smart." As he said that, he picked up the candy and looked at it, and praised with a smile: " Your Highness’s Tangtang looks good too!”

Tuanzi nodded reservedly, looked at him, hesitated for a while, then made up his mind, picked up a candy and handed it to him: "Zhuzhu can give you one!"

Qin Jiangbai said quickly: "No need, I don't like sweets."

"But you said last time that you like to eat candies!" Tuanzi covered the box, held it in his arms, and looked at him with bright eyes: "Your good friend who wears Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu will give you candies." The candy... is delicious for you, Zhuzhu doesn’t feel bad! Really!"

Qin Jiangbai looked at her duplicity and found her funny and cute, "But I am an adult. If you want to eat delicious food, you can buy it yourself. You can't steal His Highness's candy."

Tuanzi's little head shook: "But if you send me a few to buy it, there won't be any beads in it!"

Qin Jiangbai: "..."

Zhuzhu's little care...especially when she looked at you with those bright eyes. Mr. Qin couldn't stand the cuteness. After thinking about it, he still took it into his arms: "Thank you, Your Highness, sir. What a joy!”

Tuanzi held his hand happily: "Then let's play together?"

So Mr. Qin spent the whole morning with Zhuzhu throwing small sandbags.

Later, Shen Lingjue came over and stayed with them for a while.

At noon, Sheng Minglin probably was left with a meal by the General's Mansion and didn't come back, so the three of them had lunch together.

Qin Jiangbai also said: "It's so cool in Your Highness's room, and there's no ice basin."

Tuanzi proudly said: "Because Zhuzhu has frozen beans." She was led astray by her mother, and she had completely forgotten what the original name of this thing was: "Zhuzhu can give you one. Sister Litchi, help Zhuzhu go there." take."

Lychee responded and left.

After a while, a small wooden box was brought over, containing a few frozen beans. As soon as it was opened, there was a burst of cold air.

Qin Jiangbai was surprised.

Now that Sheng Minglin is not here, Shen Lingjue looks unreliable again. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "Your Highness, if it is something important, it is better not to give it to me, and don't mention it to others."

"How many beads are there!" Tuanzi said: "How many beads are there for you!"

She put down the spoon and wrenched her fingers: "Guo Guo said, except for the people from the home, how can people outside tell Xing Xing Guo Guo and Mr. Qin! The others are all bad people, Zhu Zhu is obedient, and Zhu Zhu doesn't say anything. "

Qin Jiangbai: "..."

I am moved by a little meat dumpling every day!

Shen Lingjue frowned: "Zhuzhu'er, I just want to ask, do I need to give gifts or take a test to enter your home? Why is Huo Chenzhao your own brother and I am 'from outside'?"

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment: "Yiwei..."

Shen Lingjue raised his eyebrows. Tuanzi was afraid that he would come to grab his little hands and feet again. He swayed his body and moved his butt towards Qin Jiangbai, and then said: "As a Zhuzhu, you can't snatch the pot from Grandpa's house."

Shen Lingjue was stunned.

Because he still has a family, to Zhuzhu, he is someone else's elder brother.

Thinking of this, he suddenly no longer envied Huo Chenzhao at all. He said to her seriously: "You are right, I belong to someone else's family, but you can love me as much as you love your brother." He nodded to her.

Group: "..."

Qin Jiangbai hehehe.

The three of them were talking and eating. Zhuzhu actually felt sleepy not long after the meal, but because the guests were still there, she was still trying hard to play with them. Qin Jiangbai and Qin Jiangbai were inexperienced in coaxing babies, so they didn't See something.Finally, Lychee couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Master, are you sleepy? Do you want to go to bed?"

Both of them stopped playing with gadgets and looked at Zhuzhu.

Tuanzi felt embarrassed and said, "Zhuzhu's pillow, but maybe I miss Zhuzhu. Zhuzhu should go and see it."

The two nodded silently.

Tuanzi then reached out and hugged Lychee. As soon as he hugged her, he started to yawn and rub his eyes. He was obviously sleepy.

Two people: "..."

After Zhuzhu fell asleep, the two of them came out. Qin Jiangbai said to him, "I don't know when Minglin will come back. The first group of Honghu Guards have arrived. I want you to go and see it together."

"Ah? Here?" Shen Lingjue said: "Then let's go take a look first. As soon as Minglin comes back, he will definitely come to see Zhuzhu first and wait for me to tell Zhuzhu's servant."

After saying something while stepping back, the two of them went.

Over there, Sheng Minglin went to the General's Mansion and met Mr. Xie.

Mr. Xie had already retired and had nothing to do at home. He took him to chat for a long time. When he was satisfied, he let him have a meal and then let him back.

As soon as Sheng Minglin came back, he heard what the boy said about Shen Ling Jueliu.

Seeing that his sister was still awake, Sheng Minglin went over to take a look.

Honghuwei's courtyard is a separate courtyard from the back door of Prince Duan's Mansion. It's quite far to walk all the way there.

When he arrived, he saw that Shen Lingjue was already touching the bones one by one.

Shen Lingjue is usually somewhat naive, but when it comes to the things he is good at, he is simply calm and indifferent, completely different from usual.

Sheng Minglin glanced at it twice, turned around and asked, "Brother Jiang Bai, are there so many here?"

Qin Jiangbai said: "This batch is one hundred and four, you pick first, and count as many as you can pick."

He paused and then said: "Also, as I said before, find some men, women, old and young, as well as people with physical disabilities. I have reported it to the emperor, and the emperor said it is okay. When the time comes, separate a separate courtyard to release them. , we will discuss the details of what to teach. But the emperor said that this group of people do not need to be placed in the Honghu Guards. The Honghu Guards only need elites who come and go. Let us not make a mistake. "

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows, but he didn't ask any more questions and continued to look at them one by one.

Most of these people were over ten years old and had simply taken a bath and groomed themselves. Although they were thin, they seemed to be in good spirits. Sheng Minglin looked at them one by one and found no wrong eyes or anything inappropriate. Yes, he couldn't help but nodded.

Qin Jiangbai said in a low voice: "You can just learn as you go, and you can pick things out slowly." Ling Jue said that generally about [-]% of those who can learn the mental method, and of the [-]%, about [-]% to [-]% is excellent. I heard that the emperor wants to keep only the last [-]% or [-]%, and most of them will go."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Where are you going?"

Qin Jiangbai said: "Practice martial arts first, and then when they grow up, they may all be incorporated into the Jinyi Guard."

While the two of them were talking, Shen Lingjue kept touching the bones one by one. It took him more than two hours to touch the people again. He turned around and said, "Jiang Bai, these people you picked are very good. I actually didn't touch anyone who failed, at least they all passed the test."

Qin Jiangbai smiled: "That's really good luck. I can't look at the bones, and neither can they."

As he spoke, he stepped forward and ordered people to take them down first. Since they passed the initial review, they will live here in the short term.

Shen Lingjue asked: "When will you start teaching?"

"Wait a minute," Qin Jiangbai said, "Wait until Shen Zhao finishes his work and come over to take a pulse."

The three of them went back together. Sheng Minglin said: "I have the fourth brother's regular clothes here. My mother helped prepare them. Brother Jiang Bai came over to my place to change clothes and have dinner together in the evening."

Qin Jiangbai hesitated: "I went back directly."

"No, you can't leave," Sheng Minglin raised his hand and grabbed his arm: "You are my gift. I was not at home in the morning, and I was busy in the afternoon. I didn't see Zhu Zhuer. I will probably be unhappy when we meet. I want to get it. You go and be happy with Zhuzhu."

(End of this chapter)

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