Chapter 225 I am your scapegoat

Qin Jiangbai was so happy that he went to his yard to change clothes.

Sheng Minglin himself also changed his clothes. Before he could finish changing, he heard the voice of Lychee outside: "Master, slow down!"

Sheng Minglin was tying his belt while going out. Xiaorouduanzi had already rushed in and bumped into him. Sheng Minglin quickly stretched out his hand to support him and said with a smile: "Zhuzhu, you..."

Tuanzi relied on his strength to stand firm, took two steps back, hugged him with his two little arms, and half turned around: "Humph!"

Sheng Minglin was so cute by her cute hum, he hugged her and kissed her twice, while asking: "Zhu Zhu'er, what's wrong?"

Tuanzi pushed his face away with difficulty and turned around again, "Humph!"

Sheng Minglin stood up with a smile, and while hurriedly tying his belt, he bent down and asked, "Zhuzhuer, Zhuzhuer, what's wrong with you?"

Tuanzi turned around, facing the wall directly, and even peeked at him, with "It's so obvious, why can't my brother see it" written all over his face?
So Tuanzi puffed up his cheeks, blew a few breaths, and glanced at him secretly.

Sheng Minglin held back his laughter and said, "So Zhuzhu'er is angry! Why is Zhuzhu'er angry? Tell your brother, okay?"

Tuanzi couldn't help it anymore and said aggrievedly: "Guoguo didn't owe anyone in the morning! I didn't owe anyone in the afternoon! I couldn't find Zhuzhu!" Tuanzi was so angry that he stamped his feet, "I didn't owe anyone all day long! You!" Are you going to find other children just to play with? Are you aware that you don’t want Zhuzhu?"

"Of course not, baby," Sheng Minglin quickly picked up the little ancestor and coaxed him, "Brother doesn't like other children. He only loves Zhuzhu and only plays with Zhuzhu. In the morning, my mother asked my brother to go to my grandpa's house to deliver frozen food. Douzi, my grandpa tested my knowledge, taught me how to practice martial arts, and even kept me to eat, so that’s why I wasn’t at home. After I finished eating, I hurried back to see Zhuzhu. As a result, Master Qin took me away to work, and I said I wouldn’t go. , I have to wait for Zhuzhu to get up, Zhuzhu must miss me. Mr. Qin insists on serious business, so he forces me to go, but I can’t beat him..."

Mr. Qin, who had just changed his clothes: "...???"

Didn’t you say that I am your gift?Doesn’t this make it clear that I am your scapegoat?

Sheng Minglin was still coaxing softly: "So Zhuzhu, please don't be angry. My brother also misses Zhuzhu very much. I miss you so much... I won't do it anymore, or next time I go out for something, I will give it to Zhuzhu." Zhuzhu left a note, and after Zhuzhu read the note, she would not be anxious..."

Sheng Minglin hugged his sister and walked around the room. After coaxing him for a long time, Tuanzi finally felt a little happy, but he still said: "Although Guo Guo is right and Mr. Qin is right, Zhuzhu is still a little bit different." Angry, Zhuzhu has to wait until tomorrow before Chai can get along with Guo Guo! But today I can play with Guo Guo for a while." She looked at Qin Jiangbai who was not far away: "There is also Mr. Qin, Kuo Guo. Let’s play for a little while.”

Sheng Minglin said quickly: "Thank you Zhuzhu for playing with us. How about we play while we eat?"

Tuanzi nodded in agreement, and Sheng Minglin sent someone to the main courtyard to tell him that he had guests here and would eat directly in Zeyuan, and then go over after dinner.

In fact, Sheng Minglin mainly wanted to say that he had kept guests. If Prince Duan was willing, he would invite them to the front to eat. Qin Jiangbai and he were in charge of the Honghu Guard, and they would come and go frequently in the future, so it would be a good idea to get acquainted with him in advance.

Mainly because he was still worried about Huo Chenzhao and didn't know what was going on, so he was anxious to ask.

As a result, not long after the people were sent, Prince Duan came over.

Sheng Minglin quickly asked: "Dad, how are you doing?"

Prince Duan shook his head: "Not very good!"

There was an intense interrogation at the Third Law Department for a whole day.

All the witnesses, including Manager Yang, were interrogated, and the fourth prince watched him for a whole day. The emperor's intention was very obvious, so even though the minister of Dali Temple was also an official of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions, he did not dare to blatantly side with Yang Xianrong.

Sheng Haomin cannot escape his guilt, because he was ordered to do the whole thing, and in order to restore his reputation, he went to the epidemic shack several times. There are witnesses, so he cannot escape the guilt. At this time, he is a commoner, so he can directly He was sentenced to be beheaded in public.

But there is no evidence to prove that Yang Xianrong knew anything about it.

Even if everyone knew that it was impossible for him to be unaware, there was no evidence. Without evidence, they could not stop the civil servants from beeping, nor could they torture him.

When something like this happened, Yang Xianrong, as an accompanying civil servant, would have neglected his duty if he didn't know about it. It was because he failed to urge him enough. But if he admits that he didn't urge him well, it would be tantamount to admitting that he really didn't know about it. How could that be allowed?

So it was a stalemate for the time being.In the evening, Prince Duan went over in a grand manner. When he saw Yang Xianrong coming out, he saluted him unhurriedly.

Prince Duan said: "Master Yang, you can eat whatever you want when you go back, otherwise you may not be able to eat in a few days."

Yang Xianrong answered him with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I am in good health, and I will work hard for my Dasheng for decades!"

Neither of them is the kind of person who likes to argue with each other. They said it once and left each other.

Prince Duan went over and looked at Huo Chenzhao.

He was the plaintiff, so he could actually go home and live there, but Prince Duan knew how he felt and didn't force him to come back. He just gave him a few words and left.

Prince Duan said casually and couldn't help but sneer: "Just now, I heard that a large number of officials went to the Yang Mansion." Even the gentle Prince Duan couldn't help but curse: "Damn it! They hugged each other so blatantly. !”

You don't need to think about it to know that when these people get together, they will definitely discuss how to put pressure on the emperor and then make some concessions so that the emperor can remove this issue and not convict Yang Xianrong.

Yang Xianrong, who was full of profit calculations, thought that the emperor was like this too, and believed that no matter how big the issue was, it could all be solved by exchange of interests.

However, Prince Duan understood.

Whether it is Grandfather Taizu, the Imperial Brother, or himself... in his heart, the common people play a huge role. They are all people who have endured hardships with Grandfather Taizu. They have seen the sufferings of the people with their own eyes. They I have a very simple wish in my heart, so that everyone in Dasheng can have enough to eat.

Yang Xianrong thought that the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions would protect him, so he was confident. However, he had no idea that from the moment Emperor Mingxi asked Huo Chenzhao to complain to the court, he had already made up his mind to deal with it.

If there is really no evidence to convict him in the end, Emperor Mingxi will probably kill him forcefully.

Killing Yang Xianrong, killing a group of Jiangsu and Zhejiang officials, and washing the court with blood will usher in the temporary dormancy of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions, and the temporary calm of the court... but it will also mean that all ministries are in a hurry, and the officials below may be late in submitting memorials. If they are not resolved, many things that should have been resolved in a few days have been delayed for months...

A little delay from above may cost countless lives among the people. The common people have too little. They are like porcelain figures. A little suffering will lead to destruction.

Prince Duan's eyes were red, and he looked away for fear of scaring his daughter.

The table was quiet.

Shen Lingjue couldn't help but said: "Don't there be any good people in this Jiangsu and Zhejiang faction? This is tens of thousands of lives! Do they have no human heart at all? Don't they feel chills down their spines when working with such people?"

Prince Duan shook his head: "Of course not, there is a saying, it is better to speak harshly than to speak harshly... What kind of emperor there is, there are what kind of officials. Taizu attaches great importance to the people, and the emperor also attaches importance to the people. In the court, , There are many officials who love the people as their sons, but there is no way, they are in it, they can’t help it, not everyone has the courage to risk the lives of one person, a family, or even nine tribes to defend the law. "

So, this is the real difficulty.

Tuanzi felt the unusual atmosphere and reached out to pull his father's arm: "Daddy, daddy! What's wrong with you!?"

Prince Duan calmed down his breath, turned around and said with a smile: "It's okay, daddy was blinded by the sand."

Tuanzi's eyes widened: "I'm lying, mother said Shajie can't be blinded!" She grabbed his clothes and leaned her little face over to take a closer look: "You are crying! Who bullied daddy, Zhuzhu Kick him in the elbow!”

Prince Duan was amused by her and laughed out loud: "Baby, you can't beat me away."

"He can hit elbows!" Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu has the great wisdom Guo Guo! And the Seven Guo Guo! And... and the grand majesty!!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly heard an eagle's cry in the sky, loud and clear. Everyone looked outside and saw a black shadow suddenly covering the door, and then... throwing a person down.

Several people:"……???"

(End of this chapter)

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