Chapter 226 Witnesses descend from heaven
Prince Duan and Sheng Minglin stood up almost at the same time, walked around the table and walked out quickly, thinking "Oh no! The bird they raised hurt someone!"

But Qin Jiangbai stood up like flying, stood in front of Zhuzhu, and held down the Xiuchun knife with one hand.

Tuanzi couldn't see his left side and his right side. He poked his lower back strangely: "Master Qin, give Zhuzhu a chance to reduce his shortcomings. Zhuzhu can't see it!"

Qin Jiangbai stepped away slightly, but his big hands still held her little head, for fear of danger. Tuanzi exposed half of her little head from under his palm, and was still holding his robe with one hand, looking out curiously. Watch.

The giant eagle stood there with its wings folded, blocking the door tightly, holding its head high and confident, without any consciousness of getting into trouble.

At this time, the man on the ground had already struggled to get up. He was a middle-aged man with a few scars on his face. He didn't seem to be seriously injured. He quickly lowered his head and said, "Good morning, Wang Ye."

Prince Duan immediately realized something was wrong and straightened his back: "You know me? Are you?"

The man hesitated for a long time: "Little, little..." He gritted his teeth for a long time, then suddenly raised his head: "Excuse me, is Huo Chenzhao here?"

Suddenly an idea flashed in Sheng Minglin's mind and he blurted out: "You are Manager Yang!"

The man seemed to be taken aback, and then his shoulders relaxed: "The prince is wise, the younger one is the former manager of Yang Xianrong's family, the younger one's name is Yang Zhong."

Sheng Minglin inhaled slightly.

There was actually a real manager Yang!
Prince Duan and his son exchanged glances in surprise.

Both of them thought with the benefit of hindsight: Yang Xianrong was cunning and cunning. He must not be stupid to be regarded as a confidant. It was not unusual for him to leave a way out and escape with his life.

He didn't even eat the meal, so he asked him to come in and said directly: "Since you are here, let's talk about it!"

Yang Zhong was probably trained to report things to his master, and he spoke concisely and to the point.

The matter was quite simple. Yang Xianrong wanted to silence him, but he noticed it, so he wanted to send his son and grandson away first. As a result, Yang Xianrong found out about this. Yang Xianrong knew that the matter was exposed, so he turned against him and robbed him. His son and grandson forced him to pretend to have a series of frightening dreams, and then hang himself from the beam.

However, Yang Zhong had followed him for many years and knew his nature well, and knew that he would never let his children and grandchildren go.

He was also bold and cruel. It was not like he hadn't left himself any trump cards in the Yang Mansion for so many years, and he also had private connections, so he went around and found another corpse.

The face of this hanged man is not straight. Who dares to step forward and identify him carefully?Yang Xianrong would never come to see it in person, so it would not be difficult to find someone similar to him to get through.

The hard thing is how to take revenge.

Of course he didn't dare to file a complaint directly. A little guy like him couldn't sue Yang Xianrong even with 1 pieces of evidence, but he didn't believe that Yang Xianrong could be famous all his life.

So after he escaped from the house, he had been waiting for an opportunity.

Moreover, Manager Yang was rigorous in his work and kept evidence on hand, including evidence for more than one incident.

For example, regarding the plague in Yunzhou County, he left a few old notes containing money as evidence.

In a large household, if the master wants to pay money to the accountant, he must have proof. When he is away from home, it will be relatively simple.

Yang Xianrong is a man who doesn't hold anything back, but there are some things that only servants will notice that he would never expect.

For example, these pictures show the large sums of money spent by Yang's accountant during the plague in Yunzhou County, all of which are stamped with Yang Xianrong's small seal.

No matter how wealthy the Yang family is, they send out thousands of dollars. If Yang Xianrong says that Yang Xianrong doesn't know about it, who will believe it?It can't be that the accountant borrowed the courage from heaven?
You know, the normal purchase of medicines uses money specially provided for disaster relief. Only when buying things like aconite that cannot be recorded in the account, he uses his own money.

Therefore, as long as he can't explain the whereabouts of the money, this is ironclad evidence!
Of course, even if he made it up, it would be in vain with the witness of Manager Yang. This time, he is dead!

As for why he was captured by Ju Ying, it was because he heard about Huo Chenzhao's imperial complaint and thought it was a good opportunity, so he secretly ran to Prince Duan's Mansion, only to find that outside Prince Duan's Mansion, there were actually people from Yang's Mansion in the distance. Stare!

Manager Yang was so panicked that he didn't think much about it and wanted to climb over the wall and come in... Then he was caught by the giant eagle as a thief.

Prince Duan raised his eyebrows: "Have the people from the Yang family seen you?"

"No," Manager Yang said quickly: "I know him, so I avoid him when I see him from a distance. He is also hiding himself, so it is impossible to see me clearly. Moreover, I look different now than before. Even if he sees me You may not recognize it." Prince Duan smiled and said: "Okay, very good!" The more he thought about it, the happier he became: "Great! God has eyes!"

Then he paused: "No, I, Zhu Zhu'er, am the lucky one!"

Tuanzi didn't even bother to eat and tried to listen to what they were saying. He didn't really understand much, but he still said: "That's right! Zhuzhu Bangbang!"

She saw Qin Jiangbai: "Xie Zhuzhu and Mr. Qin, let Shangshengweifeng protect our family! Shangshengweifeng is also great!"

Prince Duan laughed: "Yes, Shengweifeng is great! Ask the kitchen to prepare more food for it. Shengweifeng has done a great job!"

This really solves an urgent need! !

Prince Duan laughed a few times and suddenly thought of something: "By the way, when Shanda Weifeng brought you here just now, did you fly high?"

Yang Zhong laughed sarcastically: "Actually, I don't know much about it, because Sheng... is the Divine Bird. He flew too fast. When he was halfway up the wall, he felt a tightness on his body. In the blink of an eye, he was They didn’t even react, and they just came here.”

Prince Duan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Very good, very good."

He turned around and said: "Jiang Bai, could you please go into the palace and tell the emperor brother."

Jin Yiwei comes to the palace every day and is inconspicuous, so he will not be considered to be related to this case.

Just let Yang Xianrong jump a few more times. The more joyful he jumps, the more painful it will be to slap him in the face. It will be easier for the emperor to handle it, and no one dares to say anything about it.

Qin Jiangbai agreed with a smile and left.

Prince Duan took Manager Yang down and continued to ask questions carefully. After all, other things might be used in the future.

Sheng Minglin carried his sister down, walked with her for a while, and then coaxed her to sleep.

Zhuzhu had been sleeping with the candy box in her arms for the past two days. It wasn't until she fell asleep that Sheng Minglin quietly took the candy box out of her arms and put it next to the pillow. He held her little hand and covered it with her. Nice tissue.

Now there are ice stones hanging in the room, which is very cool, so a thin cover is just right.

He looked at his sister's little face with a smile for a while, then stood up and prepared to leave quietly.

Finally, after taking only two steps, Zhuzhu murmured: "Uncle Huang, don't cry..."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He was startled and lowered his voice: "System? System? Come out! Why is Zhuzhu dreaming again? Isn't that system gone?"

A small light and shadow jumped out, and the villain actually answered him, saying: "Guardian, this is not a problem of the system, it is the ability of the host itself."

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized.

He was also anxious and confused. This should be the ability of clairvoyance, the ability to predict disasters.

He called Li Zhi: "Go quickly and invite the prince to come over."

Lychee responded.

Zhuzhu's dream like this was far more peaceful than that kind of dream. She didn't have the feeling of pain and struggle. It seemed like she just had a normal dream and then woke up all of a sudden.

Sheng Minglin hugged her, patted her, and said softly: "Zhuzhu? Are you dreaming?"

Tuanzi was still very happy and said, "I'm dreaming! Zhuzhu is dreaming again!"

Sheng Minglin kissed her forehead: "What did Zhuzhu dream about?"

(End of this chapter)

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