Chapter 227 It’s time to play big

Tuanzi said softly: "I dreamed that Uncle Huang and many adults were in a huge hall. The adults kowtowed to Uncle Huang, then got up, and then spoke. Everyone stood up and spoke one by one. The voices were so loud. Yeah, it seems like there was a quarrel about debts, but the words were too long, and Zhuzhu couldn’t remember them all.”

She glanced at her brother secretly, and Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, brother can guess it."

Prince Duan hurried over and heard this sentence as soon as he arrived at the door. He didn't need to listen to the reason before he answered directly: "Yes, Zhuzhu, dad has taught all these great skills to my brother."

The two father and son exchanged glances silently.

Sheng Minglin said gently: "What then?"

Tuanzi looked at his smart father and brother and relaxed a little: "Then, an adult came out and knelt down to provoke; another adult came out and knelt down to provoke; and another adult came out and knelt down to provoke..."

Tuanzi stretched out his little finger and gestured, "There are four adults in total, all kneeling on the ground and talking. Daddy also talked, and Daddy was so angry. He said, 'Huo Chenzhao...' and made a long list of troubles; four pots of pot. When he came out to talk, he said that he was provoking a bunch of people and everyone was quarreling together. The sound was so loud and fierce!"

"Uncle Huang got angry and banged the table. Bang! Uncle Huang said: 'That's enough!' Uncle Huang stood up and said, 'That's tens of thousands of lives! Even if you eat whatever you want, what time do you go back for lunch, you don't know how to do anything. ?’ Then all of a sudden, many adults knelt down, the emperor cried, and all the adults knelt down and said, ‘Your Majesty, take care of yourself!’”

"Then, among the four adults who were in the early hours, there was an old man among them. He said a lot of words. Uncle Huang sat down and said, 'Here, please drag down the sheep for me.' Then many guards came out. Captured the old man, and then..."

Tuanzi's voice suddenly became louder, and he was very nervous: "It's shaking all of a sudden!!"

Sheng Minglin was stunned for a moment: "What happened?"

Tuanzi sat up straight, raised his two little arms, and shook: "That's it, that's it! It's all shaking! The hall is shaking, the pillars are shaking, the tables are shaking, the old man The guard and I couldn't stand and fell to the ground..."

Earth move?

Sheng Minglin raised his head in shock and glanced at Prince Duan.

Tuanzi continued: "After the provocation stopped, the old man suddenly turned around and spoke loudly to the emperor's uncle, saying, 'Your Majesty insists on you, God will not give you anything.' He said several words..."

Zhuzhu paused for a moment: "Uncle Huang is so angry. Zhuzhu is also very angry if he doesn't do a few things. Zhuzhu thinks this old man is so ugly! Zhuzhu doesn't want to see him or dream about him!"

Sheng Minglin comforted him softly: "Then we won't dream about him next time."

Prince Duan asked in a low voice: "Did it shake badly at that time? Zhuzhu?"

Zhuzhu thought for a moment: "It's as powerful as a little sister rocking a boat."

The little sister's rocking boat is one of her toys. There are four little girls on top of a dragon boat rowing. Because there are ropes up and down, it doesn't swing, but when pushed, the boat and the little sister will shake for a while.

Prince Duan and Sheng Minglin had both played with her, and they understood it immediately. They were really good at giving examples.

Sheng Minglin patted his sister gently and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Zhu Zhu'er. Now that you're done, let's go to sleep!"

Tuanzi nodded obediently and closed his eyes.

After thinking for a while, he opened his eyes and warned him: "Guo Guo, don't forget to tell Si Guo Guo about Meng Meng."

She closed her eyes again, and after a long while, she sighed: "It's been a long, long time since Si Guo Guo Guo came to play with Zhu Zhu!"

Sheng Minglin felt distressed and funny at the same time. She had determined that the fourth prince was specifically trying to deceive Mengmeng.

Zhuzhu soon fell asleep again. Sheng Minglin gently put her down and looked up at his father.

Prince Duan stood at the door with his hands behind his hands, his eyes shining, and he had a good idea at first glance.

They have seen the system conventions, how the pile of balls spin, etc., and now they can better understand that earthquakes and other things are all natural phenomena, cannot be changed by human power, and have nothing to do with the emperor or anything.

However, if it happened at that time, wouldn't it mean that he was just trying to defend that old thief Yang Xianrong?
Fortunately, they have beads.

If we knew in advance and used this inevitable earthquake to set up a situation, then things would be completely different! !
Prince Duan is gearing up, he can play a big game with this one, he can kill many enemies with one arrow without losing any blood! !
So he wrote a letter.Qin Jiangbai, who had just entered the palace and came back, wanted to tell them and leave immediately, so he entered the palace again with the letter.

The next day, early morning.

Emperor Mingxi ascended the throne. The two brothers moved up and down, exchanging glances calmly. Both of them were serious on the surface but expecting in their hearts.

Sure enough, they were talking about Yang Xianrong as soon as they came to court.

In this kind of matter, it is of no use for a small official with little weight to stand up. Therefore, those who stand up must be high-ranking officials with weight, the kind who are deeply entangled with Yang Xianrong's interests, even if they clearly know that Yang Xianrong No, you have to help out of conscience.

Therefore, as soon as Zhuzhu finished talking about her dream yesterday, Prince Duan had almost laid out the entire scene in his mind.

Nowadays, although there are people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the cabinet, they are members of the emperor's staff. Given their status, they will never stand up unless they no longer want a future.

Among the six people, the Minister of Hubu is called Xiao Xuxing, who is also an old fox, but he is an upright old fox and will not get involved in such things; the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of War are die-hard imperialists; the Ministry of Rites is under the name of Prince Duan, and there is only one left. The minister of the Ministry of Industry and Yang Xianrong are in-laws who wear the same pair of trousers.

Sure enough, he was the first to stand up. When he opened his mouth and beeped, Xie Ji'an immediately stood up and started to complain, and the courtiers also supported him.

Then, the Minister of Dali Temple stood up and said, "I dare to say something fair", and then farted.

Prince Duan counted silently in his heart: "The third one."

Zhuzhu said that there were four people kneeling, including Yang Xianrong, this was the third one, so who was the last one?

Oh, the right censor has stepped forward.

Prince Duan shook his head secretly.

Youdu Yushi is the kind of person who loves opportunism. This is a trade-off, and he plans to give Yang Xianrong a big favor by "helping him in times of need"... It's a pity that you are on the wrong team!

The four of them quarreled with Xie Ji'an for a while, and they all knelt down to express their grievances. I am not partial to Mr. Yang. I am just afraid that the emperor will be influenced by someone close to him and do something wrong. I have no selfish motives, Your Majesty!

Oh, someone close to me, why don't you just name me?

Prince Duan knew it was his turn to play. He knew very well when he would stand up, when he would speak, and what he would say...

He held his breath very calmly, did not rush into the scene, and just talked step by step.

Then the fourth prince stood up and said a few words.

The two sides became more and more noisy.

Emperor Mingxi estimated that the time was almost up, and he was still a little excited.

But his face was still extremely angry, he slammed the table angrily and said loudly: "That's enough!!"

There was silence below.

Emperor Mingxi stood up...Although it was subconscious, it was completely consistent with the dream.

Then he angrily lowered his head and said, "That's tens of thousands of lives! Even if it was an unintentional mistake or even out of good intentions, killing so many lives is an unpardonable crime! You deserve to die! Not to mention what the facts are. Wait until you know it! You have read the books of sages in vain, but you still have the nerve to stand here with your eyes open and tell lies, and open your mouth and shut up to talk about helplessness and powerlessness! Will you not feel guilty when you wake up in the middle of the night with your actions like this?!"

Many courtiers knelt down one after another.

Emperor Mingxi tried to cry.

But because he was currently thinking about the earthquake and was a little distracted, he actually didn't fall down for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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