Chapter 232 The prince who relies on his wife to support him
Prince Duan took Huo Chenzhao there.

Sheng Minglin didn't want to eat anymore. Seeing that there were two potatoes on the plate, he asked someone to give one to the seventh prince and Shen Lingjue. They could taste it. If they didn't like it, they could dip it in sugar and eat it.

Prince Duan stayed in the palace until he came back.

In the middle of the night, Sheng Minglin was sleeping soundly when a bang on the door startled him awake and he sat up suddenly.

Then he saw his father swaggering into the house, taking off his shoes and lying on the bed, and said to him: "Son, I knew you couldn't sleep, so I came here to stay with you! Are you touched?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

What can he do with such a childish father on the stand!
Sheng Minglin let out a long sigh, lay down again, and said after a while: "I'm touched."

He could feel that Prince Duan was really happy, and Emperor Mingxi must also be very happy, otherwise he would not have stayed until this time.

Does he love Dasheng?
Of course he loves it too.

But his love is passionate and floating. He will not have the kind and deep love of his father.

He waited for a while, and when Prince Duan didn't speak, he took the initiative and said, "Dad, Zhuzhu actually won two prizes. The other prize is two maps of the copper mine."

Prince Duan was surprised: "Copper mine?"

Sheng Minglin nodded: "Yes, there are two. I don't understand this very well. At a glance, they seem to be quite big... Can you tell me, what are the specific differences between these copper coins and treasure banknotes?"

"I dare not say it!" Prince Duan joked: "Later generations will say that I don't understand economics, and that I rely on my wife to support me... The book Zhuzhu pulled out, according to the emperor's brother, is specifically about the Mingxi Dynasty. , although the words are bold and make me angry, it is indeed very useful. It lists many disadvantages and proposes many solutions. It has been several days. Brother Huang has not finished reading it every day. He said that when he finishes, he will let me Look at it and then rewrite it so that you can show it to the ministers.”

He paused and then said: "But I know that the Great Sheng Dynasty is short of copper, not only the Great Sheng Dynasty, but also all dynasties. When Taizu issued treasure banknotes, was it really a slap on the head? Isn't there no way? There is a shortage of copper. Ah, and the cost of minting money is too high, which is not cost-effective. Furthermore, there is too much private money minted by the private sector, which is becoming increasingly difficult to manage, and it is issued only when there is no other way. Yes, let future generations tell it, there are indeed many things that are inappropriate , but at that time, it really solved an urgent need.”

He paused for a moment: "However, the people definitely still love real gold and silver more. Although I don't know how to calculate the economic calculation, things from the Dasheng Dynasty definitely require more gold, silver and copper to be worth it. Wait until I get that This book must be studied diligently, otherwise the disgrace will be lost to future generations.”

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized: "No wonder the system said that Uncle Huang's score has been rising in the past two days. It is probably because he has been reading this book... and then because of the earthquake, it suddenly rose to 56."

He remembered and asked, "There was an earthquake. Did nothing happen to the people?"

"It's okay," Prince Duan said, "Although we can't talk about the earthquake, your uncle Huang said a few words in advance, and he was particularly attentive and handled it in a timely manner. I heard that only a few dilapidated houses fell down, and some people were injured. He was injured, but no one was killed.”

He paused for a moment: "The most serious thing is not inside the capital city, but outside the city on the west mountain side. It is said that the mountains have collapsed and the trees have fallen. Fortunately, there are graves of various families there and no one lives there."

He turned over, stretched out his hand, and rubbed his head: "Okay, don't worry about it, go to sleep."

Over there in Xishan?

Sheng Minglin frowned and said nothing.

When he woke up, Prince Duan had already gone to the morning court.

morning above,

Of course, the ministers were paying close attention to the outcome of yesterday's Yang Xianrong case. Heaven's punishment is scary enough, and the divine bird sending witnesses is another added bonus.

The Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions fell down the four front pillars at once, and all the officials below were frightened.

Although, it is not that there are smart people who think of Zhuzhu, but this kind of thing is beyond their knowledge. Earthquake or something, this must be a punishment from heaven, how could they know in advance!
Having gotten to this point, you are not afraid of people, not even the emperor, but no one dares not to be afraid of God.

Therefore, today's morning court was unusually solemn, not like the previous court but more like visiting a grave.

Unexpectedly, when he raised his head after giving the gift, he saw that the emperor was still cheerful.

Baiguan: Did you see it wrong?He rubbed his eyes and looked again... still cheerful.Emperor Mingxi said: "Your Majesty, you haven't had breakfast yet. I would like to invite you to try something new."

More than one person's legs went weak and he knelt on the ground on the spot, trembling all over.

Could it be that the emperor was mad and wanted to kill everyone and replace them with new ones? !No, Your Majesty!I have changed my mind, Your Majesty! !
Before the kneeling people could cry out in grief and indignation, they smelled a scent, and then the little eunuch came over with several plates. On the plates were cut yellow glutinous things, which smelled faintly.

Several people kneeling: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your consideration!"

Then he stood up.

Prince Duan chuckled inwardly as he watched several people pick up a piece and taste it.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince were captured by Emperor Mingxi last night. They had already tasted it and did not eat any more. Only the ministers tasted a piece each.

Although it was cut open, it wasn't much. If you could taste it, just taste it. If you couldn't taste it, forget it. Then the eunuchs retreated.

An official had already hurriedly set up the steps: "Your Majesty, I wonder what this is? I have never seen it before."

Emperor Mingxi laughed: "This kind of potato is a kind of food. Shen Zhao accidentally discovered it. He tried planting it a few times. Why don't you guess what the yield per mu of this kind of thing is?"

You know, today's grain output is very low compared to that of later generations. For example, the yield of rice per mu is only four to five hundred kilograms.

But since you dare to offer it and the emperor is so happy, then the output will not be low.

So the officials all guessed: "It must be seven or eight hundred kilograms!"

"I think it weighs a thousand pounds!"

"How is it possible? Such a heavy thing would be good if it weighed several hundred kilograms."

Emperor Mingxi watched the officials guess for a long time before laughing and announcing: "The yield per mu is more than [-] kilograms!!"

All officials exclaimed: "Five thousand catties!!"

Although he had known that everyone would react like this, Emperor Mingxi was still very pleased and laughed.

Everyone marveled for a while, and then an official wiped away his tears and said: "If such a magical thing could enter Dasheng one day earlier, I don't know how many people could live!"

The official spoke in a roundabout way. He was obviously feeling emotional, but in fact he was talking about why Huo Chenzhao didn't offer it earlier.

So, why did the Sheng family dynasty get close to military generals? It was because some civil servants just didn’t like their mouths! !

Prince Duan said directly: "Master Liu has a lot of friends (he praises Yang Xianrong every day), so he must also offer something that will benefit the country and the people?"

The official was suffocated, and Prince Duan said again: "Ah, it turns out there is no such thing? How is this possible? It is impossible that Mr. Liu is not sincere? I looked at what Mr. Liu just said and said it with true feelings ( Pretending)!"

Master Liu: "..."

Another official also said: "Master Liu is very knowledgeable (on paper), but he must not know much about farming. If you don't try a new thing a few times, how do you know if it is poisonous? Can it be eaten? And how to grow it? How do you know how to be productive? If you don't know anything and just offer it directly, if something happens, can Mr. Liu be responsible?"

He paused and said, "If the official guessed correctly, the method of planting this plant may be different from others."

Prince Duan said with a smile: "Master Min, how do you think this thing should be planted?"

(End of this chapter)

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