Chapter 233 Guo Guo was grabbed by the bad guy.
This man is the head of the Toucang Department under the Hu Department, and his name is Min Yuanyuan.

Although his name is quite cute, he actually looks tall and simple, like an old farmer, and he does know a lot about farming. He was not qualified to come to the Chang Dynasty, so he was one of the agricultural officials specially called here.

Min Yuanyuan said: "I'm just guessing... the piece I ate had a dent in the skin, and it looked like it could grow sprouts, so I was wondering if I could plant this piece directly."

Master Liu just now couldn't help but laugh: "Since ancient times, I have never heard of..."

Prince Duan interrupted him and said with a smile: "Master Min is indeed powerful! This potato is grown on this tuber!"

Master Liu: "..."

Mr. Liu's face turned red and he couldn't say a word.

Prince Duan laughed in his heart.

Yang Xianrong has fallen down, but you are still jumping around! ?
Are you anxious to get ahead and want to be the leader of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions?I don’t even want to see if you have the brain!

But I was in a good mood, not angry, and came back leisurely.

Emperor Mingxi looked at this scene with a smile, but he was not angry and said with a smile: "Xuan Huo Shen Zhao."

Everyone passed down the line: "Xuan Huo and Shen Zhao come to the palace."

Huo Chenzhao went to the palace to salute, and Emperor Mingxi directly ordered someone to announce the decree.

The few strokes in the imperial edict recorded what happened in Yunzhou and affirmed the benevolence of the Huo family and Huo Chenzhao's filial piety to avenge his grandfather and parents.

Then, Mr. Huo was posthumously granted the title of Marquis of Jishi, and he was allowed to ascend the throne for three generations without surrendering his title. Then he allowed Huo Chenzhao to ascend the title, and gave him a plaque saying "Benevolence and Benevolence". At the same time, because there were no corpses of the Huo family, local officials were also ordered to The Huo Gongmu was built to record this incident.

Huo Chenzhao received the order to thank him, and then Emperor Mingxi said again: "Shen Zhao, do you have anything to say?"

Huo Chenzhao said hurriedly: "Back to Your Majesty, the common people...I haven't picked up the words yet."

Emperor Mingxi nodded: "I give you the word 'Zhao'."

Huo Chenzhao gave a great gift: "Thank you, Your Majesty, long live long live."

Zhao means light, which means redressing injustice and moving towards the light.

Then Emperor Mingxi told Min Yuanyuan: "This thing only weighs one or two thousand kilograms now. How to promote it? You can write a plan."

Min Yuanyuan was just a principal, and he only said a few words because he knew a lot about farming. When he heard this, it meant that he was asked to take responsibility, or at least participate in this matter! !This is a good thing that can leave a name in history! !
That was like pie in the sky, and he immediately laughed so hard that his teeth bared, and he agreed again and again.

Because Huo Chenzhao's story was so legendary, it spread throughout the capital in just one night, even overpowering the heat of the earthquake.

After the court came down, Prince Duan gave his brother a map of the copper mine and listened to a report from Jin Yiwei.

Prince Duan suggested: "Brother, why don't I find someone in private to write a storybook or playbook and spread it secretly among the people."

Emperor Mingxi pondered: "Write a play?"

"Yes," Prince Duan persuaded him: "Brother Emperor, of course we hope that every household in this world will not be closed at night unless it is left behind, but it is impossible to do it. There will always be corrupt officials and there will always be people taking revenge, but Shen Zhao... Zhao Brother, this way of revenge is too righteous and too husband-like, so if it can be spread throughout the world, it will have a subtle influence."

Emperor Mingxi nodded: "Yes, you should ask someone to write it down first."

Prince Duan agreed and talked about the copper mine again.

Emperor Mingxi held it in his hand and said with great emotion: "Our Zhuzhu'er is so considerate! Zhuzhu is our lucky star! You go back and carry her into the palace. We haven't seen her for several days, so we still wonder."

Do you want to suck your belly?Prince Duan glanced at his brother faintly: "Last time, you made Zhuzhu's stomach turn green."

Emperor Mingxi firmly denied: "It's impossible!"


"It's impossible for us to do this kind of thing. It's not like we haven't coaxed our children before, and it's not like we don't have any concerns in our hearts." Emperor Mingxi coughed and quickly changed the subject: "Okay, stop chatting! You go back, Zhongshun, Call the cabinet and let’s discuss the matter.”

Yang Xianrong, the four of them, all hold high positions. Since the four of them are destined not to come back, they must find their successors quickly.Prince Duan resigned silently, and everyone came to the door. Emperor Mingxi said again: "Well, as soon as possible..."

He meant to remove the potatoes as soon as possible to facilitate his subsequent arrangements.

Prince Duan responded.

Duan Wangfu.

Tuanzi woke up, had dinner, and was about to go find her brother when Lizhi gave her a piece of paper saying it was a letter written by her brother.

Tuanzi was still a little excited, so he took it with both hands, placed it on the table seriously, and looked at it carefully.

There was a little man drawn on the paper, who was dragged away by another little man...and then walked towards a courtyard.

In fact, what Sheng Minglin wanted to say was: Mr. Qin asked me to do business.

But due to his very poor painting skills, it doesn't look like that. The main reason is that he struggled too much to show that he was not willing... and the painting style was quite wild.

Tuanzi exclaimed at that time: "Guo Guo was grabbed by the bad guy!"

"Ah!" Tong Tong couldn't help but exclaim: "He must be unable to explain it clearly, so he drew pictures to imply it! There are many such things!"

Tuanzi was afraid: "What about the current debt?"

Tongzi said: "Look for the police uncle... No, look for help! Find someone powerful to save him!"

"A powerful person?" Tuanzi quickly raised his head and asked, "Sister Lychee, is the beautiful Guoguo here?"

Lychee couldn't hear what the system said, so she only said: "Master Huo went to court with the prince early in the morning."

"What about Xingxing Guoguo?"

Lychee hurriedly went out and asked, "He's not here either!"

Tuanzi was stunned, and then said: "Well, then we can go find uncle! Hurry, hurry up, Zhuzhu is going to find uncle to save Guoguo!"

She climbed off the stool and was about to run out. Lychee quickly said: "Master! Master, please wait! I will ask the princess first."

"No!" Tuanzi was very anxious: "It's too late! Zhuzhu needs to hurry up!"

She spread her legs and ran. Lychee quickly gave some instructions to the others and called two boys to follow her quickly.

Shangsheng Mingfeng, who was eating like crazy in the corner, immediately raised his head, wiped his sharp beak back and forth on the boy, flew up, and followed leisurely in the sky.

In fact, Zhuzhu used to be very free and would go out as soon as she asked. It was because of the Changshou Po incident that the family started to be careful... But the servants outside didn't know. If the little princess wants to go out, she must be allowed to go out, so Before she even had time to call for a carriage, Zhuzhu ran out on her own.

She stood at the gate and asked Li Zhi: "Where are we going to my uncle's house?"

Lychee squatted down and hugged her with both hands: "Master, please wait a moment. We will wait for the carriage to arrive, otherwise it will be too slow to walk."

Tuanzi nodded sharply: "Then hurry up and reduce the number. The carriage will come quickly."

Lychee said: "My servant has sent for help. Master, why are you going to my uncle's house?"

"Look for uncle, save Guo Guo!" Tuanzi held up the piece of paper: "Guo Guo was grabbed by the bad guys!"

Lychee quickly said: "No, Sir..."

Before she finished her sentence, she saw a carriage approaching. Zhuzhu immediately walked over: "The carriage is coming! Hurry up!"

The driver quickly reined in the horse. The person on the carriage pushed open the door and raised his eyebrows: "It's Zhu, Zhu, ah!!"

(End of this chapter)

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