Chapter 234 The indifferent bitch

He is Prince Qi and Tuanzi’s serious uncle.

However, because Prince Qi was not good-looking and looked a bit old, and he didn't see much of him, Zhuzhu couldn't recognize him. She looked up at him for a long time without remembering who his uncle was.

So Tuanzi said wittily: "Hello uncle, can Zhuzhukuo take a ride in your car to see my uncle?"

King Qi smiled and said: "Okay! Come up."

Tuanzi wanted to walk to his car: "Thank you, uncle."

Lizhi was so anxious that he hugged her tightly with both hands: "Master, Prince Qi is very busy, why don't we wait for his carriage. Besides, nothing can happen to the prince in the palace, master, don't worry."

But Tuanzi is a very imaginative treasure. She held up the letter and said anxiously: "But Guo Guo left a letter! Maybe Guo Guo was beaten by the bad guys, and Guo was crying, waiting for Zhu Zhu to save him. …

"No," Lizhi said, "There are no bad guys. The prince must have gone out for something. Why don't we go back and ask first? Maybe he will be back soon."

Prince Qi saw this in his eyes and sneered: "You girl, you are so ignorant. The master has to go out for something, is it your turn to push back? I am a prince at best, and Zhuzhuer is my niece, how can I still sell her to you?" Is it okay? Don’t get out of the way! Zhuzhu, come here!”

Tuanzi hesitated for a moment, then put his little mouth to Lizhi's ear: "Sister Lizhi, although uncle may not be a good person, there are many of us, Zhuzhu will protect you, don't be afraid!" As he spoke, he touched his little hands. Her head.

Lychee was speechless and speechless.

My little ancestor, why are you so worried about this?What this servant is worried about is Prince Qi’s indifferent mouth!
She still held her tight.

Prince Qi was already a little annoyed and said: "I don't know what kind of savage beast I am. Why do you ask your girl to guard against me like a thief? I have to take Zhuzhu on this trip today. No way!"

As a result, just as he was talking, he saw a carriage coming from the opposite side. Before the carriage arrived, a man flew over and said, "Zhuzhu? What's wrong?"

Tuanzi turned his head and opened his hands: "Pretty Guo Guo!"

Lychee secretly breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

Huo Chenzhao hugged her and said, "Where are Zhuzhu going?"

Tuanzi pointed at Prince Qi and said, "I want to take my uncle's car to see my uncle."

Lychee quickly said: "Our carriage is also here. Master, why don't you take this one?"

Tuanzi nodded, not forgetting to thank Prince Qi: "Thank you, uncle, we sent you some cars!"

Prince Qi snorted, staggered out of the carriage, and said with a smile: "Since you have a carriage, I will also ride in your carriage. I also want to see the general."

Tuanzi was a little unhappy and didn't know how to refuse: "..."

Prince Qi got on the carriage directly, and Dala took the main seat.

Huo Chenzhao hugged Zhuzhu, exchanged glances with Lizhi, and got on the carriage.

As the carriage started to move, Prince Qi glanced at Huo Chenzhao, whether he liked it or not, then stretched his legs, half-leaned on the carriage, and said, "Are you Huo Chenzhao?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Yes."

Prince Qi clicked his tongue and said: "You kid, you are so capable! You are so capable! In Prince Ba Shangduan's Mansion, you brought down four court officials in one fell swoop... Ouch, you are amazing, you are so capable!!"

Huo Chenzhao said without being humble or arrogant: "Your Majesty, you have given me the reward."

Prince Qi said: "Now that we have met, I will ask you to teach you a few words. This person relies on everyone to support him. In the end, he still has to rely on himself. The fifth child in our family is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Whatever he gives you, you will definitely have to take back twice as much, you little country bumpkin, I guess in the end, you won’t even have a hair left to make him scheme!”

Huo Chenzhao said unhurriedly: "Thank you for your advice, Your Majesty, but Shen Zhao only hopes to serve the Emperor and serve Your Majesty as soon as possible. He has never thought about personal gain or loss."

Prince Qi was choked by his Wei Guangzheng words. After thinking for a long time, he didn't even think of how to respond.

He glanced at Huo Chenzhao coldly, and Huo Chenzhao looked calm.

Unable to intimidate him, Prince Qi looked at Zhuzhu again and said, "Zhuzhu!" Tuanzi said, "Huh?"

Prince Qi maintained his unformed posture and looked at Tiandao: "I heard that you have a good relationship with your brother!"

Tuanzi didn't answer.

Prince Qi didn't care, so he said coquettishly: "You are still young and ignorant. I need to teach you a lesson. Your mother was the mother who harmed your brother back then. Your brother's child, at such a young age, has so many thoughts." Shen Shen, I look very hurt by you. Privately, I still don’t know what my plans are. You have to be careful! I really don’t want to scare you. Just look at Huo Chenzhao and you will know. Don’t wait for two years. Your brother If the Young Master's Revenge comes out, your family will be in danger..."

He farted a lot, but there was no reply from Tuanzi, and neither Huo Chenzhao nor Huo Chenzhao interrupted him.

Prince Qi suddenly felt something was wrong and sat up straight.

They saw Lychee holding a handkerchief in each hand and covering Tuanzi's ears tightly. Tuanzi obviously didn't hear anything and blinked with big eyes, looking at him very curiously.

Prince Qi was really angry all of a sudden. He glared at Li Zhi and said, "You are a very interesting girl. Why don't I bring you to the palace?"

Lychee lowered her head and said, "Go back to your lord, this servant was given to Her Royal Highness by the Queen." It's not your turn to make arrangements yet!

Prince Qi choked.

He was so frustrated that he couldn't even restrain a girl. Finally, he became angry and kicked the table out.

The table hit the car door hard with a loud bang.

Prince Qi banged the table and bench and shouted, "How dare a yellow-haired girl talk to me like this! I don't believe it anymore. If I kill you today, can the Queen kill me to pay for it with my life?"

He raised his hand to slap her.

Huo Chenzhao suddenly raised his hand and grabbed his hand.

Tuanzi didn't expect him to rush at her, thinking he was going to hit her. She was so frightened that she closed her eyes and started crying.

next moment,
Someone pushed open the car door. Seeing this posture, without saying a word, he dragged Prince Qi out and threw him heavily to the ground.

He struck hard, and Prince Qi screamed and rolled on the ground.

General Xie didn't even look at him. He flew up to the ground and hugged Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu, are you okay?"

As soon as Zhuzhu saw her uncle, her crying immediately increased several times: "Oh, my uncle wants to clean Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu is scared!!"

General Xie jumped out of the carriage and patted her: "My dear, don't be afraid! My uncle is here!"

He asked Prince Qi: "I wonder how Zhuzhu offended the prince and actually wanted to kill her?"

Prince Qi was helped up by his own soldiers. He was in so much pain that he couldn't stand still. He didn't dare to defend himself. After all, the military commander really dared to take action. No matter how he dealt with it in the end, he was still suffering from the pain.

He kept saying: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, how can I play beads."

General Xie said: "I have heard it outside."

Prince Qi said anxiously: "No, it's that girl I want to beat."

General Xie looked coldly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to deny it anymore. I heard Zhuzhu crying outside the car. I was in a hurry and accidentally injured the Prince. I will go to the Emperor to apologize. The Prince can explain to the Emperor when the time comes."

Although General Xie is a military general, he is not a reckless person. He was anxious just now, but now he looks at it and realizes that it may be a misunderstanding.

But after beating him, he can only make mistakes. If he is bitten to death, he will be beaten. Anyway, the follow-up matters will naturally be handled by Prince Duan.

General Xie held Zhuzhu in his arms and got on his horse, while signaling his soldiers to inform Prince Duan.

(End of this chapter)

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