After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 235: My heart is biased towards the brother who is in the creaking nest

Chapter 235: My heart is biased towards the brother who is in the creaking nest
So Emperor Mingxi was busy when he heard a burst of crying from outside.

Tuanzi rested for a while on the road. As soon as he arrived in front of the door, he cried very loudly. He cried hard while looking at Uncle Huang's door.

Zhu Zhu'er was the only child who dared to cry at the emperor's door. Emperor Ming Xi became anxious when he heard it. He couldn't wait for Zheng Zhongshun to ask, so he flew out of the throne and came out. When he saw General Xie, he was stunned for a moment: " What's wrong?"

Tuanzi cried loudly and pointed his little finger at Prince Qi behind him. He couldn't stop crying and complained for a while.

Emperor Mingxi was really crying when he saw this posture. He was very distressed. He quickly went down the steps and hugged Zhuzhu over. He felt that there was no handkerchief on his body, so he rolled up his dragon robe and wiped her with the sleeves inside. Wiping away her tears, she said, "Don't cry, dear. Uncle Huang will never let anyone bully Zhuzhu!"

General Xie knelt down and apologized: "Your Majesty, I returned to the guardhouse from outside and saw the carriage of Prince Duan's Mansion. I guessed that it was coming to see me, so I stopped and waited. As a result, I heard a loud noise and the carriage shook as if Something happened, and when I hurried over, I heard Prince Qi scolding the yellow-haired girl and saying that he would beat her to death."

"When I heard Zhuzhu's cry, I didn't have time to think too much. I opened the car door and saw Prince Qi about to hit Zhuzhu. I was in a hurry, so I pulled the prince away and saved Zhuzhu, but accidentally injured the prince. Please punish me, Your Majesty."

Emperor Mingxi kept patting Zhuzhu on the back and scolded Prince Qi directly: "Old Qi! You are really getting more and more restless! You actually attacked Zhuzhu?"

Prince Qi is also aggrieved!
Along the way, General Xie's personal soldiers refused to even lend him a horse. He came running, and he was still out of breath!
Prince Qi knelt on the ground: "Brother, even though I'm a bastard, I will never dare to attack Zhuzhu. I was walking from Brother Duan's door today, and Zhuzhu suddenly came over to stop the carriage and asked my brother to take her there. To find General Xie, my younger brother, of course, immediately agreed, but the girl next to her blocked her in every possible way..."

He talked about it in a down-to-earth manner.

As he spoke, Prince Duan also rushed over. He quickly stepped forward to salute, took his daughter over and gave Prince Qi a sideways look.

His younger brother has a mean mouth and an even meaner temper. However, he bullies the weak and fears the strong. It is possible that he would say a few words, but if he really wanted to play beads, he probably wouldn't have the guts.

But even if he didn't hit him, he couldn't mess with his daughter!

He asked Zhuzhu: "Good boy, did Uncle Qi hit you?"

Tuanzi nodded firmly: "I'm beating you up! I'm still scolding you!"

Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan said in unison: "Children can't lie, Lao Qi, it must be your fault!"

Then they each coughed, and Emperor Mingxi touched his nose as if nothing had happened.

Prince Duan became even more nonchalant and asked Tuanzi: "Why did Zhuzhu go out today?"

Tuanzi stopped crying, but was still burping, and said: "Zhuzhu wants to find his uncle to rescue Guoguo... Zhuzhu wants to find beautiful Guoguo, beautiful Guoguo is not a debtor, and wants to find Xingxing Guo Pot, the star pot pot is also..."

She suddenly paused, her eyes wide open, and even with all her three-and-a-half-year-old brain, she couldn't figure it out: "But, it's OK, the pretty Guoguo is back to mess with me, why should Zhuzhu still want to find the big one?" uncle?"

"It's okay, it's okay," Prince Duan immediately comforted his fat girl who was doubting her life: "My uncle is more powerful. It's right to go to your uncle if you have anything to do. But honey, who told your brother that the bad guys took him away?"

Tuanzi murmured: "Guo Guo wrote a letter. Letter, where is the letter? Ah!!"

After making a long circle, the smart dumpling finally found the key point: "Guo Guo has been grabbed by the bad guys! Daddy, daddy! Let's go rescue Guo Guo! If you don't go, Guo Guo will be washed away! Woo woo woo, Zhu Zhu I don’t want the pot to wash away!”

It's hard to describe how Prince Duan felt when he saw his daughter crying with real emotion and tears streaming down her cheeks.

Lychee hurriedly delivered the letter. Prince Duan took one look at it and twitched the corner of his mouth.

He understood this at a glance.

Because Honghu Guard is a relatively confidential matter, Sheng Minglin couldn't explain specifically where I went and why I went there. But he only asked the boy to say that he was out. Tuanzi would probably be very disappointed, so he drew a Draw and tease my sister.As a result, the painting was so bad that my sister misunderstood it.

After Prince Duan figured out what was going on, he stopped being anxious and pretended to order someone to "rescue" Sheng Minglin so as to appease Zhuzhu. He walked around in a circle and then back again, waiting for his brother to settle the lawsuit.

His brother's heart almost went to the edge of his chest, and he said directly: "Okay, okay, Lao Qi, you are such an adult, bullying Zhuzhu, Xie Qing is your uncle, can you not be angry? I missed it for a moment, although my hand It's a little heavier, but isn't he anxious! Don't argue with him, it's even, you go back and rest early, we'll send an imperial doctor to diagnose and treat you, and I'll pay for the medicine."

Prince Qi almost died of anger: "Brother Emperor, I was kind enough to give Zhuzhu a ride, what on earth did I do wrong?! I don't care about Zhuzhu, why should you give me a bad rap for that maid?" Let’s forget it.”

"No!" Prince Duan said: "That maid is the maid in charge given by the Queen. Let me see who dares to fight! Old Seventh... I'm kindly trying to save face for you, do you have to let me do it in front of the Emperor?" For brother’s sake, let me ask you what did you fart in the car?”

Prince Qi choked.

Prince Duan said again: "Old Qi, why do I feel that you are always targeting me? Did I offend you at some point?"

Prince Duan was just messing around... But he didn't expect that as soon as he finished saying this, Prince Qi's demeanor changed obviously.

He immediately lowered his head to hide it, but the change in his expression at this moment was already seen by Emperor Mingxi and Prince Duan.

The two brothers exchanged a look.

Prince Duan continued: "If there is, you can tell me directly and don't keep troubling my son and daughter again and again. Is there anything you can't say between us brothers? In front of Fourth Brother today, you should say it. If I am wrong, I will correct it!"

Prince Qi did not dare to call Fourth Brother. He lowered his posture obviously and said: "Fifth Brother, what you said is obvious. I am a mean-mouthed person. It's not like you don't know. Okay, okay, I know, Brother Huang." Even though I love you, I won’t argue with you anymore, just forget about it!”

Prince Duan said: "Okay, see you later. I'll have a drink with you another day!"

Prince Qi bowed and left.

Prince Duan approached his brother and whispered, "Did you find out anything at that time?"

Emperor Mingxi shook his head.

At that time, everyone was very suspicious of Prince Qi because he had concealed the matter about Sheng Yulu. However, the Jinyi Guards had been investigating for so long and found nothing... Prince Qi seemed to be a simple scumbag who did not care for his son or his daughter. He is greedy for flowers, lustful and loves to stir up trouble everywhere.

Prince Duan narrowed his eyes, handed his daughter to him, and turned to ask Li Zhi carefully.

Prince Duan’s Mansion at this time.

Sheng Minglin didn't know about this turmoil.

After he finished his work, he went back to Zeyuan, changed his clothes, and then went to Yueyuan. As a result, the waiter said: "Sir, His Highness seems to have gone out."

"Going out?" Sheng Minglin was stunned and stopped: "Where are you going? Who is following you? Go to the door and ask."

The boy left in response, and another boy came over in a hurry and saluted: "Your Majesty, I have gone to see you, and it is true that... something happened."

(End of this chapter)

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