Chapter 239

There was a plate of noodles on the table, made into kittens, puppies, and rabbits, each of which was vivid and adorable. The dumpling was attracted as soon as he saw it, and Sheng Minglin moved the plate to her hand.

Zhuzhu took one in each hand, and it was still a little hot. She was not willing to let go. She blew on her palms and looked at them. Each one was chubby and cute.

I have seen a lot of good dumplings, so I didn’t think I would be reluctant to eat them when they were well done. After looking at them for a while, I took a big bite.

When Sheng Minglin saw that there was stuffing, it was not just stuffing, he was very satisfied and motioned to the waiter to reward the cook.

Zhuzhu ate a puppy and two little rabbits, and she still wanted to eat them. Sheng Minglin quickly stopped her and fed her half a bowl of porridge. She was full, and said: "Lychee Sister, ask the person who is a little rabbit, will he be a grand and majestic person?"

Lychee quickly responded: "I'll ask someone to ask."

So she sent a boy to ask. The cook who was doing this was still very young. He looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. He had a pair of big dimples. He was very beautiful and festive. He came out and bowed his head respectfully. He listened and kept saying: : "The younger one knows how to make it. The younger one made it and presented it in the evening."

After the boy left, Manager Li, who was in charge of the kitchen, couldn't help but said: "You kid, you are getting ahead of yourself."

Yesterday, Master Zhou, the pastry cook in the kitchen, injured his hand. He volunteered, so he was asked to do the job. Unexpectedly, he would be favored by his master as soon as he did it.

In fact, Master Zhou also has unique skills, and many things are done very delicately.

For example, walnut noodles.

The walnut skin can still be opened, and the shape of the walnut kernel inside looks quite real at first glance.

There are also noodles with peanuts and noodles, which are all very similar. Princess Duan likes them very much, but they are not in line with Xiaotuanzi's preferences.

As a child, she doesn't appreciate the beauty of craftsmanship, so she likes bright and cute things.

Manager Li said to Master Zhou again: "Don't think too much about it. The princess likes what you make. You can continue to do it as usual after you get better. Xiao Han has nothing to do with you. It's a good thing that your apprentice can get ahead."

Master Zhou responded with a naive smile, but he didn't agree in his heart.

This child is a helper in the kitchen, and he always talks nice things like master and apprentice. The princess wants such things just to feed the little princess. The little princess likes this, so how can he still stand out?

However, he really didn't know how to be able to stuff stuffing and make the outer skin so thin and cute... He secretly hated it, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Xiao Han, however, smiled carelessly and turned around to study how to pinch the eagle.

Over there, Zhuzhu went to take a nap after lunch, and the others went back to continue their work. Sheng Minglin didn't go, so he flipped through the few story books he bought, and then started writing Huo Chenzhao's story books.

Just as it was written, Prince Duan sent someone back to pass a message to him, saying "check it out."

Sheng Minglin pondered for a moment, then called over and asked him to find some people to go to the Xishan area outside the city to find out if anyone had seen someone carrying away the coffin, but the identity should not be revealed.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is: He took it upon himself to investigate the disappearance of his deceased mother's coffin in private, and did not dare to let Prince Duan know about it, nor did he dare to alert others.

After the arrangements are made, come back and continue writing the storybook.

After writing all afternoon, I wrote less than half of the article, but I always felt that the flavor was a bit lacking.

Prince Duan came back in the evening, looked at it and said with a smile: "Look at the articles of later generations."

He took out the lottery book and showed it to him. When he opened it, he found that it was densely filled with comments and some paper signatures. It was obvious that Emperor Mingxi had read it carefully.

He didn't have time to take a closer look, so he flipped through it, and soon realized the humorous, ridiculing, and... how to say, non-astonishing and endless style of writing written by later generations.

Prince Duan took back the book and said: "I think it's good to write a storybook in this style... Don't preach, don't show our thoughts on the surface, that's the best thing."

Sheng Minglin was enlightened.

But it’s too late to write now.

Zhuzhu was playing with the Seventh Prince Shen Lingjue and Sheng Weifeng outside, and she could be heard laughing from afar.Prince Duan looked at Lu Ke and said, "You can eat here, I will take Zhuzhu to eat up front."

Sheng Minglin agreed, and Prince Duan went out and coaxed his daughter away.

Because the two brothers loved grandeur and majesty, Zhuzhu was so excited by them that she couldn't sit still while eating. After a while, when a plate of pasta was served, Zhuzhu let out a surprised cry when she saw it.

The grand majesty is black and white. Ordinarily it wouldn't be too cute when made like this, but the cook creatively made branches on the plate, and also made red fruits on the branches, green and red, and then put a It looks grand and majestic.

Zhuzhu looked at it in surprise for a long time and said: "One for Guoguo!"

Aunt Zhou quickly went down to give instructions and came back: "The person in charge said that he had prepared an extra plate and asked someone to send it to the prince."

Tuanzi nodded sharply, stared at the plate, and picked a fruit to eat. He raised his head in surprise: "Dad, mother, this is a real fruit!"

Princess Duan also picked one, and also picked one for Prince Duan. It was filled with real pulp and tasted sweet and sour. She picked another leaf and ate it. Although the leaves were not filled with fillings, they also had a grassy smell. Son.

Princess Duan couldn't help but smile: "Well done."

Prince Duan knew everything about his daughter. When he saw that it was not Master Zhou's craftsmanship, he asked, "Is there a new master?"

"No," Princess Duan smiled and said, "I asked about it. He is a small helper. He has been here for four or five years. He is very diligent and obedient. He doesn't get annoyed when anyone calls him. He looks happy and doesn't talk much. I didn’t expect him to be a man who had his own plans, no, Master Zhou was baking pancakes yesterday, and the fire broke out and hurt his hand, so he got ahead of himself."

Prince Duan smiled and said, "Very good."

He doesn't care much about the disputes below. As long as there are people, such disputes are inevitable. This is not entirely a bad thing. It is impossible to stop it. As long as you choose the person in charge and can suppress it, don't delay things. .

Zhuzhu looked at it for a long time, then reluctantly ate the Shangshengweifeng, which was stuffed with vegetable fillings. Zhuzhu didn't like vegetables, but at this moment, she ate it with big mouthfuls. Prince Duan was very happy to see it, which was amazing. Rewarded the cook.

Before Zhuzhu went to bed that night, she specifically told Litchi that she wanted her brother to hold her in her arms when she slept.

Sheng Minglin smiled and said to Li Zhi: "It's okay. If she wakes up, just tell her that I will take her with me when I go out."

He had to write a storybook at night and would not go to bed early, so he simply went there in the morning.

As a result, he wrote more and more smoothly. He wrote for most of the night. He took a nap the next morning and asked Shen Lingjue and the others to go over there first. He continued writing at home. He worked overtime for two days and finally finished it. .

After showing it to Prince Duan, Prince Duan said it was good, and then Sheng Minglin came up with the pen name "Zhu Kun".

Kun means elder brother, so this is what Zhuzhu’s elder brother means.

Prince Duan said: "No, it's too straightforward. I'll know it's you as soon as I hear it."

With a stroke of his pen, he named him "Mr. Qingcheng".

Qingcheng? ?Sheng Minglin frowned: "What's the explanation?"

Prince Duan said: "You have to be completely confused and have nothing to do with it! I didn't expect it to be us! You are not good at literary habits. You are clearly doing something that cannot be related, but you have to beat around the bush and leave a trace! For fear that people will not guess it. !”


Sheng Minglin watched his father leave.

His father also worked very quickly. He asked people to print it overnight. Within a day, it was on the market. When I got it back, it looked really good.

The main reason is that the story of Huo Chenzhao is very popular at the moment, and although this book is written by a different dynasty and uses pseudonyms, the whole context is his story, so it spreads by word of mouth and becomes popular all over the capital.

The next day, Qin Jiangbai came over and asked him with the book: "Do you know who wrote this? Something happened."

(End of this chapter)

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