Chapter 240 How dare you let me coax you with pigtails?

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

Qin Jiangbai said: "There are many people outside now scolding Jiangsu and Zhejiang officials, saying that Jiangsu and Zhejiang officials are not good at all. Many people say it is related to this book."

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "But in this book, there is no mention of Jiangsu and Zhejiang!"

How could he possibly mention such a sensitive topic of cronyism? This book is mainly about a young master taking revenge, then filing a lawsuit against the emperor, and then the wise king will avenge him and so on. It is a very upright story.

Qin Jiangbai said: "Those who have seen it know that it has not been written, but those who have not seen it are just what they say. I don't know where this rumor came from, but it is spreading a lot. I heard that some officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang went out to buy. When I heard about it, Some people will secretly discuss their accent. The main reason is that this person is called Mr. Qingcheng. Qingcheng Mountain is from the Shuzhou side, so many people say that he is an official from other places, taking the opportunity to suppress the reputation of southern officials."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

I realized how outrageous the rumors were. Even if you tell someone something you already know from reading a book, some people will believe it.

I also realized his father's wisdom. Sure enough, pen names and other things would be considered over and over by literati, and they could guess even the most difficult things.

But he also understood that the key to this matter was not where the rumors started, but what to do next. Fortunately, it was not his turn to worry about this kind of thing, and he didn't care too much.

At this time, in the palace.

The eldest prince finally found the person who knew about the incident in the three halls.

It was a foreman. He admitted that it was Manager Liu who gave the order. They just followed his order and built the roof of the temple that way according to the drawings.

This foreman worked in the same place as the craftsmen under him. He also inspected the craftsmen. When they were capping the roof, several craftsmen did find that there was something extra inside, but they were threatened by Manager Liu afterwards and did not dare to speak out. .

And who is this Manager Liu?
His name is Liu Guang, he is the eldest prince's wet nurse, and he is also the biological son of the eldest prince's wet nurse.

This is actually a very close relationship. At that time, when the eldest prince was on an errand for the first time, he would definitely bring a few of his own people with him. Manager Liu was one of the eldest prince's own people. He was originally responsible for helping the eldest prince keep an eye on some details.

But less than two years after the incident, the eldest prince discovered that he was a little greedy for money and secretly collected money to intercede for others, so he drove him home.

When they found out here and went to look for him, they found that he had escaped. The last time he appeared was after the Longevity Festival, that is, just after the incident in the three halls was exposed.

More than one person saw him hurriedly getting into the carriage and leaving in the evening, but he has not been caught yet.

The eldest prince was really frustrated.

Although in this matter, no matter who is found out, he is incompetent, but when it is really found out that it is one of his own, it is really confirmed that he is incompetent and does not know how to recognize people.

The eldest prince came to apologize.

Emperor Mingxi only said: "Continue to investigate."

Liu Guang is an ordinary person who has no courage or need to cause trouble in a place like the palace, so there are people behind him.

The eldest prince bowed his head in agreement and was about to leave. Wang Shuzhi, the commander of the Imperial Guard who was left behind, hesitated for a moment and then reported: "Your Majesty, someone once saw Liu Guang staying at the back door of His Highness the Fourth Prince's residence for about two moments on the day he left. bell."

Emperor Mingxi nodded and said he understood.

This actually proves that there is someone behind Liu Guang!
I just want to try to sow discord between the two brothers!
But the palace was built several years ago. At that time, the fourth prince was only twelve years old. He was still studying, had not left the palace to open a palace, had not gone to court to run errands, had not gotten married, and had no one to help him. Where could he go to do such a big thing?
Emperor Mingxi pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Have you heard any rumors recently?"

Both of them hesitated for a moment, and Wang Shuzhi coughed and said, "The emperor is asking about officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang?"

Emperor Mingxi nodded and said, "Does Ren'er know?"

The eldest prince said: "My son has also heard a little bit about it."

Emperor Mingxi asked: "What do you think?" The eldest prince hesitated, but still said: "My son believes that although officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are cliques, they are indeed capable and have a large number of people, so they should be stable and not move. Yang Xianrong IV People are being liquidated, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions have been hit hard, and the remaining people are also affected. At this time, we should appropriately appease and promote, and make a smooth and rapid transition to ensure that the government orders are passed through and the people will not be affected by the turmoil in the court..."

Emperor Mingxi looked at him deeply.

Is it benevolent?
He cares about the people and his courtiers, and is truly kind.

But, is it correct?
It's hard to say whether it's correct or not.

Although Zhuzhu's prophet was around, Emperor Mingxi was already inclined to follow God's will and establish the fourth prince as his heir, but deep down in his heart, he was really unwilling and unwilling to give up on his eldest son, who was the eldest son.

But today, for the second time, he deeply felt that this governing philosophy was completely different.

You must know that governing a country is not about treating headaches and pains, but often requires strong men to cut off their wrists.

When national power is limited and it is impossible to keep everything functioning normally, it can only reluctantly give up some of its interests in order to obtain greater returns.

It's the same thing today.

The key to the problem has never been the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions! !

Party strife is unavoidable, and it doesn’t matter what faction is involved.

What's wrong with Jiangsu and Zhejiang?Jiangsu and Zhejiang are just rich and prosperous, so they have more energy to pursue ideological things. More people will study, the style of writing will become more and more popular, and there will be more and more talented people, so naturally more people will enter the imperial examination and become officials.

No matter where you put the same conditions, it will be the same.

But for the imperial court, there is definitely a difference between being wealthy in one place and being wealthy in hundreds of places!Is it one tael of silver incense or 100 taels of incense?
I’m not even talking about talent, I’m just saying that if one more people can have enough to eat, the consequences will be huge.

If you follow what the eldest prince said, oh, I have given the leader of the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions, and I will immediately select a few people from your Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions to sit in this position. They are familiar with each other and have a smooth transition. It seems to be good.

But what did they lose?
What have I gained as an emperor?
Is it just the property of four families?

Well, although this number is indeed quite large, I am the emperor!
At this time, I should take on the attitude that I am so fed up with the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions that I wish to uproot all the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions, so that they can make concessions one step, ten steps, or a hundred steps, so that I can issue as many government decrees as possible so that the North and the South can move closer as soon as possible. In balance!
Are they unhappy?So what if you're not happy?
Don't they do a good job?

I've killed the boss, do you think I would mind killing a few more minions?
As long as I show my determination, that group of people will be obedient and want to do more to show off after finishing the task at hand.

This is called profit maximization.

However, if you say that the eldest prince is wrong, it may not mean that he is wrong.

His method, if done well, will bring harmony between the king and his ministers, and it will be a good story.


Because Yang Xianrong and the other four are definitely going to die. The remaining people must know what news they will reveal before they die, and no one can escape.

At this time, if the king does not investigate but appeases, it will be a narrow escape for them, and they will be very grateful. But for the king, it will be easier to control than to make mistakes.

This method is simpler and requires more time and energy, but when it is done, it will look beautiful and be known as a benevolent king.

But for Emperor Wu like Emperor Mingxi, hey, you already have pigtails and you dare to let us coax you and give you face? !
That’s why I say it’s not right or wrong, it’s just that the approach is wrong.

He was too conservative and too accommodating to the courtiers. If he really chose such a successor, he was really afraid that he would die and he would immediately move the capital back.

(End of this chapter)

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