Chapter 242 Go and look in the mirror first

Huo Chenzhao was startled, chased him a few steps, jumped up suddenly, but failed to catch him: "Ling Jue!!"

Xiaotuanzi was also frightened. He raised his little head high and stared blankly.

After a long while, she murmured: "Sheng Ming Feng, is it ready?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and reached out to hold her little head: "It's not injured. It's just pretending to lie to you."

Tuanzi was surprised: "Pretending?"

She pointed her little finger at the sky, her eyes widened: "Yes, it's only tied to a bird!"

"I know," Huo Chenzhao was amused by her little expression and wanted to laugh: "But it is a smart bird... Cats are like this too. After being raised for a long time, they become very humane, and it is not surprising that they would pretend to be injured. "

Group: "..."

Above, Shen Lingjue was a little scared at first, but gradually she realized that Sheng Mingfeng was flying so smoothly!
The wind was strong in mid-air, blowing his clothes and hair, and the blue sky and white clouds seemed to be close to him. Shen Lingjue's mind was wide open for a moment, and a long roar suddenly came out from the bottom of his throat, the clearer and melodious, the sound stopped the moving clouds.

Tuanzi hugged the beautiful Guoguo's legs and closed his eyes tightly in fear.

The bird she raised deceived Xingxing Guoguo and took Xingxing Guoguo to the sky. Xingxing Guoguo screamed so loudly, he must be very scared... Will he spank Zhuzhu's butt?
At this moment, everyone didn't know that because of Shen Lingjue's roar, many people looked up and saw the scene of this huge condor flying. When it matched the script, it instantly became more real and real. Huo Chenzhao's The reputation has become louder, and the reputation of Jiangsu and Zhejiang officials has also become worse.

The grand majesty circled for several times before slowly falling.

When there was still a little distance from the ground, Shen Lingjue originally wanted to roll over and jump off gracefully, but the result was that he was too tight in mid-air and collapsed without realizing it. As soon as he landed on the ground, his legs went weak and he fell to his knees on the spot.

Tuanzi let out a cry and quickly came over to help him.

Shen Lingjue silently covered his face with his hands and stood up.

Huo Chenzhao came over and looked at him: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Shen Lingjue said excitedly: "Minglin is just worried, giving in and giving in, I'll just go up, isn't it nothing?"

Huo Chenzhao said nothing.

Tuanzi raised his two little hands high above his head, struggling to hold one of his hands, while softly apologizing: "Xingxing Guoguo, Zhuzhu didn't do it on purpose. Zhuzhu didn't teach Sheng Sheng's majesty to deceive others. Are you generous?" Beat him with less force?"

"Huh? Who to beat?" Shen Lingjue said: "Do you want to beat Sheng Shengwei? Don't worry, I don't dare to beat it!"

Tuanzi asked cautiously: "Yeah, don't you want to beat Zhuzhu as well?"

Shen Lingjue: "..."

He raised his hand and saw that there was still a little bitch hidden under his hand.

Shen Ling couldn't help laughing. He knelt down and hugged her up: "Baby, I have to eat the courage of a bear heart leopard before I dare to beat you. Your father, your brother, and your beautiful brother, you see I can beat you." Who have you beaten or scolded? Besides, even if I can beat or scold, Zhuzhu'er is so cute, I won't be willing to beat her!"

He was in a good mood and spoke very nicely. After he finished speaking, he wanted to lean in for a kiss, but Tuanzi pushed his face with both hands and smiled silly at him.

Shen Lingjue: "What's wrong?"

Huo Chenzhao laughed, raised his hand and snatched the dumpling back: "Go and look in the mirror first."

"No, Huo Chenzhao," Shen Lingjue frowned: "Why did I offend you? I'm in a good mood today and I don't care about you. Don't think I'm afraid of you..."

Huo Chenzhao held his forehead and said word by word: "I'm not scolding you, I'm just telling you seriously, go and look in the mirror."

Shen Lingjue suddenly realized something was wrong and stretched out his hand.

There was still a little bit of white in the palm of his hand, but this time it turned completely black.

Shen Lingjue clicked her tongue and quickly ran to a basin of water nearby to take a photo. Only then did she realize that her face was dusty and dirty, with only her teeth left.

Shen Lingjue said in surprise: "Why, you just flew for such a short time! How could it be so dirty! Did the dirt of Shangshengfeng smear all over my face?" He ran out as he said, and disappeared in a flash. .

In the afternoon, when the Seventh Prince heard that Shen Lingjue was flying around in the sky, he couldn't hold him back, so he immediately flew up and flew around too.

Then the two of them were extremely excited, exchanging Feitian's thoughts in super loud voices, which sounded like a war from a distance.Sheng Minglin was entrusted with an important task by his sister, who taught Sheng Minglin not to lie to others in the future.

Sheng Minglin stood in front of it solemnly with his hands behind his back, deliberately quoting scriptures and talking one after another, while Tuanzi watched without blinking.

Just as he was talking, he saw Prince Duan coming back outside. He smiled from a distance and said, "Is Zhuzhu awake?"

Tuanzi: "Daddy!"

Prince Duan: "Hey!!"

He caught his daughter in his arms, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "I will take a rest tomorrow. Tonight, we will go to Zhuangzi to stay overnight. We will also visit the Medicine Garden and play outside tomorrow."

Sheng Minglin understood instantly.

This is to put the potatoes down, and then it’s time to arrange for people to plant them.

One acre of land requires more than 200 kilograms of potato seed cubes, and one ton is two thousand kilograms. In fact, it can only be planted on ten acres of land.

So the key is to select good personnel to facilitate the next step of promotion.

Everyone simply packed up and got ready to leave.

Huo Chenzhao must go, as well as his whole family.

Sheng Minglin was very concerned about the fact that the fate of the three of them was beneficial to Zhuzhu. He was afraid that his sister would not be able to harvest the three of them, so he took Shen Lingjue with him.

Only the seventh prince wanted to go back to the palace to see his mother during his rest, so he didn't go.

Because Zhuzhu had been eyeing the steamed buns of eating birds these days, Princess Duan specially brought the cook Xiao Han with her.

A group of people left the city.

Then the whole family went to the medicine garden, except for the servants and the cook who had to go to Zhuangzi in advance to settle down.

Watching his master's car slowly drive away, a trace of thought flashed in Xiao Han's eyes.

When Huo Chenzhao arrived at the medicine garden, Zhou Xingguo came out to welcome him and hugged him tightly without saying a word.

At that time, as soon as the case was judged, Huo Chenzhao wrote a letter to his master and brother, but he never came back. When he saw him, even Huo Chenzhao himself felt a little emotional.

The two of them didn't say much, they just patted each other on the shoulders, and everything was said in silence.

At this moment, a warehouse in the medicine garden had been vacated. Zhuzhu went in and clicked on the unloading. Suddenly, two thousand kilograms of potatoes filled the warehouse.

Anyway, the group had nothing to do and played in the medicine garden for a while.

Princess Duan picked honeysuckle with her own hands with great interest, and was ready to go back to soak in water to drink.

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "Your Majesty, it's a little late to pick honeysuckle now. There are still this year's ones that I picked before. I'll ask someone to bring some to your Majesty."

"No need," Princess Duan said with a smile, "I'm just picking it up for fun!"

Prince Duan also helped to pick it up, and then he remembered and asked his son: "There, you still don't believe me?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head.

The young man asked that he had been out investigating the missing coffin and would come back every day to report it, but he never found any news.

Prince Duan frowned: "This is strange. I think he should take the initiative to expose it! After all, exposing this matter will only show that he has a bad mind and will have no impact on other things. On the contrary, it will not be exposed. It means that we have been checking him, which makes it even more dangerous for them!"

Sheng Minglin said: "I think they have always been like this. They do more and make more mistakes, so I don't do anything. However, I feel inexplicably confident that they are sure that we can't find him." Any evidence will convict him."

He paused: "It's just a feeling."

(End of this chapter)

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