Chapter 243 The star pot pot is so delicious

When Sheng Yulu first disappeared, Jin Yiwei's manpower was deployed outside, just to prevent too much trouble when Prince Qi's palace was looking for someone.

So at that time, Prince Qi's Mansion probably didn't notice it. After all, except Jin Yiwei, who could know who they were waiting for.

But later, because Prince Qi's Mansion had not responded to Sheng Yulu's disappearance, they became suspicious, and the Jinyi Guards began to send people to Prince Qi's Mansion... At that time, Prince Qi's Mansion was probably aware of it.

Fortunately, it doesn't matter, because they won't know about the relationship between Sheng Yulu and Chen Shan. They will only know that because Sheng Yulu disappeared, the Qi Prince's Mansion was suspected, and the people were later removed, so they probably believed it.

But regardless of whether Jin Yiwei went or not, it seemed that Prince Qi's Mansion was just waiting passively and did not take the initiative to do anything, such as finding a suitable opportunity to express Sheng Yulu's disappearance.

If Prince Duan hadn't been confident in his judgment, he would have thought that nothing happened to Prince Qi.

Prince Duan pondered: "But why is he so confident? Is there anything in this world that can make people so sure that they will not be exposed?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't expect it either."

"Okay," Prince Duan said, "You can check as usual first. Ask Chen Shan and Cui Yun to see if they know anything."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Prince Duan said again: "I will send people to his fiefdom..."

Before they finished speaking, not far away, Princess Duan called them: "Hey!!"

The two of them raised their heads together, and Princess Duan smiled and said: "What did you two say? Didn't you just say it for fun? You are really worried about your life! It's like this everywhere!"

Tuanzi helped: "Talk secretly again!"

"That's right," Princess Duan said with a smile, "She's whispering behind our backs again!"

Tuanzi: "Whisper!"

Mainly because the herbs were too high, Tuanzi could only hear her but not see anyone. They both laughed. Prince Duan hurriedly went around to help his wife. Sheng Minglin also went to look for his sister, but when he went over to see Zhuzhu, he pretended to be a cat. Can't find it: "Where is Zhuzhu? Where did Zhuzhu go? Brother Zhao, have you seen Zhuzhu?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and cooperated with him: "You were here just now."

The dumpling jumped up and down all of a sudden: "Zhuzhu debt Jie Ni!!"

But even if she jumped high, she couldn't see anyone at all. She could only barely see the mask on her little hands. Sheng Minglin walked over there with a smile: "I caught Zhuzhu!"

Zhuzhu opened her mouth wide and laughed.

The two brothers and sister were laughing and joking, and the couple struggled to pick a small bag of honeysuckle.

Huo Chenzhao smiled and brought them a small basket to put in. Princess Duan was quite happy to hold it in her hand.

A few people still had a meal here before heading towards Zhuangzi.

After arriving, I packed up and changed my clothes, and it was already dinner time.

As soon as the food was put on the table, Zhuzhu noticed that Mian Niao Niao had changed.

It used to be branches, fruits and birds, but now it has turned into a bird spreading its wings and flying. There is a person standing on top, and white groups are made next to it, which should refer to white clouds. The plate is spread out in blue, and there are also things on it. There was a little shadow of the house, like looking down from the air.

Tuanzi was surprised: "Wow!"

Shen Lingjue was also pleasantly surprised: "Is this person me? It must be me! Qilang is not so handsome!"

Even Prince Duan couldn't help but say: "This man is really thoughtful."

Huo Chenzhao said: "Can I go and meet you later? Sometimes Zhuzhu doesn't like to eat those snacks."

Before he finished speaking, Princess Duan understood and said: "Yes, you go and meet! It's best to get the best of both worlds!"

The family admired it for a long time. Zhuzhu took a cloud to eat first. The cloud was also filled with fillings and tasted sweet. Shen Lingjue was curious and also took a small cloud to eat. She also said: "It's really beautiful. This Can you put the seeds up like a clay figure? Brother Zhao, ask by the way when you go."

Since Emperor Mingxi gave Huo Chenzhao the name Zhao, everyone basically stopped calling him Shen Zhao, but sometimes they would call him "Leuci".

Although Huo Chenzhao didn't care about this, he was still grateful for everyone's kindness and agreed with a smile.Then Zhuzhu asked Shen Lingjue: "How many times do you want to send it?"

Shen Lingjue immediately shook his head: "No, weirdly, I won't eat it."

Tuanzi grabbed the little man, and then the birds, and looked back and forth: "Then Zhuzhu is the first to be the star of Guoguo, or the first to be grand and majestic?"

Shen Lingjue hesitated to speak.

But it turns out that children don’t have as many thoughts as adults. No, it should be said that children think that if they love you, they should eat you and hide you in their belly.

So Zhuzhu said: "First of all, Xingxing Guoguo is ready!"

I took one bite and bit off half of it.

Shen Lingjue: "..."

Sheng Minglin and others watched with suppressed laughter, and Tuanzi praised him sincerely: "Xingxing Guoguo, you are so good, you are the stuffing of vegetables!"

Sheng Minglin never let his words fall to the ground and said with a smile: "That's right Zhuzhu, that's how good he is."

Shen Lingjue said again: "..."

Why don't you discuss it with the cook and be the silly one next time?

It is estimated that he will eat with the dumplings and enjoy them quite happily. It is true that a smart person like him is prone to overthinking.

After dinner, Zhuzhu was getting ready for bed, and Huo Chenzhao went to find the cook.

When they came back, Prince Duan and Sheng Minglin were reading a book together under the lamp. Huo Chenzhao said, "Minglin, do you know what the cook's name is?"

Sheng Minglin was surprised: "What's wrong? His name is very special??"

"Yes," Huo Chenzhao said with a smile: "It's called Han Zhenge, which means Zhenge who drank bile. It is said that it was because he had a black birthmark on the back of his neck. It was long and shaped like a weapon, so there was a man passing by. The old scholar gave him this name."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows.

Zhen Ge means holding a weapon on your pillow, indicating that you are ready to go into battle at any time.

Although this explanation was reasonable, Sheng Minglin still felt a little uneasy for some reason and pondered slightly.

Huo Chenzhao said: "He seemed to be very marginalized in the kitchen. When I passed by, everyone seemed to be scolding him, saying that he had taken someone's job or something, but he didn't respond. When he came out to see me, There are tears in my eyes.”

Sheng Minglin said, "I'll ask him to come and have a look tomorrow."

Huo Chenzhao nodded.

Prince Duan read the book, listened without raising his head, and smiled: "You can't manage this with your kind of control."

Sheng Minglin said: "Come here while you can, take care of it first."

In fact, Prince Duan's thoughts are more in line with those of the superiors.

No matter where there will be disputes, what the superior needs to do is to select a suitable manager. If he can suppress the struggle below, he is a suitable manager; if he can turn this struggle into a benign one, he is an excellent manager. managers.

They will never manage everything personally. They have bigger battlefields. They will not and have no need to pay attention to these small things.

But Sheng Minglin is used to paying attention to the details, and he will not let go of the things that pass through his hands and eyes, even if they are extremely trivial. He can't help but check them out, understand them, and then take care of them with his own hands. Twist it to a healthy operating state before you consider letting it go.

There is no right or wrong, just different styles of doing things.


More updates with 2200 five-star reviews.The synchronization is so slow now, it takes more than an hour to watch, so I will try posting earlier today.Little angels, please remind me more and little stars, I love you so much (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

(End of this chapter)

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