Chapter 245 Fourth brother is a big liar

The fourth prince had already been told that he would go with Min Yuanyuan to find a place to grow new grains, so he came over to meet them first and also tell Zhuzhu.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhuzhu. The fourth prince smiled and bent down to hug her, but she turned around and ran away.

The fourth prince was also a stickler for rules, so he finished talking to Prince Duan about business before going to see Zhuzhu.

As a result, Tuanzi was still looking up at him, but as soon as he came over, she suddenly turned her head, hid in her father's arms, and faced him with her butt.

The fourth prince was stunned for a moment.

Then he squatted down and tried to hold Tuanzi's hand: "Zhuzhu, what's wrong? Why are you ignoring Fourth Brother?"

Tuanzi twitched his hand hard, and covered it with his other little hand. His little face was buried in his father's arms, and only the voice came out: "Don't hold Zhuzhu's hand! Don't laugh with Zhuzhu! Zhuzhu A well-behaved child only talks to the big liar!"

The fourth prince chuckled, then pursed his lips and said, "Fourth brother is not a big liar."

Tuanzi: "That's it!"

"really not."

"Just do it!" Tuanzi turned around angrily, stepped on him, then quickly turned back, hid his face again, and said in a firm voice: "It's just a big liar! A big liar who cheated Mengmeng! He cheated Mengmeng away. Don’t mess with me!”

The more Tuanzi talked, the more aggrieved he became, his little shoulders twitching: "Zhuzhu Debt is not easy to mess with, you are the best in the world!"

When the fourth prince saw her crying, he became even more anxious, but he was just a fool to tease babies based on his face, and he had no tricks at all. He scratched his shoulders, and then scratched his arms, and then he scratched his arms again.

The fourth prince couldn't help but coughed and explained in a low voice: "Zhuzhu, the fourth brother is a little busy these days, so he didn't go to Zhuzhu. It really wasn't because of Mengmeng, and the fourth brother didn't lie to Mengmeng. . Look, Zhuzhu is not dreaming today, isn’t fourth brother here too?”

Tuanzi said: "You are here to discuss business with daddy! You are not here to play with Zhuzhu! You don't want to mess with Zhuzhu!"

The fourth prince coughed lightly and raised his head to find someone for help, but Prince Duan's face was full of gloating. It was obvious that he was holding back to avoid adding fuel to the fire. He definitely couldn't be expected to help...and the very reliable Sheng Minglin , "just" turned around and looked out the window, looking very seriously, with no intention of looking back.

The fourth prince had no choice but to continue: "It's the fourth brother's fault. Can Zhuzhu forgive the fourth brother? He hasn't seen Zhuzhu for several days, and the fourth brother also misses Zhuzhu. Can Zhuzhu give the fourth brother a hug? The fourth brother wants to I went out on errands and couldn't come back for a while. Fourth brother wanted to hug Zhuzhu before going."

Tuanzi tilted his head slightly, and the fourth prince said quickly: "I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'll be leaving for half a month." It was rare for him to say soft words: "Good Zhuzhu, let fourth brother hug you."

Tuanzi hesitated for a moment, then turned around, raised her little arms slightly, and the fourth prince picked her up.

Tuanzi puffed up his cheeks and said, "Although Zhuzhu's fleshy body allows you to hug and mess with her, Zhuzhu's careful heart has not yet forgiven Siguoguo!"

The fourth prince took her out and there were only two of them. The fourth prince felt more comfortable and said with a smile: "Then how can Zhuzhu forgive the fourth brother? Or when the fourth brother goes on errands and sees something interesting, just buy it. Come back and play with Zhuzhu?"

Tuanzi thought about it seriously: "Zhuzhu doesn't want anything fun, she just wants four pots."

The fourth prince hugged her and kissed her: "The fourth brother will write to you as soon as he is free."

Tuanzi obediently agreed, hugged his head, kissed him back, and said in a soft voice: "Si Guo Guo Guo, you have to eat well."

The fourth prince smiled and nodded: "Yes."

The two talked outside for a long time before the fourth prince left in a hurry.

The dumpling was not returned until it was delivered to the entrance of the hospital, with melancholy written all over its little face.

Sheng Minglin teased her with a smile: "Zhuzhu, why don't we go and see what delicious food the kitchen has prepared for Zhuzhu today?"

Tuanzi was a little interested and opened his hands: "Yeah."

So Sheng Minglin carried her over.I have been eating dumplings for several days, and this is the first time I have seen the making process.

It felt like Han Zhenge's hands were extremely flexible. There were some small tools on the table. He folded, pressed, and twisted, and the tricks came out, which was dazzling.

Tuanzi looked at it for a while and then shouted in surprise: "It's a basket! It's a basket!"

Sheng Minglin nodded.

He has already seen that what Han Zhenge did this time was the scene of them picking dates that day. Zhuzhu was holding a basket full of red dates. There were two trees on both sides, and there were people on the trees. Every branch and leaf was full of red dates. It was so delicately made by hands that even he looked at it with gusto.

Sheng Minglin asked: "As I asked last time, can you make the kind that can be stored for a long time?"

Han Zhenge said respectfully: "Master Hui Shi, it seems that some glutinous rice noodles and paraffin are added to the noodles made by noodle makers. The color is also different from the edible ones like ours. The person in charge said that he has already asked people to go there. I asked the noodle maker, if it’s just for kneading then, the small ones should be fine.”

Tuanzi praised: "You are so awesome!"

Han Zhenge said: "Your Highness is very grateful."

Sheng Minglin said to the boy: "Urge the steward, tell him it's okay to spend some money, and buy back the recipe as soon as possible."

The boy responded, then turned back and said, "When you find that kind of noodles, you can make one for me and Zhuzhu."

Han Zhenge responded repeatedly.

The two of them watched him finish kneading and put it on the pot, and then he came out. As soon as he came out, Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu wants to play too."

Sheng Minglin knew this would be the case, and asked someone to get her a ball of noodles. Tuanzi sat there and kneaded it for a long time. Tuanzi was very puzzled. She raised her hands and looked carefully: "Zhuzhu's hands, why?" Don’t you listen to Zhuzhu? Zhuzhu’s brain has obviously already mastered it!”

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "This kind of thing is inherently difficult and requires long-term hard practice. If it is really so easy, why are there so many people in the kitchen and only the cook can do it?"

Tuanzi said: "That cook Guo Guo..."

Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "His surname is Han, you can call him Xiao Han."

Tuanzi nodded, shook his head, and soon found the Tuan style name: "Hanjiujiu isn't very old either!"

"Yes, not very old." Sheng Minglin said: "Good talent and hard work. Just like the beautiful brother, he is not very old, but his medical skills are better than the old man with the white beard."

Tuanzi tilted his head and thought for a while, then agreed with this statement: "Where is Zhuzhu's talent debt?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Zhuzhu's talent is also medical skills. Zhuzhu can memorize medicinal herbs, doesn't he remember them very quickly?"

Tuanzi suddenly nodded while still playing with the dough.

Early the next morning, Sheng Minglin left Huo Chenzhao here to wait for Zhuzhu to get up, while he went to meet Cui Yun in private.

However, Cui Yun didn't know that Chen Shan had dated Prince Qi. After all, although he was strict, the two had a special relationship at that time, and he had no intention of recording the men Chen Shan had dated.

Sheng Minglin could only go to Chen Shan privately.


Ah, there are some facts today and it’s too late to finish. I owe a chapter and will make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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