Chapter 246 Bai Yueguang who licks the dog
Chen Shan was just a loser. He had already emptied all the food in his belly. After eating it in a flash of inspiration, he didn't say much.

But in order to prevent a situation like today, she was still alive.

And that's not all, because there are many people who hate her, and Jin Yiwei still tortures her every day.

When Sheng Minglin arrived, Chen Shan had lost several pounds, his expression was numb, and he no longer groaned.

When he asked King Qi, Chen Shan was at a loss: "King Qi, I don't know you."

Fortunately, Sheng Minglin was well prepared and asked Huo Chenzhao to draw a portrait. When he showed the portrait, Chen Shan recognized it immediately: "Wu Shengbiao! It's him! He is one of my licking dogs."

Sheng Minglin was also stunned.

He had a photographic memory. Before he came, he had seen all the men Chen Shan had recruited and guessed their pseudonyms.

The one with the surname Qi, the one with the surname Wang, the one with Sheng in his name, or the one with his fiefdom Qingzhou, etc., all came after looking around, and never expected that his name was Wu Shengbiao, which means he is capable in martial arts. Better than "standard"?
Who is Biao? It's his father's eldest brother, the original prince Sheng Chengbiao, the great grandfather's favorite. If he hadn't died young, the emperor's uncle would never have been able to sit on the throne.

Sheng Minglin quickly went through the past between "Wu Shengbiao" and Chen Shan in his mind, and then listened patiently to Chen Shanzhong's words.

I met this person when Chen Shan was fourteen or fifteen years old.

It was Grandfather Taizu's sixtieth birthday that year, and various vassal kings came to Beijing. The streets were very lively, so of course she wanted to take the opportunity to go out and have a look.

As a result, on the way, I accidentally saw Prince Sheng Chengbiao talking to several other people.

Chen Shan knew the history and knew that the prince would die, so she never set a target on him. But after all, he was the prince and held a high position. She still liked the drama of being loved and chased by the prince, so she would do it if she met him. Performance one or two.

As a result, I once heard someone say that the prince once commented on her to his brothers, "This girl has frivolous eyes and is not a good match" and warned them not to be fascinated by beauty or anything like that.

Chen Shan held a grudge and disliked the prince very much.

So after the prince and the others passed by and listened to others praising the prince, they couldn't help but complain privately, saying that the prince looked like a hypocrite, not even as good as the red-robed young general next to him...etc.

As he was talking happily, he suddenly heard someone say: "Whose girl are you from?"

Chen Shan turned around in surprise and saw the "little general in red robe" standing behind her. When their eyes met, he showed a look of shock.

Chen Shan was familiar with that look and was no longer afraid. He behaved as if he fell in love with him at first sight, so he couldn't help but speak for him and bowed shyly.

He called himself Wu Shengbiao and said he was the captain of the guard beside King Qi. He chatted with her for a while and then sent him back to his house.

Although Chen Shan hooked up with her, of course she didn't like the plain-looking guard captain, so she usually hung up on him and didn't see him easily. Instead, he became more and more attracted to her and gave her all kinds of valuable jewelry. He also inquired about her age and revealed his intention to marry her.

Later, when the vassal king returned to his fiefdom after the Chinese New Year, he came to ask her if she could come with him, but she declined.

When he came back the next year, Chen Shan had hooked up with Prince Duan and became Princess Duan. He even sneaked in to see her and said that Prince Duan didn't want her, but if he did, he could marry her. So she cried and complained that she accidentally lost her virginity at the palace banquet. He was given the reputation of being drugged and could not defend himself. Now that he had children, he naturally could not leave him and could only see him again in the next life.

He also left a banknote of 20 taels of silver for her, and later he stayed with her for more than a month when she was in the family temple, and gave her jewelry and silver as if they were free... In short, he was very affectionate and licking.

Chen Shan is stupid in other things, but she is very smart when it comes to men. She doesn't value chastity, and she has skin relations with several men, but Wu Shengbiao is the only one who doesn't even touch her hands. Pass.

Maybe it's because of this that he can't let go?

Sheng Minglin was speechless.

So, this is actually because Prince Qi thinks very highly of himself and is secretly jealous of the prince. He happened to meet someone and actually chose him between the prince and him...even before his identity was revealed.

In other words, in her heart, he was more valuable than the prince and his status combined.

Didn't this hit the most itch in his heart?
This person is a great beauty, aloof and does not admire the powerful, and she is the daughter of the emperor's master and cannot be forced to marry. I have been thinking about not getting her for so long, and after a while, she turned into a white moonlight.

That seems to be the word, right?It feels quite appropriate.Sheng Minglin told Prince Duan when he came back.

Prince Duan was also speechless.

Then he said: "That's him! After Taizu's sixtieth birthday, he never called the vassal king back to the capital. Therefore, except for the first year, he must have come back secretly! What is the crime of the vassal king returning to the capital privately? , You don’t need me to say it, right? If this isn’t true love, what is it?”

Sheng Minglin said: "But he has a group of wives and concubines?"

Prince Duan spoke plausibly: "He is so sad that he can't get his sweetheart. He can only indulge a little. Although he has many wives and concubines, his heart has always been reserved for her."

Sheng Minglin twitched the corner of his mouth.

Therefore, his father must have read Chen Shan's interrogation records, and these little words were repeated one after another.

Everything he wanted to say was told by his father, and Sheng Minglin had no choice but to say: "So, what should we do next?"

Prince Duan said: "Go and test it first. How to test it? Do you need me to teach you?"

Sheng Minglin said slowly: "I know a person. This person was Chen Shan's guest. He told me a name 'Wu Shengbiao'."

Prince Duan laughed, stood up and patted his shoulder: "Take it easy, don't make your uncle Wang angry."

While Shi Shiran left.

Sheng Minglin sat down, wrote a post in his own name, and asked someone to send it to Prince Qi's Mansion, and then got up to find his sister.

He has been busy all morning, and so has Zhuzhuer.

Because Sheng Minglin said that he could use money to buy the dough maker's recipe. How much money does a dough maker make in a lifetime, so of course he bought it quickly.

When Zhuzhu woke up in the morning, the servants called Han Zhenge over to pinch her.

The paint of the dough maker was more vivid and the dough was more flexible. Han Zhenge was a little uncomfortable at first, but he soon found the feel.

Zhuzhu and Huo Chenzhao sat nearby and watched with great interest.

Han Zhenge first pinched the brother and sister Sheng Minglin wanted, and then pinched him and Sheng Weifeng who were wanted by Shen Ling before. Tuanzi quickly made a request: "I also want a father and mother, Guo Guo and Zhu Zhu Debt together. of!"

Han Zhenge smiled and nodded. Tuanzi saw that in the blink of an eye, the skirt came out, the sleeves came out, and the little man came out. He couldn't help but sigh: "Han Jiujiu seems to have eight arms."

Huo Chenzhao also said: "Not only is he good at pinching, but he is also good at painting." There is no way to change the eyebrows or anything like that. It is really a success, and his hand is very steady.

Tuanzi raised his little hands to look at them, and then tugged at Huo Chenzhao's: "Han Jiujiu's hands can do magic; Beautiful Guoguo's hands can write and cure diseases... There are so many beads." My hands are useless."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and comforted: "No, Zhuzhu is still young. When she grows up, she will learn a lot of things."

Han Zhenge secretly raised his head and glanced at Tuanzi, laughing so hard that his head was filled with wine.

Just as he was talking, Prince Duan came in with a frown on his face.

Tuanzi greeted enthusiastically: "Daddy!" while pointing here: "Daddy, look! Take a look!"

Huo Chenzhao and Han Zhenge quickly stood up and saluted. Prince Duan glanced at Mianren'er and smiled very gently: "Awesome! So beautiful!"

As he spoke, he sat down next to him and said softly: "Shen Zhao, feel my pulse."

(End of this chapter)

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