Chapter 248: Wrapping the Coffin Plate
Prince Qi actually replied and said that he had been busy with affairs recently and it was inconvenient not to be at home very often. It would take about seven or eight days before he would be able to find time to receive him.

But he is an idle prince who often leaves the internal affairs of the palace to his son. How can he be so involved in affairs?
So what's the point of him putting it off like this?

What if I go a few days earlier or a few days later?
It couldn't be that a few years later, the lingering feelings are still there, so you don't dare to face the reality and try every means to postpone it, right?
Sheng Minglin had goosebumps.

The main thing is that a prince who changes women like clothes cannot be associated with such a thing.

and many more!

He suddenly thought of something.

His posts have already been submitted, which means that he must already know something!
Knowing that, could Prince Qi still wait for him to come to the door before pretending to be confused or denying it?Prince Qi doesn’t know exactly what he knows!What should I do if I can’t deny it?
Prince Qi should not make such a low-level mistake.

So, if his father's feeling is true and there is something bigger happening to Prince Qi, what will he do?
He would establish the character of being extremely infatuated, so infatuated that he stole corpses, so that he would appear to be abnormal and useless, so that people would no longer be wary of him.

How to take a solid position?

What can he do if it lasts for a few days?
Sheng Minglin was shocked.

It can't be... moving the body, right?

The premise that the body can be moved is that the body is in an unspeakable place at the moment, such as his home.

Sheng Minglin's scalp was really numb all of a sudden.

At this moment, he couldn't even think about offending what happened behind his back. All he could think about was...impossible, impossible...Prince Qi shouldn't be so perverted!

No matter how affectionate it is, if you are in the same room with Bones, will your scalp really not go numb?
He barely endured the feeling of chills standing on end and went over the matter from beginning to end. He still felt that this was the only way to make the most sense.

Sheng Minglin rubbed his arms, stood up and went to find his father.

The two briefly discussed it, and Sheng Minglin replied with a slightly tough attitude and directly scheduled the meeting until tomorrow. Anyway, he was young and energetic, so it made sense.

Prince Qi’s Mansion did not reply again.

That night, after midnight, the back door of Prince Qi's Mansion quietly opened.

Several people came out carrying the coffin, avoiding the night watchers, and quickly walked out, covering themselves all the way into a courtyard.

In the yard, the pit has been dug and the tombstone has been carved. Watching the servants tidying up the tomb, Prince Qi couldn't help wiping away his tears and choked up. It was so late at night that the suppressed crying was a bit scary.

Sheng Minglin hid in the dark, and Shen Lingjue and Huo Chenzhao accompanied him. The three of them watched helplessly and couldn't help but want to rub their arms.

Then Sheng Minglin stood up and said, "Uncle King Qi."

Prince Qi shouted in fright, and several servants also screamed in fright. Some almost fell into the pit, while others kept retreating.

Sheng Minglin walked over slowly and called again: "Uncle King Qi."

It took Prince Qi a while before he slowly came back to his senses, his teeth chattering: "Yes, it's Ming Lin!"

Sheng Minglin nodded and asked him, "Uncle Wang, who is in this coffin?"

Prince Qi didn't answer in silence. Sheng Minglin walked over slowly and reached out to touch the sarcophagus. This touch made him feel frightened again!

Because the surface of this sarcophagus is actually very smooth, as if it has been touched frequently.He didn't think the acting could be done so meticulously, mainly because it was too late. No one could have expected that someone would find out if Chen's coffin was lost, so there was no need to act in advance.

The feeling of polishing by craftsmen is also different from the feeling of patina when touched by hand.

However, how much affection is needed to cover a coffin plate with pulp for many years! !This kind of affection is simply terrifying! !

Prince Qi finally choked up and said: "Let her be buried first, while I and we find a place to talk.

Sheng Minglin said: "Don't worry, it's been so long, it's only a day and a half away."

Prince Qi suddenly raised his head. Sheng Minglin said nothing and did not take a step back. Finally, Prince Qi said: "Okay, you all, please step aside. Let's go in and sit down."

The servants left in a hurry.

Sheng Minglin followed him in. Fortunately, the courtyard was fully equipped with tables and chairs. After lighting candles, the servants even brought tea.

Prince Qi asked him: "How did you know?"

Sheng Minglin remained silent.

Prince Qi broke the pot and said: "Okay! I'm afraid of you! Let me tell you! Your mother and I have known each other before! We knew each other before your father! We have already agreed to get married! It's your father who didn't know who he was. Medicine, but she lost her virginity and gained notoriety, so she had to marry him! Your father actually doesn’t know how to cherish it! He treated her badly, do you know how uncomfortable her life is? "

"Now you covet the wealth of the palace, act as a filial son in front of your father, and treat the child born by that bitch as an ancestor, but you don't care about the suffering your mother suffered back then! You are just a heartless thing, and you have not inherited the inheritance from your mother You are not even remotely kind, you are not worthy of being her son!! You actually have the nerve to track down your mother’s body!? Your mother and I expected to live together in the afterlife, so what’s wrong with me taking her body away..."

Sheng Minglin sneered: "Since you are so affectionate, why don't you die with her? Is there no knife? No rope? No poisonous wine? How can you love her so much and bear her to be alone on the road to hell for several years and decades? You I should have heard that when she died, I would die with her immediately, and then be buried together with her. They could live in the same room and die in the same cave, so as not to find anyone in the next life! Instead of digging the coffin home, one on the left and one on the right. Marrying a bunch of big wives and little wives one after another, do you know how lonely her life is under the spring, and do you know how sad it is for her to see you like this?!"

Isn't that just disgusting? It's like no one else is.

Prince Qi was furious: "What do you know! I, I am not at all... outsiders have no right to comment on the matters between me and Shan Niang!"

"Who is the outsider?" Sheng Minglin chuckled: "I am her son, and you? At most, you have said a few words to her, which will make yourself more dramatic."

Prince Qi stood up in anger: "How dare you!"

Sheng Minglin didn't move: "What do I dare not do? Why don't I dare? You stole my mother's body and hid it at home for several years. What you did is enough to be infamy for thousands of years. How did you do it?" Dare you??”

Prince Qi gritted his teeth: "I, I can't help myself!"

Sheng Minglin sneered: "Who cares what you are doing! Do you think Uncle Huang will understand your affection and not add any guilt?"

Prince Qi stood frozen for a moment, and finally gave in: "What do you want? You don't want your mother to be picked on again after a few years, right? This is not good for you, you are also a celebrity in front of the emperor. Where's the human! I'm just a piece of mud, how can I deserve to tarnish your mother's posthumous name?"

Sheng Minglin was suffocated.

He seemed to be thinking about Chen Shan wholeheartedly when he said this. Could it be that the most outrageous thing is the truth? Is he really affectionate?

Sheng Minglin said slowly: "You hate my father?"

At this moment, Huo Chenzhao adjusted his posture slightly, and his shoes made a soft sound when they hit the chair.


Sorry, I still don’t have time to take it up today. I will definitely take it up tomorrow...I broke my promise and gained three kilograms!
(End of this chapter)

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