Chapter 249 You really don’t look like your mother
Sheng Minglin secretly raised his eyebrows.

They had discussed before coming that because Huo Chenzhao had a good ear and was a doctor, he would be the one to keep an eye on Prince Qi and be vigilant about his surroundings.

Judging from Prince Qi's breathing and heartbeat that he was probably telling the truth, he would do nothing, and Sheng Minglin would follow this path.

If you find him telling lies, move around a little.

If you notice something else, such as an outsider approaching, touch something with your shoe.

So, an outsider is here?
Could it be related to the "big event" that Prince Duan mentioned?
Prince Qi didn't pay attention. He asked excitedly: "Shouldn't I hate your father? There are many people who hate your father! He got our beloved girl, but he didn't cherish it, making her depressed and even determined to die. ..." He was overcome with emotion, his eyes were red, and he kept talking.

Sheng Minglin frowned when he heard this.

Prince Qi's words were full of... how to put it, an indescribable flavor of love that is similar to Chen Shan's. He felt that this could not be acted. Prince Qi probably really loved Chen Shan. , all marinated in flavor.

Sheng Minglin thought about it quickly.

Prince Qi's behavior somewhat disrupted his plan, but fortunately it didn't matter, he could just act according to the situation.

He said, "You love my mother so much and hate my father so much. Then what have you done all these years?"

Prince Qi had a meal.

Sheng Minglin said every word: "You did nothing! You watched her hang herself to death, but you could do nothing! You could only steal the bones secretly, and then hide behind people and shed tears in the coffin! You are like this Trash, it's a good thing my mother didn't choose you, otherwise she would have died even worse than she is now! You are simply not worthy of being a man!"

Prince Qi yelled: "Presumptuous!"

Sheng Minglin sneered: "What's wrong with what I said? Do you think you are worthy of being affectionate? My mother had a bad life during her lifetime, but she didn't expect that she would be even more miserable after her death than before her death! How can you say that you are also a royal prince? , to be such a coward... You are so embarrassed to be named Wu Shengbiao, I think you should be called a coward like a dog!"

This name completely irritated him. Prince Qi jumped up, pointed at him, and said angrily: "You..."

He obviously changed his words midway: "You hate your father!"

Sheng Minglin secretly regretted it.

Judging from his expression, what he just wanted to say was probably, how do you know I didn't do anything?Or something similar, but I realized something midway and changed my words... What a pity.

But Prince Qi seemed to have caught him and laughed loudly: "I'm right, you hate your father! You hate your father for abandoning you in your grandpa's house and ignoring him for so many years! You hate you He is obviously a man, but he is being weighed down by a little girl's movie! I have known for a long time that you cannot be so generous. That little girl's mother killed your mother and took away everything that belongs to you. You obviously You are the only male in the palace, but you live like a wild child that no one wants. You can't help but hate him, no one can help but hate him... You really have big plans!"

Sheng Minglin looked like he was being poked into something. He spoke a little faster and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! I... I came to my grandpa's house to study! My father treats me very well! Zhuzhu treats me very well too! You Don’t try to sow discord between us, I will never fall for your trick!”

Prince Qi laughed loudly, thinking that he had regained the victory.

Shen Lingjue was able to hold up well in front of outsiders. From the beginning to the end, he kept a cold and handsome face, but he couldn't help but scream repeatedly in his heart! !

Sheng Minglin, your acting is so similar that it makes me feel scared! !

Qi Laogou is proud of himself. Minglin, hurry up and attack him!Stimulate him!
But Huo Chenzhao was very calm.

He sat there, half of his mind on the room, and half of his mind on the person who had just approached.

That was one of the servants who had just carried the coffin, but he was obviously not a real servant. He was definitely good at kung fu and knew how to breathe. He was standing at the back window with his ear against the wall, eavesdropping on the room. The movement inside.

Sheng Minglin waited for King Qi to laugh several times before slowly saying: "Why do you have the nerve to laugh?"

Prince Qi was stunned.

Sheng Minglin said: "My biological mother's blood flows in my body, and I am her bond in the world. My closest relative, have you ever taken care of me in private?" Prince Qi didn't know how to respond.

Sheng Minglin continued: "My mother was famous all over the capital in those days, and many people secretly admired her. When my grandfather and I were in the house, people would occasionally look after her secretly. Uncle Liu would come to visit during the holidays, and one time when he was punishing an evil servant , there is also a Master Feng who helps secretly...but what have you done?"

Prince Qi sneered: "Why should I take care of you? You are a thief and a father with no conscience!"

Sheng Minglin also sneered and said: "But I haven't returned home yet! I left Prince Duan's Mansion with my mother and never returned! How can you recognize a thief as your father? Is it possible that you, Uncle Qi, can predict things in advance? Do you know that I will have no conscience to admit a thief and become a father?"

He chuckled: "So, Uncle Qi, admit it, you are a coward and a coward. When my mother was alive, you didn't dare to fight and you were sneaky. After my mother died, you still didn't dare to do anything and you were still sneaky. You only dare to hide in your own doghouse and cry, and you don’t even dare to take care of me, because you are afraid, you are afraid of my father!"

"Shut up!" Prince Qi was furious: "I don't have to be afraid of him! I don't need to tell you how I treat your mother! You have no control!"

Sheng Minglin said: "Then if you steal my mother's body, I don't care if you get it?"

Prince Qi acted rogue: "Do you have any evidence? I would like to say that your mother's coffin was thrown here by you!"

Sheng Minglin said: "What kind of evidence do you want? Uncle Huang will turn to me anyway."

Prince Qi choked again and snorted coldly.

Sheng Minglin's eyes were faint.

Although Prince Qi didn't say anything, this snort was really full of confidence! !

He was not resentful of the emperor's partiality, but rather confident. Prince Qi's trump card was probably quite big.

Then Prince Qi gritted his teeth and said: "Do you dare? You are still thinking about your mother and tracing her behind the scenes. Do you dare to let Xie Anning know? You flattered and behaved, coaxed Sheng Mingzhu, coaxed Xie Anning, and finally got the crown prince It's not easy to be in the position, isn't it? Do you really want to expose this matter? I can't get any good, but the emperor brother can't kill me, what about you? Do you really want to destroy the good situation now with your own hands? "

Sheng Minglin acted speechless.

Then he said: "I want 10 taels."

King Qi smiled contemptuously: "You are really not like your mother."

Sheng Minglin was really speechless.

In Prince Qi's heart, Bai Yueguang and Chen Shan still don't know how kind and perfect he is...but he can't expose it yet.

Sheng Minglin became "angry" and choked: "Will you give it to me or not?"

"Here," Prince Qi said, "For your mother's sake, I'll give it to you! I gave you the money, so let's just write it off!"

Oh my gosh!I really gave it! !

That's it!

An idle king!A free king casually took out 10 taels!Not even a bargain!
You know, the prince's salary is only [-] shi of rice a year, [-] guan of banknotes, and some brocade, silk, tea and salt.

But the banknotes are Dashengbao banknotes, and if they are issued, they are not issued. Therefore, 10 taels is really a lot! !
Sheng Minglin said: "I don't want treasure money!"

Prince Qi sneered: "I'll give you a banknote."

"Wait!" Sheng Minglin said, "I still have conditions!"

(End of this chapter)

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