Chapter 25 Zhuzhu comes to accompany her brother

Zhuzhu didn't know that her brother was worried about her.

Although Princess Duan didn't expect this, she also had her own arrangements. She wanted her daughter to go to school. Although she didn't know how many days she would be able to go to school... she was also busy with a lot of things.

She asked people to make more than ten sets of scholar robes for Zhuzhu.

It is made to imitate the uniforms of Imperial College students, with a jade-colored blouse and wide sleeves. The flying fish patch is made into a cute red carp, and it even comes with a matching square scarf.

Of course, this is a dress, and there are also a lot of casual clothes, including all kinds of headscarves, hats, robes, and boots.

Zhuzhu was so excited when she saw her that she couldn't wait to run to class right away. She comforted her for a while before falling asleep with her headscarf in her arms. In the morning, she woke up before midnight for the first time, and then she was told to go to class.

Princess Duan finally coaxed her into eating half a bowl of rice.

She herself was actually quite excited. She dressed up her daughter with her own hands, put on a complete set, and asked her maids Li Zhi and Hong Zao to dress up as book boys and carry an oversized book box for her.

Even though Tuanzi still doesn't know a word of it, Princess Duan bought three hundred thousand, four books and five classics, etc., and put them in the box, which was really heavy to carry.

A group of about ten people went to Yanhai Pavilion all the way.

She came too early and the recitation hadn't finished yet. Zhuzhu trotted to the door of Yanhai Pavilion. When she looked inside, she couldn't help but said: "Wow!!"

When reciting poems, the whole body has to sway according to the rhythm of the poems, tapping the beat, and turning the head in circles. It is very immersive. Everyone in the room moves in the same range, which looks very fun.

Xu Heshu had already seen her, so he came over and coughed.

When Zhuzhu saw him, she was startled and took a step back. Then she remembered something and saluted him like a grown-up, "Good morning, sir."

Xu Heshu was a little satisfied, pinched his beard and nodded: "Go back and take your seats."

Zhuzhu didn't understand: "Huh?"

Xu Heshu had no choice but to say: "Go and sit down."

Zhuzhu nodded: "Oh!" Then she went over and sat down.

The people in the room were shaking their bodies and trying to squint their eyes to peek at her.

The dumpling is only a little big, white, chubby, with big eyes. He wears a jade-colored t-shirt and a headscarf, with the edge of the scarf pressed to his eyebrows, which makes his face even more pink, especially when he waves his little hands in salute. It felt as cute as a little adult, and all the cute people showed uncle smiles.

Xu Heshu also looked at her a few times.

He has a bad temper, but he treats things rather than people. He has no ill feelings towards the little fat girl, he is only worried about how to teach her.

Tuanzi's little hands were clasped together timidly, and she looked at him with a cute look on her face... Seeing that he was not fierce, Tuanzi immediately became bolder and pointed to the side: "Zhuzhu also wants to dance this dance."

Xu Heshu sighed and lowered his head to explain to her: "They are not dancing, but reading. As the so-called suppression, promotion, pause and frustration, they are using their bodies to move to understand the rhythm of the sentences in the poem... "

Tuanzi's eyes were confused and he whispered: "Judou, is it OK?"

Pfft... the seventh prince burst into laughter.

Xu Heshu glanced over coldly, and the seventh prince quickly held it in. He couldn't help but inhale, and his face turned red from holding in his breath.

Xu Heshu turned back and continued to tell her: "Just like what I said yesterday, human nature is good at the beginning. There is actually a sentence after 'man's beginning', which means 'man's beginning' and 'nature'." Essentially good'."

As he spoke, his head would shake in response to his movements.

Children have strong imitation abilities. As he did it, Zhuzhu would shake her head and head along with him, and read along with her in a cooing voice.

Xu Heshu's eyes brightened, and he felt that he might have found a way to teach Tuanzi.

So he swayed as he spoke: "Generally speaking, you need to understand what the words mean before you know how to segment the sentences. The purpose of shaking your body is to deepen your memory of the rhythm of sentence reading."

He taught again from the beginning, "When humans are born, their nature is good. Their natures are similar, but their habits are far apart."

Zhuzhu followed and swayed while reciting: "The silver is thick, and the nature is good; the nature is similar, but the habits are far away."

Xu Heshu was very satisfied and read it twice more and stopped. Zhuzhu read while shaking her head. She did not get tired of reading it more than ten times in one breath. Xu Heshu praised her highly: "The princess is really smart!" Zhuzhu read as she read. His eyebrows flew up, and his little face was filled with "That's right, Zhuzhu is so smart! Smart!"

Sheng Minglin watched from behind, very funny.

He had already learned what the seventh prince had learned, but he was determined and didn't care about interference from others, so when others read theirs, he read his, and he didn't stop until Zhuzhu came in.

It was almost time, and soon the housekeeper came and rang the small brass bell to indicate that it was time to end get out of class.

Zhuzhu was having fun and didn't want to leave get out of class at all. Xu Heshu was also very excited. He held the table with both hands and faced each other. They read the dumpling once, and Xu Heshu nodded and praised. He said it again and praised. That's called a master and disciple. Get along with each other.

After chanting for more than a quarter of an hour, Sheng Minglin went over to stop him: "Okay Zhuzhu, come here and drink some water, don't hurt your throat."

Zhuzhu nodded and climbed off the stool while still reciting it over and over again.

It was okay to sit on the stool, but as soon as she landed on the ground, her calves couldn't help but turn around and draw curves on the ground as soon as she shook.

The seventh prince was beside her, intent on causing mischief. He suddenly leaned into her ear and said quickly: "Silver is thicker, gold is thinner, Zhuzhu is stupid and can't walk."

Zhuzhu was taken away at that time: "Silver is thicker, gold is thinner, Zhuzhu is stupid and doesn't know how to elbow."


Xu Heshu was furious: "Your Majesty the Seventh Highness!!"

The Seventh Prince shrank his neck: "Sir, Zhuzhu and I were joking."

Xu Heshu said angrily: "Children's enlightenment is so important, how can I ask you to play with it! If you don't make progress in your studies, you can only play with these little tricks. I thought that although you were a little dull, you were more honest and simple, but now where are you? I learned such frivolous behavior..."

He cursed him endlessly for more than two quarters of an hour.

Zhuzhu was so frightened by him that she didn't dare to carry her back on her back. She turned a big bend and ran to her brother's arms to hide it. She took his brother's arm and hugged her. She stared blankly at him as he cursed. He made a loud voice. , she would tremble along with it.

Xu Heshu didn't even drink. He kept scolding him until the bell rang again, and then punished the seventh prince to face the wall outside.

Nowadays, the status of teachers is very high. It is very common for teachers to hit the board, face the wall, and copy books as punishment. They are not allowed to accompany students to receive punishments on their behalf, so they can only do it by themselves.

Xu Heshu is now telling them about "University". Before the lecture, Xu Heshu said to Zhuzhu in a pleasant manner: "If the little princess doesn't understand, you can go outside to play first. After class, I will explain it to the princess alone."

Zhuzhu was quite unconvinced at first, thinking that Zhuzhu was so smart, how could she not understand.

Then when I heard it... I really couldn't understand it.

Zhuzhu sat for a while, then climbed down quietly, peeking at Xu Heshu.

Xu Heshu didn't stop him and nodded towards her. Zhuzhu quickly stood up and ran out in a flash.

The seventh prince stood outside facing the wall.

He was often forced to face the wall, and he had long been used to it. He was quite happy to be able to trick Zhuzhu into making a mistake, so he leaned his head against the wall and hummed a tune silently.

As he was humming, he saw a little dumpling slowly squeezing over, then he raised his little fleshy face, looked into his eyes, and said in a breathy voice: "Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu is here to accompany you."

The seventh prince's eyes squinted to both sides.

There were servants on both sides, but they didn't dare to get too close for fear of disturbing the class, so they only looked after them a few steps away.

So the seventh prince immediately made an ugly face towards Zhuzhu.

Zhuzhu thought her brother was playing with her and was not afraid at all. She laughed loudly. Then she suddenly thought of something and covered her mouth with her two little hands, smiling at him with crooked eyes.

The seventh prince was very unhappy and grinded his teeth at her again.

Tuanzi laughed even more.

The seventh prince was so angry that he had no other choice. He looked around and saw a bee on the hanging flower branch next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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