Chapter 26 I’m like a dog when I ignore you

The seventh prince threatened her in a low voice: "Sheng Mingzhu, look, a big insect is coming to bite you!"

However, as a three-year-old baby, Zhuzhu was not old enough to be afraid of bugs at all. She followed his eyes and immediately comforted him: "Don't be afraid of Qi Guo Guo, bugs don't bite."

No wonder!
The Seventh Prince grinned and said, "I don't believe it, try it. Try it."

Just try it.

The obedient Zhuzhu immediately stretched out her little chubby hand, picked off the flower, pinched the stem, and stuffed it into his hand: "Guo Guo, look, insects don't bite at all..."

The seventh prince gasped and quickly threw his hands away, but... it was already too late.

The bee stung the back of his hand without hesitation. The seventh prince shook his hand in pain, inhaled hissingly, and did not dare to shout loudly...

Looking at Sheng Mingzhu's innocent eyes, the Seventh Prince was so angry that he cried.

Is this really reasonable? ?ah! !
It was obviously Sheng Mingzhu who made the first move!

She picked up all the flowers!Her fingers touched the bees. The bees had to sting her, and they had to sting him, an outsider!
This girly thing is totally unreasonable!Isn't this bullying?
Tears fell from his eyes, and Naiduanzi quickly reached out to touch his hand. The seventh prince raised his arm high, not letting her touch it.

Zhuzhu had no choice but to pat his knee to comfort him: "Don't cry, Guoguo, don't cry. Chongchong has already flew to the elbow, Guoguo, don't be afraid, Zhuzhu will help Guoguo drive Chongchong away..."

I’m not afraid of bugs!
The Seventh Prince was so angry that he didn't want to pay attention to her at all. Naituanzi tried his best to coax her brother, but failed to coax her. Finally, he became anxious and shouted to the servants: "Come quickly! Qi Guo Guo is being attacked by insects." The insects are so scared that they cry!!”

Seventh Prince: "..."

I ain't I don't! !
Ahhhh!I can't live this day!Flip the table!
Fortunately, the Seventh Prince had a relatively strong skin. If he was stung by a bee, he would only receive a small red envelope. He called the doctor over and picked out the stinger and applied ointment on it.

Zhuzhu didn't see the bee stinging anyone at all, and she didn't think it had anything to do with her.

She leaned next to her, puffing out her little cheeks and cheering her brother, while not forgetting to educate him: "Guo Guo, don't run around in the future. Only bad children who are disobedient will be bitten by bugs."

The seventh prince almost died of anger.

He gritted his teeth and raised his hand to her eyes: "This is a bee sting! It was you who caught the bee, and then the bee stung me! Do you understand? Do you understand? This is your fault !”

"No firewood!" Zhuzhu argued: "No firewood, Zhuzhu! It's you who disobeyed me!"

"It's you!"

"It doesn't matter!" Naituanzi felt aggrieved: "You are so unreasonable!"

"Who is being unreasonable! Who is being unreasonable?!" The seventh prince was so angry that he jumped around the room: "It's obviously you..."

"No Zhuzhu! Chai is not tied to Zhuzhu!" Naituanzi said loudly: "You can't lie to people, it's not good to lie to people! If you talk about Zhuzhu again, Zhuzhu will... just call you Little Baldhead!"

The Seventh Prince was so angry that he wanted to shout to the sky: "No matter what you call me, I'm right! You can call me whatever you want! I'm not afraid!"

Zhuzhu shouted: "Little bald head! Little bald head! Zhuzhu debt will not be with you anymore!"

"Who cares!" The little bald head expressed disdain: "I don't even bother to talk to you! Don't talk to me in the future, and I won't talk to you if you talk to me! If I talk to you again, I'll be like a dog!"

next moment,
The door curtain opened and General Xie came in.

Zhuzhu, who had not cried at first, burst out crying and opened her hands to him: "Uncle, Guo Guo is unreasonable and bullies Zhuzhu... wu wu wu..."

The seventh prince who had just finished speaking harshly said: "..."

He suddenly stood up and looked at General Xie, his face suddenly turned red to his neck, feeling scared and aggrieved.

General Xie sat down, smiled and patted her back: "My dear, don't cry anymore, uncle, give me a hug..."

The seventh prince choked up and explained: "It was really Zhuzhu who brought the flowers and the bees stung me..."

General Xie nodded to him to show that he understood, while still coaxing his niece softly.

Zhuzhu was actually a little sleepy, so she was extra naughty.

After crying for a while, when she was tired from crying, she slowly fell asleep. General Xie hugged her sideways skillfully, patted her gently, and asked in a low voice: "Why are you falling asleep now?"

Li Zhi hurriedly stepped forward and explained: "My master is only thinking about going to school. He was very happy yesterday. He went to bed very late and got up half an hour early in the morning." General Xie nodded, covered her face with his big hands, and put the beads on her face. Zhu was sent back to her yard to sleep.

At noon, General Xie had lunch with the Seventh Prince.

We had just eaten and couldn't practice martial arts. Everyone sat and rested for a while. General Xie also asked martial arts master Feng Pozhu about the progress.

The seventh prince felt that he and Sheng Minglin had the same fate, so he took the time to complain to him about Zhuzhu's unreasonableness.

Sheng Minglin only smiled and asked him: "Why did Zhuzhu suddenly go to catch bees? Zhuzhu never likes to catch bugs."

The seventh prince suddenly choked.

Only then did he remember his own malicious instigation, "Try to catch him."

So, is this fucking retribution? !
Why was retribution so quick to befall him? As for retribution now, when Sheng Mingzhu had done all the bad things in his previous life, retribution was delayed!
Is this Leng'er still leading someone to order the dishes?

The seventh prince became more and more angry as he thought about it.

Sheng Minglin smiled like Zhuge Liang and walked away.

That's why he said, it's really miserable to want to harm someone if you don't have enough brains. This guy brought it upon himself again!

But soon, he stopped laughing.

General Xie is not only great in battle kung fu, but also in martial arts. But for example, the Seventh Prince, because of his great strength, needs to be taught in accordance with his aptitude and given special training, but others, including Sheng Minglin, only need to strengthen their bodies. .

But the Seventh Prince, including the two Hanlins, all took martial arts from primary school.

Only Sheng Minglin is a standard "weak scholar" who has never learned martial arts since he was a child.

He is eight years old now, which may not be too old, but it is indeed a bit late to learn martial arts.

So when the seventh prince danced the stick dance with great enthusiasm and screamed with excitement, he had to start practicing from the stance, that is, the horse step.

Things like zamabu are inconspicuous at first glance, but when you do zamabu... they are really tiring!
Sheng Minglin only stood for a moment and then began to shake.

The martial arts master Feng Pozhu was actually also a good fighter, and he was young, less than 30 years old. He looked at General Xie teaching over there, and he was also very greedy. He turned his head to look over there, and knocked his leg without looking. One note.

Sheng Minglin gritted his teeth and held on. After a while, he started shaking again, and then Feng Pozhu continued to knock.

It wasn't until he couldn't hold on any longer and fell backwards that Feng Pozhu caught him, dragged him to the side, knelt down and squeezed his muscles, rested for a while, and then helped him to continue standing.

I didn't even bother to look at him the whole time.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Listening to the Seventh Prince's excited shouting over there, and General Xie's comments like "Not bad!" "Very good!"


As soon as Zhuzhu woke up, two hours had passed.

After Zhuzhu ate her meal, which she didn't know whether it was lunch or dinner, she put on another outfit prepared by her mother...a small red-flowered hood with a red breastplate and a small wing-shaped crown, and then went to school in a majestic manner.

When I looked over, the sky was filled with dust.

The seventh prince was holding a stick and was playing dizzy.

Zhuzhuer had already forgotten that the quarrel in the morning hadn't ended yet, and she couldn't even stand still, so she clapped her hands hurriedly: "Qi Guo Guo is great!"

You took care of me first!

The Seventh Prince snorted secretly, pretended not to hear, and swung faster.

Tuanzi didn't know how to be afraid, so he trotted over and grabbed his uncle's sleeve: "Zhuzhu also wants to learn!"

(End of this chapter)

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