Chapter 251 It’s hard to fool Zhuzhu
Zhuzhu said again: "Introduce a plate of pearls, introduce a plate of pots, introduce a plate of beautiful pots, one is not dry yet, so I put it in Zhuzhu's house to Do you want it? Zhuzhu can ask Han Jiujiu to squeeze it for you."

She waved to the servants: "Call Han Jiujiu over quickly."

Lychee quickly said: "Master, would you like to have breakfast first?"

Tuanzi nodded: "Zhuzhu has breakfast, but Mr. Qin is generous enough to eat sweets and watch Korean wine and pinch everyone."

Qin Jiangbai said: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Han Zhenge was used to being summoned, and soon he came with his arms in his arms. Breakfast was also served, and Zhuzhu said to him: "Han Jiujiu, please help Mr. Qin, please help Mr. Qin."

Han Zhenge responded quickly, raised his head slightly to look at him, and then lowered his head.

While Tuanzi was eating, he stared at Qin Jiangbai's expression to see if he found it interesting.

Qin Jiangbai noticed it and said with a smile: "It's really amazing."

The dumplings are very satisfying, just like that... Yes, yes, I was so happy at the time. Now you know, right?
Qin Jiangbai felt cute in his heart and said with a smile: "Your Highness, can I have one of yours?"

Tuanzi Maomao tilted his head and said with a smile: "Do you think Zhuzhu is cute?"

"Yes," Qin Jiangbai said with a smile, "I think His Highness is so cute and makes me happy when I see him every day, so I want one to put at home and look at every day."

"That's right! Zhuzhu is a well-behaved and cute child!" Tuanzi said happily, with crooked eyes: "Master Qin is also very cute. Zhuzhu will be happy when she sees Master Qin! Zhuzhu also pinched the big guy. Damn it, because Master Qin is not here, I haven’t pinched Master Qin yet.”

She slipped off the stool and pointed it out to him: "But there is room for both you and Si Guo Guo."

Qin Jiangbai couldn't help but touch the little tassel of the dumpling: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Tuanzi went back to continue eating. Qin Jiangbai took a small ball of noodles and started kneading it awkwardly.

Zhuzhu was curious. She finished her meal quickly and came over to look at him as soon as she opened her mouth: "Master Qin, what did you pinch?"

Qin Jiangbai looked at her and pinched a puppy, which still looked a little like it. Tuanzi was envious: "Master Qin's hands are also very good."

She also took a ball of dough, rubbed it with her two chubby hands for a long time, and said, "Zhuzhu can only pinch balls."

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "No," he took her thumb and pressed it in: "Look, His Highness pinched a small bowl." He then paired the four sides and said, "Your Highness pinched another small flower."

Tuanzi looked at the clown flower, no, it can't be a clown flower... Then he looked at Qin Jiangbai, but he hesitated to speak.

Zhuzhu is already three years old. It is not easy to deceive a child who is not one or two years old. What do you think?
And now,

Sheng Minglin and the others have arrived at Prince Qi's Mansion.

Before the three of them went out, Sheng Minglin asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhao, is there any medicine that can make the ears and face red at a specific time?"

Huo Chenzhao was stunned by his question: "A specific time? His ears and face are red??"

Shen Lingjue had a strange expression.

Sheng Minglin originally asked seriously, but was made speechless by his expression, and kicked him lightly: "Why do you look at me like this? Am I not trying to act to deceive them? I can't tell my expression at night, mainly Just pretend to sound, and at most pretend to breathe. But you can see so clearly in the daytime, why don’t you rely on details to win?"

Shen Lingjue touched his chin speechlessly: "I are just as good at lying to others as learning, and that's you. Fortunately, I knelt down quickly, otherwise you would lie to me, and I would definitely be beaten by you. I have to help you count the money after I sell it.”

Sheng Minglin smiled and said, "Don't worry, this won't happen. After all, you've already sold it to me. I won't pay you, so there's no need to count."

Shen Lingjue: "Get out!"

The two were joking for a while, and then Huo Chenzhao said: "No need to use medicine, I will just hold your hand for three to five breaths when the time comes. Only your face and ears will be red? Do you want your neck?"

Sheng Minglin: "Yes." Huo Chenzhao nodded: "Okay."

Sheng Minglin said: "When I receive the banknote, I will create opportunities for you. Just come and hold my hand."

Huo Chenzhao responded: "Don't worry."

Both of them were serious.

Although there was nothing funny, Shen Ling found it very funny for no reason and laughed for a long time.

As soon as he stepped out of the house, Shen Lingjue's face suddenly changed, becoming extremely cold and serious. Sheng Minglin looked at him and laughed twice.

Indeed, he is different from the seventh prince. The seventh prince is really naive, but Shen Lingjue's naivety is just that he is undefended in front of his own people, but he is still very reliable in front of outsiders.

The group went to Prince Qi's Mansion.

The servant took them to the small flower hall inside. As soon as the three of them sat down, Prince Qi came out to see them.

Moreover, his attitude was quite good, and he stopped being mean-spirited. He even asked him, "Has Ming Lin had breakfast?"

Sheng Minglin acted as if he was worried, but still acted calmly: "I've used it, thank you, Uncle Wang."

"Well," Prince Qi added, "I just came back and I have buried your mother. I will find an expert up there to arrange a small garden for her later. Don't worry."

Sheng Minglin looked grateful: "Thank you, Uncle Wang."

The two of them had a duel, and then Prince Qi asked someone to bring out a box and patted it: "It's all here."

Sheng Minglin stood up, slowly reached out and took the box, his hand shaking slightly.

Huo Chenzhao immediately stood up, held his hand, and said, "Ming Lin!"

While stimulating his inner breath, Sheng Minglin felt a warmth flow from the palms of the two people's clasped hands, quickly upwards, directly filling his cheeks, neck, and ears... The speed was so fast.

Sheng Minglin hugged the box and whispered: "I know it's not good for me to do this, but... please don't take offense to Uncle Wang."

Prince Qi was also an old man. When he saw the young man's face turned red with shame, he immediately seized the opportunity and said with emotion: "You don't have to tell Uncle Wang about this! If you have anything to do in the future, just come to me! If anything, I will never refuse anything I can do!”

With tears in her eyes, Sheng Minglin said word by word: "Minglin, thank you, Uncle Wang."

But I was thinking, ah, I took the bait.

You know, Prince Qi’s attitude yesterday was to don’t bother me after giving him the money.

Now, if you have anything to do, just come to me.

So whether it was his own idea or someone else's, they obviously wanted to get in touch with him.

So Sheng Minglin put it away when he saw it was good, hugged the box and left.

He opened it on the carriage and looked at it. They were all banknotes from the Capital Bank, and they could be redeemed for new ones at any time. It was already early in the morning when they separated yesterday, and there was no place to change them in the middle of the night, so he must have had them a long time ago. .

Prince Qi, this is really not simple!

The group returned to Prince Duan's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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