Chapter 252
Putting down the box, Shen Lingjue hurried to Honghuwei's side. After all, he was the busiest at this time.

Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao went over to look at Zhuzhu.

As soon as Zhuzhu saw them, she said: "Guo Guo! Beautiful Guo Guo! Look! Mr. Qin is different from us!"

The two of them responded and went in. They saw that Han Zhenge had pinched Master Qin out.

Because Qin Jiangbai was wearing official uniform and carrying an embroidered spring knife. His posture was holding the knife in one hand and looking to the side. He showed a heroic style, which was completely different from the chubby and cute style of others.

Although Tuanzi couldn't speak, he felt the difference in the painting style and pointed: "Zhuzhu also wants something like this!"

"Then Zhuzhu, let's learn martial arts." Sheng Minglin said immediately: "Learn martial arts. Only if you can fly like Lord Qin, or be as strong as Seventh Brother, can you become like this."

Tuanzi felt like something was wrong: "Ke Ke, Ke Ke Jie didn't make it? He didn't practice it!"

Sheng Minglin said seriously: "Then why couldn't he pinch it before he saw Si Guo Guo and Lord Qin? It's because of what you look like that he was able to pinch it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to pinch it."

Tuanzi scratched his head with his hands and felt that what his brother said made sense, but there was still something wrong.

Tuanzi thought and thought, and finally thought of it: "No! Qi Guo Guo and Xing Guo Guo can fly and do martial arts, but they haven't become Lord Qin!"

Sheng Minglin said: "That's because they didn't carry weapons! But Zhuzhu, you can't even carry weapons!"

He motioned Qin Jiangbai to bring over the Xiuchun Dao: "Try it Zhuzhu."

Tuanzi tried it, and found that the Xiuchun knife plus the sheath weighed three kilograms. Tuanzi himself weighed less than twenty kilograms. He could barely lift it, but he couldn't lift it.

So Tuanzi was convinced: "Well, then Zhuzhu practices martial arts."

Sheng Minglin smiled and gestured to Huo Chenzhao.

Huo Chenzhao took Zhuzhu to the courtyard and began to teach her boxing and kicking.

Sheng Minglin stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his hands and watched.

I haven't gotten the medicine book back yet. Even if I get it back, it will take time to learn it. Even if I learn it, the medicine will definitely still smell like medicine.

Since Zhuzhu strongly resists taking medicine, it would be good to practice martial arts.

He has been following Huo Chenzhao's instructions now. He does a few boxing exercises in the morning and coordinates his breathing, and he clearly feels that his body is much better, so it may not be worse than taking medicine.

Qin Jiangbai came over, bent down and whispered in his ear: "Children all like to imitate others. In fact, it is better to let your highness take classes with them."

Sheng Minglin thought for a while and nodded: "Let's try it later."

The two of them were talking, and someone from outside reported the medical book and sent it back.

Sheng Minglin directly sent them to Huo Chenzhao's side, and then several people also followed him to fight with Huo Chenzhao.

What was sent was the original version. The servant said: "The prince said that Zhuzhu originally exchanged this for him, so he asked for the original version. It is also a rare thing to keep. If he wants to copy it, he can exchange it for him." Can."

Huo Chenzhao said: "No, I will copy it myself and I will remember it."

Sheng Minglin asked someone to bring more paper, while flipping through it to find information on pharmaceuticals.

The horizontal book looks very awkward, but the entries are very clear, and there are small labels on the side pages of the book, making it very easy to find.

But across the rows, like mountains, Sheng Minglin found it. After looking for a long time, his head was spinning: "I can't understand it. Jiang Bai, look at it." Qin Jiangbai said: "You can't understand it, of course I can't understand it." If I can’t understand, I’m just literate.”

Even so, he still came over to take a look, and then said sincerely: "The Book of Heaven."

Huo Chenzhao became curious about what they said and came over to take a look. Qin Jiangbai went over and watched Tuanzi practicing with his hands and feet.

Huo Chenzhao was entranced as soon as he saw it. Sheng Minglin didn't disturb him and just let him watch slowly.

After lunch and Zhuzhu took a nap, Sheng Minglin asked Huo Chenzhao and went over to slightly adjust the staff there. He arranged for a group of people to practice martial arts while Zhuzhu had breakfast.

Because they practice martial arts to learn internal breathing, they mainly learn breathing techniques. The movements are very slow, and Zhuzhu will not be unable to keep up. Besides, Zhuzhu, a little person like him, can only practice for two quarters of an hour at most. , and we are not afraid of delays.

After making arrangements and returning, Huo Chenzhao was still writing medical books.

Sheng Minglin didn't sleep well last night, so he simply went to take a nap with Zhuzhu.

In the evening, Prince Duan came back and the two chatted for a while.

After these two contacts, Sheng Minglin already had an idea in his mind.

He said: "I met Prince Qi yesterday and today, and I felt that he was quite refreshing, and there seemed to be no strange aroma. Moreover, today, he probably met me in the Little Flower Hall to express his closeness. The entire Little Flower Hall The furnishings don’t have the feeling of being shabby or decadent at all, but instead are grand and martial in style.”

"In addition, he showed a 'clear conscience' yesterday, so I am thinking, is his lustful behavior fake? Is he using this method to complete the personnel replacement? He often brings a few people into the house, and often sells a few people. After leaving the house...who knows where the people picked up are from, and where the people sold were sold?"

Prince Duan couldn't help but look serious: "You are right, I have to check it out."

Sheng Minglin added: "There is also silver. He took out 10 taels casually and showed no sign of raising money. So how many thousand taels does he have in hand? How did he earn it? This needs to be investigated as well. "

Prince Duan nodded and said, "You want money, have you figured out how to spend it?"

Sheng Minglin said: "The Honghu Guard matter is extremely confidential. Except for me, Jiang Bai, Ling Jue, and Shen Zhao, no one knows that it was arranged by the emperor's uncle. And the best thing is that you were not around at that time. I used this excuse to block it. 'My heart is as high as the sky, and I want to create a group of my own people', do you think this will work?"

Prince Duan said: "What about Qin Jiangbai?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Qin Jiangbai was abandoned by the emperor's uncle, and I got the handle? So although he was training Jin Yiwei on the surface, he secretly secretly left a batch for me in Chen Cang?"

Prince Duan frowned: "It's not very good, but it's very strange to have the Honghu Guard here. If you think about it, it's okay if you think about it."

He paused: "But in short, be absolutely careful."

Sheng Minglin said half-jokingly: "Don't worry, I have a father, they won't kill easily."

Prince Duan glared at him: "This is the case at this time, but after getting in touch deeply and knowing their secrets, the three words "Prince Duan's Mansion" are your reminder! After all, if I know, the emperor will know, then they It is not impossible to take a desperate risk and kill someone!"

Sheng Minglin nodded: "I understand, dad, don't worry. I cherish my life and I will be very careful."

Prince Duan nodded silently, remained silent for a long time, and then said: "It's a danger, but it's also an opportunity. If you really dig out a big fish, you don't have to rely on me in the future, and you can stand proudly in front of others. Who hasn't been young, I will Understand, hold on, and give it a try.”

Sheng Minglin responded with a smile: "Yes."


make up~
(End of this chapter)

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