Chapter 253: Xingxing Guoguo turns his back on others
Having said that, Sheng Minglin didn't have to take the initiative to do anything, he just waited for them to come to his door, so he was immediately at ease.

When Zhuzhu woke up the next day, Sheng Minglin changed her into a scholar's robe and sent her to class.

Sheng Minglin only selected twenty people, and then Shen Lingjue started teaching.

This kind of class is completely different from attending class with Guo Guo and Qi Guo Guo. With more people, it feels more like class.

The dumpling was very novel. He stood there with his big eyes clasped and his little hands clasped, staring at Shen Lingjue without blinking.

Shen Lingjue is young, so in order to convince the crowd, his face will be particularly cold. As he talks, the corner of his eye will glance at Zhuzhu.

The other children all looked serious and nervous, but Tuanzi was the only one who was very cute, waiting with bright eyes, with "Xingxing Guoguo, look at me, look at me, I am Zhuzhu" written all over his face.

Shen Lingjue glanced at her, and she immediately smiled at him.

Shen Lingjue's face was straight: "How dare you laugh!"

Everyone trembled.

Tuanzi also trembled, his smile disappeared, and his eyes widened.

Shen Lingjue's Dantian voice was as loud as a bell: "Have you remembered everything I said!? How dare you laugh! How dare you be distracted! If anyone can't remember or learn, he will be dragged out and sold immediately. Don't You thought I was kidding you!”

Tuanzi was frightened by the unrecognizable Xingxing Guoguo. The whole group shivered and looked left and right, trying to find Guoguo or other acquaintances.

But Sheng Minglin had already hidden.

Not only did he hide, but Litchi and the others were also taken away.

What else could he do?

Huo Chenzhao said that the earlier Zhuzhu takes treatment, the better the effect will be, but Tuanzi is extremely resistant to taking medicine. If he doesn't practice martial arts, he will have to continue procrastinating.

So I can only make up my mind not to look at it.

Zhuzhu searched for a long time but couldn't find anyone she knew. She became even more frightened. Her little lips trembled and tears slowly gathered in her big eyes. Shen Lingjue said: "Don't cry! Let's see who dares to cry!"

Tuanzi was so frightened that he shed tears on the spot.

He closed it so quickly that he couldn't help but burp.

Shen Lingjue felt cute in her heart, but her face was not moved at all. She said with a cold face: "I'll say it one last time. If anyone can't understand or learn, don't blame me!"

Tuanzi was excited, using all the brain capacity of the three-year-old baby to listen carefully.

Sheng Minglin hid in the room and looked at the pitiful little dumpling from a distance. He couldn't bear to look at it anymore and whispered: "How have we, Zhu Zhu'er, ever been so wronged!"

Huo Chenzhao was reading a medical book and said warmly: "It will be fine in two or three days."

"In two or three days, Zhuzhu will feel uncomfortable in these two or three days!" Sheng Minglin said: "Go back and give Shen Lingjue a good beating."

Huo Chenzhao said helplessly: "Then what if he gives up his job? He is not willing to do it in the first place. Have you forgotten how many words you said to lie to him in the morning?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He stood up again and wanted to take a look, but Qin Jiangbai stopped him: "Stop looking, the more you look at it, the more distressed you feel. Take advantage of this moment and get down to business and finish your literature class and so on."

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to follow him.

Outside, there was a lonely dumpling, still listening to the class very seriously.

Shen Lingjue's teaching method was determined after countless tests in his previous life.

He was burned at the time and his limbs were not flexible enough, so he created this kind of inner breath on his own. Even if his body was weak, it would not delay his practice.

Getting started is simple. Some people can master it without knowing it, and some people can't learn it in their whole life. It is a test of talent, but after you learn it, it will be of great benefit to your body, and you can also practice boxing and kicking later. will be easier.

Shen Lingjue's voice was clear and clear as a young man's: "Yes, take a deep breath..."

The whole group of Zhuzhu was working hard, taking a big, big breath, and her whole little head couldn't help but tilt back.

Shen Lingjue glanced at her and continued: "Then, close your eyes, feel the air gathering on the roof of your mouth, then clench your right hand tightly, clear your mind, don't think about anything, try this breath, see if you can enter the Sanyang of your hands. ...Yes, just keep repeating this process. When you feel the breath coming to your hand, you have succeeded." Shen Lingjue said as he took two steps forward.

Because Tuanzi raised her little head too hard, he was afraid that she would fall on her back.

As a result, Tuanzi opened his eyes and saw that it was him. He trembled all over, closed his eyes for a while, inhaled even more loudly, and tightened his chubby hands very hard, for fear of being caught wrong.

Shen Lingjue stopped silently.

It’s over, I’m so scared, let alone my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law’s status is probably not guaranteed!
With a grim look on his face, he continued to patrol with his hands behind his back, thinking wildly in his mind.

Tuanzi was afraid that if he couldn't learn it, he would be betrayed by a bad guy who looked like Xingxing Guoguo, so he tried his best to suck in air again and again.

Then, I don’t know why, every time I take a breath, I can’t hold my hands tightly.

Tuanzi couldn't straighten his arms, so he retracted further and further. He quietly stretched out his left hand to help, but as soon as he took a breath, his hands suddenly loosened.

Shen Lingjue had noticed it a long time ago and walked over with a straight face: "Student, what are you doing?"

Tuanzi glanced at his face quietly.

Master Shen is extremely cold.

Tuanzi was frightened and said in a trembling voice: "Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu wants to help you."

Shen Lingjue said: "What's wrong with your hand?"

Tuanzi cried and said: "Zhuzhu, I don't know what's wrong with me, but if I tie my hands and hands and don't listen to Zhuzhu's words, I have to send some to open."

Shen Lingjue frowned, and then suddenly thought of something, "You mean, as soon as you inhale, your hands won't be able to hold it anymore and they will open by themselves, is that right?"

Tuanzi nodded.

Shen Lingjue said: "You try it once and I'll see."

Tuanzi nodded obediently, inhaled repeatedly, closed his eyes, then stretched out his arms, clenched his hands... this process.

Shen Lingjue's hand clasped Zhuzhu's hand, and then she felt an invisible force pouring from her palm, and she suddenly flicked her fingers away.

Shen Lingjue was ecstatic.

Then he made fists with both hands and danced wildly a few times, venting his inner joy.

Tuanzi saw this scene with just one glance, and took a few steps back in fright, thinking that this bad guy was going crazy with her.

Tuanzi ran but didn't dare to run. He was weak, pitiful and helpless. He could only huddle in a ball on the spot, clasping his little hands, waiting for the fate of being sold by the bad guys.

Master Shen quickly regained his cool expression.

Then he said calmly: "Yes, you have succeeded."

Tuanzi's small body slowly relaxed: "Huh?"

Master Shen turned his head and shouted to everyone: "Did you all hear that? It's the first day of class, but a three-year-old baby succeeded all of a sudden. How about you! He's eleven or twelve and is worse than a three-year-old child. He can't lose it. Shame on you! Do you really want to go back and live a life without enough food and clothing? You couldn’t seize it even if you were given the opportunity!"

The twenty and a half-year-old children all trembled.

Shen Lingjue turned his head and became a little calmer: "Okay, student, now you can try to breathe into both hands."

He accidentally repeated the words, coughed, took her a few steps away, and whispered, "You are smarter than them all, they haven't learned anything yet, but you have learned it, I believe you can learn faster. Better, you have to work harder."

Tuanzi looked at his face and whispered: "Xingxing Guoguo, is it you? Zhuzhu is Zhuzhu!"

Shen Lingjue's face was straight: "What nonsense are you talking about? Keep going!"

Tuanzi was so frightened that he closed his eyes on the spot and continued practicing.

(End of this chapter)

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