Chapter 257: Mother’s talent is not appreciated

Sheng Minglin nodded and said, "Drag them out in a while, and you go and scare them."

Qin Jiangbai said: "Are you going?"

"No need," Sheng Minglin said, "I am too young and my kung fu is not good. There is no need to force my way forward, and there is no need to rush to establish authority. It is better to deal with them slowly like this, which is convenient for brainwashing and investigation."

Qin Jiangbai agreed, organized the people, dragged the bloody gourd-like person out, and said to them: "Do you know who this person is? He was someone who was inserted by others, and now he has been summoned! You guys Open your eyes and see with your own eyes his fate!"

Most of these teenagers were from poor families. They had never seen this scene before, and they were all trembling with fear.

Qin Jiangbai said: "If any of you have been arrested and coerced by your family, or have other difficulties, just come and tell me, or tell the prince! We will naturally help you! Just ask the world Who can be greater than the Emperor? You are the Emperor's people now! Don't do stupid things just because someone scares you! You will waste your great future in vain!"

"Everyone of you, think about it. If you can't go out for several years, will the people outside support your family in vain for several years? In the end, you will be frightened, worried and laborious, and you will have to collect the bodies of your family when you go out! My officer I’m not trying to scare you, this situation is inevitable!”

He paused and emphasized: "You only have this chance. If you don't tell us, if we find out in the future, this will be the end!"

He kicked out, and the young man rolled out, leaving blood on the ground, causing everyone to scream in shock.

Sheng Minglin and Shen Lingjue stood nearby, looking at the expressions of these people. Sure enough, some of them had different expressions.

The two secretly remembered it in their hearts, and Sheng Minglin immediately stepped forward and said gently: "We come from all over the world, and it is a rare fate to be able to gather here. The emperor has given us food and clothing, so everyone should be grateful."

"For the rest of our lives, we will all fight side by side, sharing weal and woe. Even if we are parents, relatives, friends, brothers and sisters, it is not like you and I who can get along like this day and night. We are not brothers, but we are better than brothers..."

He fanned the flames for a while, then changed the subject: "So, you don't have to worry. If you have any difficulties, just come and tell me, and I will naturally help you with all my strength, which is better than struggling on your own... In addition, Don’t worry if you have accepted other people’s money. Most of you have suffered from hunger. It is normal to want some money with you. It is not a fault. But again, in the past few years, you have not left the house. What are you doing with the silver? And you told me that I won’t ask you for any silver, so don’t worry.”

He pretended to look at the sky and said, "I'll stay here this afternoon. Everyone has a rest in the afternoon. If anyone has anything to say, just come and tell me. Just leave it until the time of application. If you don't come, you can't blame me."

He immediately cupped his hands and left with Qin Jiangbai.

In the afternoon, someone came to look for him, and he really took money from others.

Sheng Minglin felt that this was actually nothing wrong.

After all, for them, it means being bought back by someone. They have no idea who bought it and what they are going to do here. They want a poor boy who has never seen even half a tael of silver to refuse dozens or hundreds of dollars. To express "loyalty" with two pieces of silver is indeed a bit overwhelming. They don't even know what the word "loyalty" is.

He has at least three years, enough to correct them.

Therefore, Sheng Minglin did not impose a heavy penalty on such a person, but only compensated it by "exceeding" in the next three assessments.

Because this person was not severely punished, two more came later, both of whom had taken money from others, but no one knew who bribed them.

They were all searched when they arrived, and the money was not on them. Some had buried it, some had asked others to help hold it, and some had promised the money without even touching it... In short, the person who bribed them was They are really old and cunning, and they are also really naive and easy to deceive.

Sheng Minglin didn't get up until Youchu (17:00). The man named Qin Jiangbai arrested the people who looked wrong but didn't come. They didn't rush to interrogate them and just threw them there and locked them up overnight. .

Then he went straight home.

In the house, the food has been served, and Tuanzi is holding on to the door frame, stepping on the threshold with his two little feet, waiting eagerly.

As soon as he saw him striding in, Tuanzi immediately jumped up and ran to greet him: "Guo Guo!" Sheng Minglin smiled and bent down, picked up his precious sister, and went in. Tuanzi said to Prince Duan: "Zhuzhu is here. How many dishes! Guo Guo will go home for a second meal!"

Prince Duan sighed and said, "Okay, let's eat!"

Sheng Minglin carried his sister onto the special little chair, then Tuanzi raised his face and asked him to tie the little bag, and then he grabbed a spoon and started eating.

Sheng Minglin washed his hands slowly on the side.

Prince Duan was a little curious: "Is Zhuzhu really successful? Are the little mice and stuff like that real?"

"Of course!" Sheng Minglin and Yourong said honestly: "Zhu Zhu'er is a genius that is one in ten thousand! Even Ling Jue was surprised. He said that he had also taught five or six-year-old children, and very few succeeded. , that is, the age range from nine to twelve or thirteen is the most common, and people like Zhuzhu are unique, because generally three or four-year-old children cannot understand this feeling at all, but Zhuzhu, after she succeeded once, let her try again, She was able to find the feeling immediately again, which is very rare.”

Prince Duan nodded: "My Zhu Zhu'er is really amazing."

"Follow me!" Princess Duan said, "This is definitely up to me. I have been a martial arts prodigy since I was a child!"

Prince Duan smiled and said, "Well, it's up to you."

Tuanzi was curious: "Mom, does Chichai jump out of the bowl? Is she more powerful than my uncle?"

Princess Duan's face was not red and her heart was not beating: "Of course, if you beat me, I will hold down your uncles and beat you!"

Tuanzi let out a cry: "Why don't you, mother, be a general?"

"Well," Princess Duan said, "because your uncle doesn't allow women to become generals, hey, I really don't appreciate my talent."

"Ah!" Tuanzi was shocked, his big eyes widened: "But when I grow up, I want to be a general for Uncle Huang!"

Prince Duan quickly comforted her: "Don't worry, Zhuzhu. Although my mother is very powerful, she is not as powerful as Zhuzhu... Zhuzhu is so powerful that she jumped out of a bowl. She wants to be a general for the emperor. Uncle Huang will definitely do it." He will agree. If you don’t believe me, ask him when the time comes.”

Tuanzi nodded confidently and said proudly: "If Uncle Huang doesn't let Zhuzhu be the general, Zhuzhu will be the general of Siguoguo! Uncle Huang will cry, but Zhuzhu won't go back!"

Prince Duan suppressed a smile: "Then let's give it to Uncle Huang." You still have to wait for Si Guo Guo Guo!

Princess Duan: "Your uncle must be very happy."

Tuanzi: "Hmph!"

She was very proud, her little chin was raised high, and she couldn't even find her mouth when she stuffed rice into her mouth.

Sheng Minglin stretched out his hand to support the back of her head: "Zhu Zhu'er, are you tired from eating like this?"

Tuanzi's little head was on the ground, and he couldn't even see the table. He fumbled for the soup and put it in his mouth: "One thing will reduce the fatigue, but if you wear pearls, you are a general, and pearls are broad enough to endure."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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