Chapter 258 The Beating Is Too Light

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Lin'er, don't worry about her. It doesn't matter. I was like this when I was a child."

Tuanzi tilted his head and glanced at her, and Princess Duan said in a nostalgic tone: "When I first learned martial arts, I was praised for how fast I learned it, and my master praised me for it. I walked with my nostrils pointed to the sky every day, but one day I couldn't see the road. I fell and broke my front tooth, which caused a lot of blood. The pain made me cry for three days."

Tuanzi: "!!!"

She immediately sat up straight, her eyes widened: "Ya Ya?"

She touched her little tooth and said, "Did you break it?"

"Yes, but it's all fine," Princess Duan looked at Tuanzi lovingly and said, "Zhuzhu, you probably don't know that teeth will change when you grow up, so you don't have to be afraid if you lose your teeth when you were young. , at most it will hurt a little, and at most it will bleed a little, it’s not a big deal.”

Tuanzi: "...!!"

Tuanzi had a complicated expression. He immediately lowered his head to drink the porridge and never dared to raise his head again.

Princess Duan suppressed a smile and winked at the father and son, meaning your mother is still your mother, the master of group management!
After Zhuzhuer finished eating and was taken down to sleep, Sheng Minglin asked Prince Duan: "Did you find anything?"

Prince Duan said casually, "How can it be so fast?"

Sheng Minglin asked: "Didn't those four Yang Xianrong say anything?"

Prince Duan glanced at him: "The strange thing is here. Let alone others, Yang Xianrong had conflicts with King Qi openly. He 'met' him in private several times, and it was known to others. He is a high-ranking person and loves money. Logically speaking, he should be one of the people to be roped in... He will definitely not be able to save the nine tribes now. Everyone is going to die. Why not recruit him? Why not pull someone to support him? I think It doesn’t make sense.”

Sheng Minglin couldn't figure it out either.

The two father and son chatted briefly and then parted ways.

The next day, Sheng Minglin went to the north courtyard of Honghuwei early in the morning, leaving Huo Chenzhao waiting for Zhuzhu to get up.

Originally, they had discussed that after Tuanzi got up and had breakfast, they would call the little maids over, and then wait for Shen Lingjue to come, and then they could teach her directly in Zhuzhuyuan.

But when Tuanzi heard this, his little head immediately shook like a rattle: "No, no, no, Zhuzhu doesn't want it, Zhuzhu needs to learn from Xiao Guoguo! If Zhuzhu doesn't go, they won't be able to learn! Zhuzhu is very important!"

To put it bluntly, Tuanzi is just not happy.

Huo Chenzhao was not very good at coaxing people, and he would not listen at all. In the end, he could only say helplessly: "Okay, then after you eat, I will take you over to learn."

In fact, children's minds are always more interested in off-roading.

Children who can't speak yet know how to reach out and point out to play. This is called nature.

Take her out of the courtyard, and she won't be able to stay in the house; take her out of the house, and she'll want to go out on the streets every day.

After Tuanzi became a genius who jumped out of a bowl in front of everyone, she would certainly not be happy if she was asked to learn it at home.

Huo Chenzhao had no choice but to carry her over.

When Shen Lingjue saw him coming, she raised her eyebrows at him, obviously having something to say.

Huo Chenzhao stood beside Zhuzhu without moving.

In fact, the group of half-year-old children still welcomed Zhuzhu. They had inquired about it in the past two or three days, and no one else learned as fast as them!
This matter must be related to the little princess!

So they all looked at her with eager eyes. Zhuzhu was so impressed that her whole group swelled up, and her sense of responsibility was overwhelming. She immediately said: "Master, master, hurry up and start class!"

Shen Lingjue nodded and said with a straight face: "Your Highness the Princess has already mastered the Qi Mass yesterday. I want to see if any of you can succeed today! All of them are old and not young. They are seven feet tall and lose to a three-year-old. Little girl, I’m so sorry!”

blah blah blah.

If it were another person, the hatred would be worth filling up, but because this person is a little girl, standing at the front, the little girl would be happy, but she still has to endure it, her little arms are lifted up and down like a little bird, a group of people They all find it cute and can't get angry.Soon, Master Shen finished his training and everyone started practicing.

Zhuzhu was assigned to the futon under the shade of the tree, and Huo Chenzhao also found a futon to sit on.

When he looked up, he saw that Shen Lingjue had flown into the room and lowered his voice: "Jiang Bai! Jiang Bai! You lost! Give me money!"

Qin Jiangbai probably gave it to him, and then heard Shen Lingjue laughing in a low voice: "I knew it! I knew that little Crow Slave's bullying temper would never be able to defeat Zhuzhu'er! In the end, I'm sure You have to bring Zhuzhu!”

Huo Chenzhao: "...??"

He was really a little surprised. Why was he such an easy person to bully in Shen Lingjue's heart?
Maybe the beating was too light last time, so it would be better to hit him harder next time... Huo Chenzhao thought calmly.

His arm sank, and the dumpling tilted onto him.

Huo Chenzhao quickly stretched out his arms and hugged Zhuzhu. When he looked at Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu was not asleep, but seemed to be exercising.

It's just that she is too young and her body is not strong enough to sit cross-legged for a long time. However, she can still perform kung fu without crossing her legs... This ability is also very enviable.

Huo Chenzhao simply used both hands to hold Tuanzi over and put her flat on his knees to make her lie down more comfortably. Shen Lingjue came out to take a look but did not stop her.

Qin Jiangbai looked at it from a distance, then clasped his hands and walked back slowly.

When Sheng Minglin came over this morning, they brought the three people who were imprisoned yesterday for trial one by one.

Sheng Minglin had never interrogated anyone, so Qin Jiangbai interrogated one first, while Sheng Minglin watched.

Starting from the second one, it was Sheng Minglin who was the judge. Once he started, he was like a veteran, so it was so disgusting to be a genius or something. Others had accumulated years of experience, and he learned it all at once.

Here are all young people who don't know Kung Fu and don't have much experience. They can get through the interrogation even without torture, which is perfect for training him.

Sure enough, by the time Qin Jiangbai passed by, Sheng Minglin had already finished interrogating the third one.

Qin Jiangbai asked: "How is it?"

Sheng Minglin waved his hand, eyes empty, and thought carefully.

This last person had a very strange experience.

He suddenly contracted a serious illness when he was young, and then happened to meet someone who wanted to have an incest relationship, so he was bought away.

After buying it and having a secret marriage, he woke up in a mass grave and begged for food for a few days. He wanted to go home, but he was rescued on the way.

The person who rescued him was a middle-aged man. After he was rescued, he was very kind to him. He also found someone to teach him. He didn't teach him anything else. He only taught him some words and deeds. He was very strict and would punish him if he made mistakes. Very heavy.

The food was quite good, but the benefactor was a little strange. For example, one time when he came back from outside, he suddenly cut his arm with a sword. After cutting, he walked away without saying a word.

He had been teaching for more than three months. About two or three years ago, his benefactor suddenly stopped caring about him, and he became a servant.

After working as a servant for three years, he was sold into a dental shop, and finally he was bought back by them. No one came to him before he was bought back. The reason why he looked strange was because he had seen this kind of person who had been tortured. A person, so I was a little scared when I saw him.

Because he was still young at that time, he had almost forgotten these experiences. It was Sheng Minglin who felt that his behavior was a little strange and not like a countryman, so he asked about it, and he explained in detail.

Qin Jiangbai read it from beginning to end, raised his eyebrows and said, "What did you think of?"

Sheng Minglin's eyes were strange: "I suddenly wanted to understand...why Yang Xianrong didn't confess."

(End of this chapter)

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