Chapter 259 You are a bowl
All the nine tribes have been guillotined, and it is true that life is hopeless, but what if there is still hope?
What if one of the children and grandchildren, or even more than one of them, was killed by Li Daitao?
Otherwise, how to explain this series of operations?

When I bought it, they didn’t teach literature or martial arts, they only taught words and deeds, and it wasn’t punishment or fighting. A single sword scratch on the arm must be because the “rightful owner” suffered such an injury, so the “substitute” also had to suffer the same injury. of injury.

From the looks of it, any evil illness that occurred in the past must have been man-made. It was because he found a person who looked similar to him, so he resorted to various means to get his hands on him.

As for why he was suddenly ignored, it was probably because the "rightful owner"'s family didn't need him for some reason, so someone with a specific purpose like him was immediately useless, and he was still young and couldn't reveal anything, so there was no kill.

Sheng Minglin and Qin Jiangbai analyzed it. Qin Jiangbai said after a while: "It's very possible. How can you be so smart?"

"No prizes, no prizes," Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "I just made a wild guess. You can go to the palace and report it. If it works, go and give it a try."

Qin Jiangbai holds the position of Jin Yiwei and is not very prominent in the palace, so he usually does this kind of thing.

Qin Jiangbai responded and got up.

Sheng Minglin came out and continued to watch Zhuzhu practice martial arts.

To an outsider like him, it seemed that Zhuzhu was sleeping on Huo Chenzhao's lap, but if you look closely, you will find that Zhuzhu's small body maintains a very steady and regular breathing, which looks quite strange.

He practiced until noon at one breath, and Zhuzhu was still practicing. According to Shen Lingjue, when practicing inner breath, you can't feel the time, so you often have retreats for ten days and a half.

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to call Zhuzhu up.

As soon as he woke up, Tuanzi hugged his belly and said, "Hungry, Zhuzhu is so hungry!" Tuanzi was so hungry that his mouth was full: "I'm hungry for food, please eat soon!"

Huo Chenzhao could only use Qinggong, and rushed back with Zhuzhu in his arms to ask for food.

By the time Sheng Minglin came back, Xiaotuanzi had already finished his bowl of porridge, suppressed his hunger, and then started eating vegetables.

Sheng Minglin changed his clothes and sat down, and asked: "Is there nothing you can do about this? Are you so hungry?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "I will bring a few pieces of candy with me next time. Don't think Zhuzhu will be hungry, but in fact it will be good for her to practice for a while longer. After two or three months, she will feel better. The breath is also longer.”

Okay, Sheng Minglin will use his chopsticks to eat.

After eating, Zhuzhu was still very energetic, but she was used to sleeping every day, so she still took advantage of her sleepiness to take a nap.

Then, I got up half an hour earlier than usual.

Zhuzhu usually takes a nap for about an hour, but now, she only slept for half an hour. She woke up quite energetic. As soon as she opened her eyes, she called Li Zhi: "Call Han Jiujiu and let Han Jiujiu help." Pinch beads!"

Lychee smiled and agreed. After thinking about it, he simply went to call him in person.

Because Zhuzhu usually woke up late, but suddenly woke up early, there was a lot of space in between. She thought about picking up some soupy snacks for Zhuzhu to eat, which would save her time.

And now, in the big kitchen.

The cooks finished serving lunch and tidied up the kitchen, taking some time to relax.

Han Zhenge was sitting in a corner, pinching the dough. The two chefs next to him laughed loudly: "Master doesn't want it anymore, why are you still pinching it?"

"You don't do serious business every day. Do you really think you can use that little skill to please your master?"

"It's really funny."

Han Zhenge didn't say anything back, just pinched there silently.

For three consecutive days, Her Royal Highness the Princess did not call him over again. Moreover, at noon today, Her Royal Highness had a rabbit bag made by Master Zhou. The masters did not say anything, and everyone suddenly became more daring to talk about him.

In fact, he understood, because he was originally just a cook, just like them, but he suddenly took advantage of his master, received several rewards, and was promoted to master. Of course, they didn't like him very much.

However, even if the master doesn't like to watch it, he still finds it interesting when he plays with it.

And they, when he was practicing before, they were sarcastic, and they were still sarcastic now... But he didn't understand, why couldn't they take advantage of this time to practice?
Lychee came over slowly, and someone with sharp eyes had already jumped up to greet her: "Miss Lychee, why are you here!" "You are really a noble person. You can just give me an order, so I don't dare bother you to come here in person. "

Several people were extremely attentive, following each other.

Everyone in Prince Duan's residence knows that the prince, his wife, and the prince are very easy to take care of, but only the little princess will get angry if there is even the slightest mistake.

Lychee asked calmly: "What snacks are you preparing?"

The chef hurriedly said: "Today we have meat wontons, glutinous rice balls, chickpea porridge, noodle tea, dumplings, fat cakes, soft cakes, sesame balls, sugar cakes..."

As soon as he made the announcement, Litchi ordered a few things and asked for two quarters of an hour before bringing them to the table. He also asked for a few bowls of sugarcane syrup to be prepared and brought them to him now. Then he said: "Master Xiao Han, come with me. The master wants to You go over."

Han Zhenge was slightly surprised and quickly responded, packing up the things on the table.

Lychee turned around and said, "Just tell the steward and tell me what I said. Don't ask Master Han to do anything else. Just concentrate on serving His Highness's pasta."

The chef responded repeatedly, and several of the assistant chefs were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, and Lychee left with the others.

It's not that she pities Han Zhenge, but since Zhuzhu likes to watch him make dough, she naturally wants to protect him and look at the beautiful Zhuzhu a few more times, which will make her happy.

Han Zhenge arrived soon, and Zhuzhu waved to him from afar: "Han Jiujiu, come here quickly."

Han Zhenge hurriedly came forward to say hello. Zhuzhu sat on a big chair, bent down and said to him: "Zhuzhu is learning martial arts. Zhuzhu is so tired. Qianchai jumped out of the bowl of Zhuzhu. It is better than many small ones." I’m tired of all the pots and pans…”

She rambled on, and then got to the point: "So Zhuzhu wants you to pinch a very majestic and powerful Zhuzhu."

Han Zhenge responded quickly: "Yes, yes."

Tuanzi suddenly realized something was wrong. She bent her little head down, looked at it, and pointed at his head: "Is your head swollen?"

Han Zhenge smiled bitterly.

In the morning, while he was standing still, he was pushed. He was still holding the mask in his hand, and he couldn't help it with his hands, so he hit the wall head first.

He lowered his head and whispered: "It's okay, I just bumped into it accidentally."

Tuanzi asked: "Does it hurt? Zhuzhu is so wide that I can show you the beautiful Guoguo."

Han Zhenge was startled, "No, no, I don't dare bother Master Huo!"

Huo Chenzhao looked up and said warmly: "Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I'll bring you a jar of medicine later, just apply it on it and you'll be fine."

Han Zhenge thanked him repeatedly, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Master, are you a little noodle maker? Master, have you seen Xu?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "No! Zhuzhu likes to see it."

Lychee hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Master, the people in the kitchen thought that Master was looking at Xu and someone was bullying him!"

Tuanzi's eyes widened in surprise, and for the first time he vaguely felt the influence of her affection on the servants.

Tuanzi Maomao tilted his head, thought for a moment, and said seriously: "Qian Chai, Zhuzhu tied the bowl and jumped out of it. You tie the bowl, so you can also get a share of the credit for Zhuzhu's gratification, so, so ..." She tried hard to think of that sentence, but couldn't remember it for a moment.

Han Zhenge was stunned for a moment, very confused.

My heart says I am a bowl?

I am a cook, so I should be a pot, right?But the bowl seems to be right too, right?

But why did the master jump out of the bowl?
(End of this chapter)

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