Chapter 260: Poke your holes
Tuanzi shook her head back and forth on the chair. She really couldn't remember it and said regretfully: "Guo Guo has no debt. Zhu Zhu said a few words later. Zhu Zhu said half and half first. When Guo Guo comes, the debt will be paid." Say the bottom half and a half."

Huo Chenzhao tried to ask: "Zhuzhu wants to say...cover him?"

Tuanzi thought for a moment and nodded sharply: "Yes, yes!"

She turned to Han Zhenge: "Han Jiujiu, don't be afraid, tie a great bowl and the beads will cover you!"

The little girl's eyes were bright and her voice was soft. When Han Zhenge looked at her like this, he couldn't help but laugh. His big dimples sunk in, and his smile was very bright and beautiful. For a moment, he felt like the whole room was filled with light.

He whispered: "Thank you, Master."

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

He couldn't see anything wrong with him anyway, except for his strange name and good looks.

He looked at his hand again, and then paused: "What are you pinching?"

Han Zhenge said sheepishly: "I pinched it because I was thinking about it."

Tuanzi became curious and went over, squatting down and watching.

Han Zhenge carved out a room on a wooden board, which seemed to be the room they were staying in right now.

In the room, there were tables, chairs, shelves, a bunch of beady toys, and people.

I have pinched several people, each one is only finger long and cute.

Sitting at the table are Sheng Minglin and Zhuzhu, slightly behind them is Huo Chenzhao, and in the courtyard are Sheng Mingfeng and Shen Lingjue. Judging from his posture, he should be pinching the seventh prince.

Tuanzi's eyes were bright and he pointed with his finger: "Beautiful Guoguo! Look! It's you!"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and nodded: "Yes."

He touched it lightly with his hand and found that the window could still be opened. He also touched the cupboard in the corner. The drawer of the cupboard was only as big as a soybean, but it could also be opened.

Tuanzi exclaimed: "Han Jiujiu, you are too tired!"

Han Zhenge lowered his eyes and smiled, sinking into the wine vortex.

Tuanzi looked at it very curiously, so he leaned over and said in a low voice: "Zhuzhu, can I poke your asshole?"

Han Zhenge was stunned for a moment: "Kengkeng?"

He suddenly understood and said quickly: "Okay."

Tuanzi then stood up and stretched out his little hand. Han Zhenge quickly bent down on one knee and turned his face towards him. Tuanzi reached out and poked him gently.

It was the first time that Tuanzi had done such an unprinciple thing, and Tuanzi felt a little embarrassed. He threw himself into Huo Chenzhao's arms and whispered, "Don't tell your parents!"

Han Zhenge said quickly: "Yes, Master."

Tuanzi hid in the beautiful Guoguo's arms, played with his fingers, and said: "Zhuzhu also wants a hole like this."

She raised her head and looked at Huo Chenzhao with earnest eyes. Huo Chenzhao said hurriedly: "I can't do this."

Tuanzi: "You will definitely do it!"

"I really don't know how," Huo Chenzhao said with a smile, "This is not a disease, I can't cure it."

Tuanzi touched his little fleshy face and said, "The beads are pretty if they have bumps, but they don't look pretty?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "Zhuzhu looks the best like this. I really can't figure out why there is such a beautiful and cute Zhuzhu."

Tuanzi was very happy to be coaxed, so he turned back and asked Han Zhenge: "Are your parents and Guo Guo also in trouble?"

Han Zhenge was stunned for a moment, lowered his eyes, and said softly: "No, they didn't trap him."

Tuanzi wanted to ask again, but Huo Chenzhao patted her back gently, hugged her little head, and whispered: "Han Jiujiu's family members are all gone, and he is the only one left, so we don't ask his family members. He It will be sad.”

Tuanzi nodded suddenly.

The tiny little person looked up and thought about life without a father, a mother, or a brother, and tears burst into his eyes. He felt that Han Jiujiu was so pitiful.

Han Zhenge vaguely heard something and felt a little uneasy.

How can a servant be so particular? The master can say whatever he wants. Who cares whether a servant like him will be sad or not.He noticed that Zhuzhu glanced at him, and he waited for her to ask him something, but Tuanzi didn't ask anything. He grabbed a ball of noodles and went to play with it.

Han Zhenge was also pinching.

He made a Zhuzhu wearing a general's clothes, and even made a pony. The little Zhuzhu was riding on the horse, holding a spear in one hand, which was quite majestic.

After a while, he finished squeezing it, put it on a small wooden plate, and said carefully: "Master, I've finished squeezing it."

Tuanzi turned around and was very surprised: "Wow!"

She ran over, not daring to take it herself. She put her little hands on her knees and leaned over to look at her: "Zhuzhu is so majestic!"

Although Huo Chenzhao felt that this was a bit unlike Zhuzhu, he still said: "Zhuzhu is awesome! He really looks like a general!"

Tuanzi admired it for a while, then asked Lychee to help him take it away, then returned to the table and sat down, continuing to squeeze it.

Since the master did not let him go, Han Zhenge sat down again and continued to knead the previous yard, including the seventh prince. They were all finished, but Zhuzhu was not finished yet.

It wasn't until dinner time that the dumplings were finally finished. He held them in his two little hands and carefully handed them to him: "Han Jiujiu, I'd like to introduce this to you. Don't be sad!"

Han Zhenge took it with both hands and was stunned on the spot.

There are four little people in his hands. They are not pinched well at all. They are all crooked, but they are holding hands and connected together. You don't need to think about it to know that these are father, mother, brother and him.

Han Zhenge's heart was burning, he held back his tears, held it in both hands, and gave a big gift: "Thank you, Master, I can't thank you enough."

When Sheng Minglin came back, he saw this scene and was stunned for a moment.

After he left and asked, Huo Chenzhao told him.

Sheng Minglin smiled and touched his sister's little head: "No matter who he is, even if he is a bad person, my brother thinks that he will become a good person in front of Zhuzhu'er."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "Maybe you are overthinking it, it's just a name."

Sheng Minglin nodded and said no more.

At night, after Zhuzhu went to bed, Sheng Minglin quickly asked Prince Duan for the follow-up.

Prince Duan smiled and said, "You have made a great contribution this time."

Qin Jiangbai entered the palace in the morning and told Sheng Minglin's guess. Emperor Mingxi immediately sent the Jin Yiwei over and said to Yang Xianrong speciously: "Two days ago, we discovered a courtyard. Guess what, there are several people in that courtyard. He's a young man, he looks a bit familiar! If you don't know, you might have thought it was the young man from your house who ran away."

Yang Xianrong panicked all of a sudden.

An old fox like him would never let go of the rabbit before he saw it, so this kind of superficial temptation would generally not fool him.

But now he is in jail and has been tortured several times. The annihilation of all nine clans is right in front of him. He is only supported by a thin thread. He is already very nervous. Once this thread is broken, he collapses.

Then he called.

According to him, it was Prince Qi who came to the door first and said he wanted to take him to meet someone.

It really looked like him. When he saw it for the first time, he really thought it was his grandson. He also thought that Prince Qi had captured his grandson, and he reprimanded him angrily. Only then did Prince Qi take him away and talk about the substitute.

They helped him raise a substitute to preserve his bloodline if something happened to the family.

Nowadays, things are better than in Taizu's time. Being an official is not too dangerous, and you won't die easily. However, the higher you climb, the more serious the offense will be, so raising a substitute is not unfounded.

And he doesn't need to spend half a penny, or even give him a large amount of money. He only needs to help recruit people or arrange people.

It is said that you can also book a substitute for whomever you want, let them meet the person, get familiar with it, and then within half a year, an identical person will be brought over to show him.

It does sound good, but Yang Xianrong is cunning and cunning. Since he is cooperating with them, he must conduct many tests to find out who they are.

Now, I have a rough idea.

It is the Holy Religion.

Hearing this, Sheng Minglin couldn't help but lost his voice: "Holy religion?"

Prince Duan nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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