Chapter 261
The holy religion is also called Manichaeism, and its teachings are called "two sects and three realms".

The two sects refer to light and darkness, where light represents goodness and reason, while darkness represents evil and desire.

The Three Realms actually refer to the three processes followed by the development of the world, namely the First Realm (past), the Middle Realm (present) and the Later Realm (future).

When light and darkness do not interfere with each other, it is the beginning.

But when darkness invades light, the two merge with each other and become chaos, which is the middle.

The emergence of the Holy Religion is to lead mankind out of darkness and back to light.This is the hindrance.

Because the teachings of the Holy Religion are simple and clear, and moving toward the light is the long-cherished wish of every common people, the Holy Religion has sufficient appeal and cohesion. Whenever the opportunity comes, it will respond to the call.

Whether it was the Yellow Turban Army in the Eastern Han Dynasty or the Red Turban Army in the late Yuan Dynasty, they were all indispensable for the support of the Holy Religion; An Lushan in the Tang Dynasty and Fang La in the Song Dynasty were also disciples of the Holy Religion... Emperor Taizu of our dynasty was also a disciple of the Holy Religion. one of them.

In the holy religion, there have always been rumors about the birth of saints. When Emperor Taizu ascended the throne, he became orthodox and a confirmed "saint".

However, no emperor could tolerate such a sect with the power and foundation to change dynasties... Therefore, after Emperor Taizu ascended the throne, he banned all sects such as the Holy Sect and the White Lotus Sect, and instead gradually raised the status of Buddhism .

Over the past few decades, the Holy Religion seemed to have disappeared.

No one would naively believe that they would perish. However, in times of prosperity, they lie dormant and in times of trouble, they rise up. This is also the code of conduct they have always followed.

But now, even if it is not a prosperous age, it is already heading towards a prosperous age. Why do they appear again?Are you still making trouble in the capital?

Sheng Minglin couldn't help but said: "But when we know this, this 'substitute' is almost a useless move. If he is found guilty, wouldn't it be enough to surround the yard early? Even if they send the person out in advance , it doesn’t matter if a substitute dies. Normal performance cannot be flawless. To take a step back, what if they replace the person? It’s just an orphan. How will the holy religion treat it? Will they train them for revenge? Not everyone has it. He has a vengeful heart and ability.”

Prince Duan nodded: "In terms of this step alone, it is true. But the matter is not that simple. These people have colluded with the Holy Cult and are deeply involved with each other. It is difficult to know what they have done before and what they will do in the future. It is expected and must be very involved. How should we deal with these people? What should we do next? In short, this approach of the Holy Religion is actually very disgusting."

Sheng Minglin said: "It's really disgusting, but we have Zhuzhu! Isn't the reason why this holy religion is so powerful because they are highly inflammatory and have many followers? But their followers are all common people. When they are violent... In other words, when Tan Shang was in troubled times, everything responded to his call. But now that the world is at peace, and there is such a god as potatoes, as long as there is a way to survive, who wants to rebel? In the future, the days will get better and better, even if the people are temporarily bewitched into religion, they will not It’s very possible that there is such a thing as the Red Turban Army.”

Prince Duan exhaled and looked at him.

He is indeed young. Even though he has memories of his past life, he still looks young and passionate. He has the fearless energy of a young man, as if any difficulty is no big deal, which makes people feel very good just looking at him.

Sheng Minglin met his father's gaze, still a little embarrassed, coughed, and asked: "How should Uncle Huang deal with it?"

Prince Duan sighed: "What can we do? Seal the news first, go to the Qingzhou fiefdom, check and control Prince Qi's side, and then talk about Prince Qi's affairs. Otherwise, take action directly, for fear of causing trouble."

He paused for a moment: "Fortunately, this 'substitute' is not that easy to maintain, so ordinary officials should not be involved much, mainly high-ranking officials and dignitaries."

Sheng Minglin nodded and said: "I wrote a storybook before, and I will write it into a playbook, or booklet, in the next two days, and ask people to go to the people to tell stories. After a few months, the first batch of potatoes will be planted, and it will happen to the people. Everyone is also aware of the existence of this kind of divine object, and they are looking forward to the appearance of this divine object, so they can take advantage of the opportunity to promote it. Such a divine object only needs to be collected personally, and the people's hearts will immediately gather together. The so-called holy religion, when If you don’t attack, you will destroy yourself.”

Just do it.

That night Sheng Minglin started writing the script.

He has read a lot these days and writes smoothly.

It was completed in less than three days, and a storybook was also written.Compared with the story books which are more "legendary", the drama books are more inclined to create gods.

The earthquake before and the food donations afterward showed that the emperor was blessed by heaven. At the same time, they also emphasized the magic and importance of potatoes.

Anyway, the system has said that the potatoes exported by the system will be free of diseases and insect pests within the third generation, and will have excellent disease and insect prevention after that. There will be no large-scale late blight... Three generations is just enough to complete the early promotion.

Therefore, the playbook did not mention much about pests and diseases. The main emphasis was on high yield, or in other words, it mainly connected the high-yield new grain with the emperor.

Because a wise king is favored by heaven, so if I prosper the people, be loyal to the king and love the country, then I will be favored by heaven, and have abundant food and clothing...all kinds of things.

After he finished writing, he was not in a hurry to release it, because he read playbooks and storytellers, and there would be a lot of slang in the market. Only then would everyone find it funny to talk about it, so he asked Prince Duan and decided to find Xie General.

General Xie's men are all warriors from all over the world. When the time comes, let them listen and correct those that are too formal and add some small baggage before they can be released.

So the next day, Sheng Minglin took Zhuzhu and Huo Chenzhao to the guard station to find General Xie.

Zhuzhu has been practicing for several days and is becoming more and more proficient. Not only herself, but also the people around her can clearly feel that she is more energetic. Now her nap time has been reduced to half an hour, and she wakes up earlier in the morning. , and it seems that the strength is also slightly longer.

Yesterday, no one noticed that she secretly took away Qin Jiangbai's embroidered spring knife. She was still able to run after dragging it with her, and they didn't catch her until she ran out the door.

Tuanzi himself was also very swollen, and he even took the general beads that Han Zhenge pinched before, preparing to show them to his uncle.

The three of them went to the gate of the guardhouse and asked. The gatekeeper said that the general was out, so he invited them to sit and wait in the small flower hall.

After sitting for a short time, I heard the sound of horse hooves. General Xie rode in. He reined in the horse and talked to the soldiers.

Tuanzi spread his legs and ran out, shouting: "Uncle!!"

As soon as General Xie raised his head, he saw Xiaohong Tuanzi flying in front of his horse, spreading his arms, his small body, and his huge momentum: "Uncle, jump down, Zhu Zhu will catch you."

General Xie: "...???"

Soldier: "...Poof!"

General Xie was surprised and wanted to be happy. He quickly jumped off his horse to avoid her, and reached out to pick her up: "Zhuzhu, uncle can just jump by himself, no need for Zhuzhu to catch her."

Tuanzi still felt a little regretful: "Okay! Zhuzhu can do it! Zhuzhu is learning martial arts! He has become a strong man!"

Her whole dumpling tilted into the room. General Xie quickly followed him into the room. He nodded with Sheng Minglin and sat down. The dumpling slipped from his lap and showed him the small-faced figure: "Look!"

General Xie took it and looked at it carefully for a long time: "Is this me? Can I look like this?"

Group: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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