Chapter 266 Seven or eight reasonable fathers
The two hurried over, but before they arrived, they heard Zhuzhu crying. While crying, he said intermittently: "It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt even if Zhuzhu loses weight. Wuwu, Zhuzhu, Tangtang..."

Prince Duan and Princess Duan have already arrived. Prince Duan said, "You really haven't eaten any candy? It's not a good boy to lie."

Tuanzi was sobbing but confident: "Zhuzhu didn't eat Tangtang, so he didn't eat Tangtang. Zhuzhu is a good kid and doesn't lie..."

What he ate was sugar hawthorn. What does it have to do with Tangtang? Zhuzhu didn’t lie. If he didn’t eat it, he didn’t eat it.

Prince Duan said, "What's the point of lying to me? I can't hurt for you! I told you not to eat sweets. They go in from one ear and out from the other every day..."

Tuanzi cried and covered his ears: "No, no, no."

Prince Duan sighed with sorrow. When he saw Huo Chenzhao coming, he quickly called him: "Hurry up, Brother Zhao, show Zhuzhu quickly."

Huo Chenzhao walked over quickly, and Prince Duan asked his son, "Did Zhuzhu eat candy during the day?"

Sheng Minglin smiled bitterly: "I ate a few candied hawthorns and didn't rinse my mouth in time. I was negligent."

Prince Duan glared at him: "You just don't believe in evil, right? How many times have I told her not to eat sweets and not to eat sweets, but I still gave them to her! Are you feeling better now? Go and see for yourself!"

Tuanzi was anxious: "Don't curse Guo Guo!"

Prince Duan: "If you don't scold him, who will you scold him?"

"Guo Guo is right!" Xiao Tuanzi cried so hard that his face turned red, and he said very harshly: "Zhu Zhu, Tangtang, no toothache, wuwu, don't scold Guo Guo! Don't scold Qin Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu It doesn’t hurt even if you reduce it!”

"Oh?" Prince Duan said, "It turns out it was Qin Jiangbai who gave him the candy. Let's see how I deal with him."

Group: "..."

Tuanzi's eyes were wide open and he was stunned. He couldn't figure it out. Ji Ji didn't say anything, so why did his father know it all at once.

Then Tuanzi burst into tears, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! After she finished her meal, she added: "Seven or eight reasonable fathers will do the job, or ten will do."

Prince Duan became very angry and said, "You heartless little brat, who is so unreasonable..."

In the end, Princess Duan was unhappy: "You have to argue with her at this time, right? How old are you when Zhuzhu is three?"

Prince Duan: "..."

The prince, who was in strict control of his wife, came out silently and waited outside.

Fortunately, Huo Chenzhao was a true miracle doctor. He pinched Zhuzhu's acupuncture points for a while and asked her to rinse with warm salt water several times. At the same time, he asked Zhuzhu: "Does it still hurt?"

Tuanzi felt weak and shook his head: "It doesn't hurt."

Sheng Minglin leaned over and said, "Tell your brother in a low voice, does it still hurt?"

As expected, Tuanzi whispered: "There is still one more thing to reduce the pain."

Sheng Minglin: "A little bit?"

Tuanzi thought for a while: "It hurts half and half."

The system wanted to speak just now, but Zhuzhu didn't pay attention. Now she couldn't help but say again: "Host, the system can help the host block the pain."

It also shocked Zhuzhu, mainly because the system didn't come out often, so she kept forgetting that she still had a system.

Tuanzi said to them, "Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo Guo said.

Huo Chenzhao sighed and said: "At this time, it's okay, so let's block it."

Tuanzi told the system, and the next moment, the pain stopped. Tuanzi was stunned, and then he perked up and said in a loud voice: "Zhuzhu is not a pain in the ass! Just tell Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu's teeth are not good at all." It doesn’t hurt!” Sheng Minglin said with a helpless smile: “Because everything has helped you block the pain. It’s not that it doesn’t hurt, it’s that you can’t feel it anymore.”

The illiterate Tuanzi's eyes were wide open, and it was only now that he understood what Ping Ping Pain Pain was.

Princess Duan said: "Okay, since it doesn't hurt anymore, then go to sleep quickly. When you wake up, it should really not hurt anymore."

As she spoke, she moved away and put down Tuanzi. Tuanzi was lying there, thinking of something else, and looking around with big eyes. In fact, everyone knew who she was looking for, but no one said a word.

Finally Tuanzi couldn't help it anymore: "Where's daddy?"

Princess Duan smiled and said: "Hey! We don't want this kind of unreasonable and bad father! Wait until mother sells him and replace him with seven or eight obedient fathers!"

"No!" Tuanzi said anxiously: "You can't sell Daddy! Daddy, tie your daddy up! Tie up the beads, big baby! You can't sell it!"

"Huh?" Princess Duan said, "I seem to remember that someone just said they didn't want this father anymore?"

"No beads! If you don't wear beads, just say it!"

Tuanzi said goodbye with a little face, firmly refusing to admit it: "Zhuzhu wants daddy!"

Prince Duan immediately ran in and hugged his daughter: "My Zhuzhu'er is better. I still miss my father. We, father and daughter, are of the same mind..."

Sheng Minglin watched silently and sighed tiredly.

It's late at night, drama queens, please use your magical powers quickly! !
After Prince Duan and his wife left, Sheng Minglin and his wife slept directly in Zhuzhu's room. Sheng Minglin said: "Blocking the pain is ultimately treating the symptoms but not the root cause. What is the reason for toothache when eating sweets? It can't be treated. ?"

Huo Chenzhao said: "That little tooth is at the back. I guess it can't be brushed clean during cleaning, so it always hurts."

Sheng Minglin pondered.

Today's tooth brushes have finger-long brush heads, made of ivory, bamboo or wood. They use boar bristles, which are moderately soft and elastic. They are easy for adults to use, but for little dolls like Zhuzhu, It was definitely not easy to brush, and most of the servants helped her brush. She didn't dare to use too much force. The little teeth at the back were a bit unclear, but the little teeth at the front were brushed brightly every day.

Sheng Minglin went to get a toothbrush late at night, turned it over and over in his hand for a while, and made up his mind to ask the system tomorrow if there is a toothbrush suitable for children in the future, and then slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Huo Chenzhao first checked that Zhuzhu was okay, and then planned to go to Qin Jiangbai's place to see Father Qin.

Sheng Minglin picked a dozen boys and followed him there to help Qin Jiangbai move.

Although Qin Jiangbai could ask Jin Yiwei to help, it has to be said that the boys can still do this kind of cleaning and placement work efficiently.

Moreover, he specially selected a cook to send over. When he moved, he could leave the cook and the boy to help him for a few days. When Qin Jiangbai was free, he would also have to help him convince the old man to buy a few. For human use.

Since the children and grandchildren are grown up and they cannot afford to support them, why do they have to rely on a few old people to fend for themselves?The dignified Jin Yiwei Tongzhi lived like nothing.

After the arrangements were made and the people were sent away, it was time for Zhuzhu to get up. Sheng Minglin stood at the door and looked around, and saw Lychee gesturing towards him.

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows, walked over gently, opened the curtain, and saw Tuanzi lying there, hands clasped together, eyes wide open, with a melancholy look on his face.

Sheng Minglin was a little funny: "Zhu Zhu'er, what are you thinking about?"

"Alas!" The little dumpling, which was a little bigger, sighed like a little adult: "Zhuzhu is feeling sad."

"Oh," Sheng Minglin sat down beside her bed: "Why are you sad?"

Tuanzi said sadly: "My uncle gave Zhuzhu Ci Tangtang, and my mother was angry. My uncle won't give Zhuzhu Ci Tangtang any debt; Guoguo gave Zhuzhu Ci Tangtang, and my father beat Guoguo, and Guoguo won't do it anymore." Give Zhuzhu some sweet treats."

She was very sad: "If you want to wear pearls and teeth don't hurt, then it's easy to mess with!"

(End of this chapter)

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