Chapter 267 A very bad, very bad villain

Sheng Minglin smiled and coaxed her: "Don't be afraid, isn't there some candy from Tong Tong?"

Tuanzi said: "But all the Tangtang, just reduce it once, and it will be gone after one time!"

Tongtong said quickly: "Host, I don't know how. Candy is very cheap. If you have a few points, you can redeem it as hard as you can."

Sheng Minglin asked: "Everything? Are you here? I want to ask, what do children use to brush their teeth in future generations?"

I searched it all like flying and found that the toothbrush and toothbrush they mentioned were the same thing, so I posted a picture to show the host.

Zhuzhu immediately pulled it out and showed it to Guoguo.

Sheng Minglin looked at it carefully and nodded. It seemed that the main purpose was to make the brush head smaller and the handle thicker, making it easier for children to grasp. The handle of the toothbrush that came out was that of a deer. Later, it can be used as a rabbit or a dog or a cat. It can be used every day. Tuanzi should be more interested.

Sheng Minglin picked up his sister, held her face and looked at her teeth carefully: "When the new toothbrush is ready, my brother will teach Zhuzhu how to brush her teeth. As long as she can brush them clean, you can eat Tangtang."

Tuanzi nodded obediently.

Then I got up to wash my face and eat.

While Sheng Minglin was feeding his sister, he had a sudden thought: "Anyway, is there anything Qin Jiangbai's father can use in the future?"

After searching them all, a lot of them were released for him to see.

There were single-sided crutches, double-sided crutches, and wheelchairs. Sheng Minglin turned them around with his hands and looked at them one by one. He couldn't help but be surprised.

These are quite useful. Sheng Minglin asked: "Doesn't this require points?"

All: "No!"

Sheng Minglin nodded, thinking that if he said so, then this system would be quite useful.

Zhuzhu also saw it and asked in a low voice: "Qin Guoguo's father, why doesn't he have legs and hands?"

Sheng Minglin touched her head: "They met a very bad, very bad person, so they were injured."

Tuanzi was stunned for a while: "Isn't it going to be better?"

Sheng Minglin nodded. Tuanzi thought about it for a moment and was a little scared: "Well, how painful it is. It must be much more painful than Zhuzhu's toothache."

"Well," Sheng Minglin said: "It was very painful at the time, but it doesn't hurt anymore, so we don't look at it or ask about it, so that they won't remember how painful it was at that time."

Tuanzi nodded obediently.

Sheng Minglin changed the subject: "Are you going to practice martial arts today?"

"Yes," Tuanzi said without hesitation: "Zhuzhu didn't go yesterday. Maybe they have secretly tried to provoke a lot of people. Zhuzhu needs to go quickly!"


So after dinner, the brother and sister went to the North Courtyard. Sheng Minglin told his sister: "Beautiful Guo Guo is not here today. You should practice hard with this master. Guo Guo will draw a picture of brushing teeth, and then he will come out to see you." "

As a result, Xiaonuituanzi raised his head and looked at him with a thousand words in his eyes.

Sheng Minglin was confused: "What's wrong?"

Tuanzi said in a low voice, "Why don't we wait for Si Guo Guo to come back to pay the debt, Guo Guo Hua, just in case the housekeeper makes a mistake."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He stretched out his hand and spanked her little butt: "You little rascal, how dare you laugh at me, brother."

Tuanzi giggled and ran away.

Sheng Minglin is just not good at drawing people, but if he writes a few more words on this kind of picture, his servants can still understand it.

He first drew several types of toothbrushes, and then drew wheelchairs and crutches, and asked the servant to deliver them to the housekeeper. He had to hurry up and do the toothbrushes and other things.Not long after the painting was finished here, Qin Jiangbai also came.

When Sheng Minglin saw his face, he was a little surprised after interrogating him all night: "What? Is there any inside story?"

Qin Jiangbai was used to it, so he didn't feel too tired. He just said: "Yes."

He told her about it.

When the woman was a child, her family was hit by a disaster, and her whole family died, except for herself. She was so hungry that she thought she was going to die.At the last moment, she was rescued. She was originally supposed to be a maid, but a woman said she had a special affinity and recognized her as her daughter. Then she kept raising her and learned kung fu. She was good at hidden weapons. He is also good at controlling various poisons and is quite powerful.

A few days ago, when she got haircut, the woman suddenly burst into tears and asked her if she would help her get revenge. When she said yes, she created an identity for her and asked her to come here to seduce Qin Jiangbai and find a way to marry him. .

But after she came, she saw seven old people and thought they were in the way, especially Qin Jiangbai's eldest father. The old man surnamed Qin was very shrewd, so she wanted to use some poison to kill Uncle Qin. Come, Qin Jiangbai is not here, she helped his family, she just has a great love, and she just takes the opportunity to get close to him.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiangbai suddenly came back at noon and bought wine, causing the poison to break out in advance.

But even so, she didn't want to run away. She thought no one could see through her poison, but she didn't expect that Huo Chenzhao could see it right away.

Qin Jiangbai finished speaking briefly and asked him: "Minglin, does this sound familiar to you?"

Sheng Minglin sighed speechlessly: "That sounds so familiar."

Wasn't that what happened to the boy who was first arrested?

Encountering horse bandits and killing his whole family, he was rescued at the last moment, recognized his godmother, and then said he would take revenge more than a month ago... It was exactly the same.

Sheng Minglin asked: "Is this woman also very filial to her godmother?"

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

Sheng Minglin couldn't comment for a moment, and after a while he said: "If this woman uses this method to recruit people, then I really don't know if she is smart or stupid? But anyway, let's announce this matter first. I guess there are more than one or two..."

He finished speaking: "Do you think that after the announcement, her children will still think that others are like this and that they are special? Does his mother love them?"

Qin Jiangbai smiled and said: "It's not impossible. From what I heard from each of them, they all expressed great admiration for that woman!"

Sheng Minglin asked: "Is there no one who is aware of this woman's identity?"

"No," Qin Jiangbai said with a smile: "This woman's mother's surname is Han, and that boy's mother's surname is Long, but their images are similar. They are both beautiful and compassionate. According to them, they are like the lower world of a Bodhisattva. Average. But her hair is gray, which means she must be quite old. Other than that, they all feel that their godmother is very kind to them, but they can’t tell them what’s good about them.”

Sheng Minglin was speechless: "So, this woman is very good at deceiving people."

Qin Jiangbai nodded.

Sheng Minglin whispered: "Do you think this woman has anything to do with the Holy Cult?"

Qin Jiangbai said: "I asked. I don't think it matters for the time being. It seems that this woman is just an ordinary woman from the world. Let's check it out slowly. However, this woman dared to let people go so casually. She was obviously determined that even if they were defeated, Now, you can’t find her, can you?”

He suddenly thought of something and lowered his voice: "Prince Qi hasn't been looking for you?"

Sheng Minglin shook his head: "It shouldn't be that fast, it's only been a few days."

While the two were talking, Sheng Minglin stood up from time to time to look at Zhuzhu, and said, "Either you go to rest for a while, or go home and move. Stop sitting here."

Qin Jiangbai said: "I will come over and tell you, and then go back."

Sheng Minglin nodded, got up and left.

Zhuzhu practiced all morning and then went home to take a nap.

Although Yaya didn't hurt in the morning, he still felt numb there. But when he took a nap, he felt that he was no longer numb. The dumpling was resurrected with full blood, and he called Han Jiujiu to come over and make the dough.

Han Zhenge was quite happy, and said to her as soon as he arrived: "Thank you, Master, everyone is very kind to me now."

(End of this chapter)

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