Chapter 268 You are already so powerful
Tuanzi said, "What do you mean? Of course others will treat you well!"

Han Zhenge's face turned red, his voice lowered, and he whispered: "Master, I just pinched a few new things."

He took it out and showed it to Zhuzhu. He made several ornaments, some of which were similar to pictures of ladies, but more childish. There were also cats and dogs, and he even made a pot of camellias, the petals of which were all vivid. Just like the real thing, except smaller.

The little dumpling squatted there, looking at this and that, and nodded: "It looks good! The Korean wine is great!"

Han Zhenge's eyes were bright, and he whispered: "Master, I just figured it out yesterday. I used the noodle to knead those houses and pavilions. In fact, the way I used the noodle to knead those houses and pavilions was wrong. The noodle is soft, so the noodle should be kneaded. Something that is delicate and curled, made of wood and other materials that is difficult to make, so I was thinking about some kind of Pixiu or stone that a lion could pinch, but I don’t have any at hand, does the master have any?"

Tuanzi shook his head: "I don't have Zhuzhu either, but Xie Zhuzhu can help you ask Guoguo for it."

Han Zhenge said quickly: "Master, do you want it? If you want it, just pinch it."

Tuanzi thought for a while and answered seriously: "Zhuzhu doesn't know whether it's fun or not, but even if it's not fun, Zhuzhu won't be unhappy. But if you drink Korean wine, you'll be happy. Zhuzhu thinks it's okay!"

Han Zhenge opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

After a while, he suddenly said: "Master, do you think a young noodle maker will have no future?"

Tuanzi: "What are you doing if you don't go out?"

Han Zhenge said: "It just means that he has no ability, is not strong, is stupid, and is very embarrassed."

Tuanzi's eyes widened in surprise: "But you are already so good! Your hands are better than anyone else's! Mother praises Zhuzhu for her clumsy hands, which can carry vegetables without dropping them off the table. Zhuzhu is awesome!"

The two of them exchanged words with each other, and the conversation was quite lively.

Huo Chenzhao replaced Sheng Minglin and looked after the children here, watching silently without disturbing them. Lychee stood aside and watched silently.

Although Han Zhenge doesn't have good rules and sometimes talks back to you and me, but it seems that he doesn't have any bad intentions, so Lychee doesn't care. Anyway, as long as Zhuzhu chats happily.

At the same time, he did not forget to order people to go to the warehouse to find some complicated ornaments for Han Chenge to learn.

Of course, Prince Duan's Mansion was not short of these things, and they brought them soon. Ornaments worth hundreds and thousands of taels of silver were placed all over the floor. Tuanzi was sitting on a small bench beside him, resting his chin on his little hands, watching Han Zhenge pinch them with interest.

Han Zhenge was very smart. He brought a Pixiu over and after he imitated pinching it, he could immediately change the posture and color and pinch out several.

After Princess Duan finished her work, she came over to see her daughter. She was so impressed that she even said to Han Zhenge, "Try if you can make twelve of them for me, either boys or Pixiu. Such small and delicate things, It’s also good to give as a gift.”

Han Zhenge responded repeatedly.

Princess Duan called again: "Bring me the drawing of the four-dimensional beast in my room and let him pinch it."

Jin Yi responded and fetched it after a while. Han Zhenge was not in a hurry. He took one look at the pattern and started pinching it without looking up. After a while, he pinched it out.

And because the blue dragon is a dragon, it won’t look good if you pinch it into a long shape. But when Han Zhenge pinched the blue dragon together with a group of auspicious clouds, it felt like a green dragon coiling around a pillar. It suddenly looked better and even more powerful.

Princess Duan was very happy and asked someone to bring a box, carefully put it away to dry, and then rewarded him.

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Apart from anything else, Han Zhenge has a really good memory, and looking at his bright eyes, he obviously likes this.

Huo Chenzhao asked: "Are you literate?"

Han Zhenge said sheepishly: "When I was at home, I went to private school for half a year, and I only knew a few words, and then I stopped studying."

Huo Chenzhao nodded and said warmly: "I'll give you some paintings later. They're not valuable things, but since you like this, it's inevitable to get involved in the paintings. When you have free time, think more about the meanings in the paintings. If you draw them, you'll know how to do it." Gradually, you will lose your spirit and your craftsmanship."

Han Zhenge thanked him profusely.

When Sheng Minglin came back in the evening, Huo Chenzhao told him.Since he was talented, Sheng Minglin didn't mind giving him a hand, so he gave him another copybook, along with several pens and inkstones, and told the accountant to collect his share every month. , flatten the paper with a knife, and give him a stick of ink.

Whether there is more or not, and how well he learns, depends on him.

For the servants, this means that they have completely cured their master, and no one will dare to say harsh words anymore.

So Han Zhenge had a separate small room, and the housekeeper also gave him some old tables and chairs. Although they were old, they were still usable. Apart from preparing noodles for Zhuzhu, he didn't have to do any other work at ordinary times. He could stay in the room all the time. .

However, for Sheng Minglin, this was an easy matter.

After dinner here, Sheng Minglin urged her repeatedly, and the housekeeper brought up two toothbrushes that he had made in a hurry.

Sheng Minglin tried the softness of the bristles, washed and soaked them carefully, and then the whole family gathered around Zhuzhu to watch Sheng Minglin help Zhuzhu brush her teeth.

Sheng Minglin also tried for a long time before he found the right posture. Zhuzhu tied a small pocket and stood on a stool. Sheng Minglin stood behind her, just half a head taller than his sister, and then took her little hand and wet it. Brush the bamboo salt up, down, left, right, and left.

Prince Duan stood in front, lifting his daughter's fat chin from time to time to take a look. The two father and son, as if they were doing something big, worked on it seriously for a long time. The front of the dumplings was completely wet, and the shoes were soaked with water. Then Sheng Minglin finally nodded: "It should be okay, right?"

Prince Duan held his face and looked at it: "Well, that's it."

Sheng Minglin swung his arms beside him and stretched his body. Tuanzi also shouted: "I'm tired of brushing my teeth! Zhuzhu's arms are sore!"

Prince Duan asked: "Will you still eat sweets from now on?"

Tuanzi didn't hesitate at all: "Eat!"

Princess Duan stood by the door and watched, laughing so hard.

Then Sheng Minglin coaxed Zhuzhu to sleep just like he was serving his little ancestor.

After just two days of brushing, Sheng Minglin plucked up the courage to give his sister some sweets, and she didn't have any toothache. He felt extremely accomplished.

Princess Duan saw this and made a batch of the toothbrushes he got out and sold them in the shop. She also said to him: "When we can get enough money from the sales, we will pay [-]-[-]."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Princess Duan is indeed a very lovely mother.

On the third day, the wheelchair and other items were also made.

Sheng Minglin directly asked someone to send it to Qin Jiangbai to give it a try. If there was anything inappropriate, he could find someone to change it himself.

When they met again, Qin Jiangbai bowed his arms to the ground, and Sheng Minglin avoided it with a smile. The two of them didn't say much about this matter. They both understood each other tacitly and were busy with their own affairs.

The next day.

Han Zhenge was used to Zhuzhu not calling him in the morning and hiding in the room. Then a steward came over and said to him: "The shop outside has collected the things of a noodle chef. Go and see if you can find them." needs."

Han Zhenge was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, his expression changed a little, and after a while he said: "Yeah."

He was taken out of the house obediently. The steward took him a few streets away, looked around, quickly pulled him around the corner, and pushed him into a store door.

The person inside pointed to the stairs, and Han Zhenge walked up silently.

Upstairs, the beautiful woman with gray hair turned back with tears in her eyes. Han Zhenge whispered: "Mother!"

(End of this chapter)

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