Chapter 269 Does mother really love him?
The woman staggered a few steps and hugged him tightly, her voice choked with sobs, "Zuo'er! Zuo'er, mother misses you so much!"

Han Zhenge hesitated for a moment, then gently stretched out his hand, hugged her, patted her back, and comforted her silently.

The boy, who was fifteen or sixteen years old, was already a little taller than the woman. He could clearly see the woman's hair, which seemed to have a lot more silver threads.

The woman burst into tears and choked with sobs: "How are you these days? Have you ever thought about your mother? She thinks about you every day and is always worried about whether you can eat or sleep well, or whether you will be bullied by others..."

She spoke coquettishly and sincerely.

Han Zhenge felt that he should be very moved, but for some reason, he always felt at a loss as if he was not involved.

He said nothing.

The woman talked for a long time and finally realized something was wrong. She slowly moved away, holding his shoulders and looking closely at his expression: "Zuo'er, what's wrong with you? Are you married to my mother?"

Han Zhenge lowered his eyes for a long time before asking softly: "Mom, since you miss me, why don't you pick me up?"

As if she couldn't bear his words, the woman staggered, holding the table with one hand, and burst into tears.

Although the woman is no longer in her prime and her hair has grown, she is still very beautiful, and the look of her tears is extremely sad: "Do you think my mother doesn't want to? But the life my mother is living now is dangerous and murderous. Once someone discovers it, she will be doomed." ! Mom is frightened every day. It’s already been hard enough. How can I bear to let you live like this? Mom, I only have you now! Only you! Mom only wants you to be well. Even if she is broken into pieces, she still wants you to be peaceful. An'an..."

"I'm not afraid," Han Zhenge said, "I just want to be with my mother. I'm not afraid of danger."

"Nonsense!" The woman wiped her tears and scolded: "You are not young anymore, can you stop being so willful! Learn to be considerate of mother, okay? Zuo'er, you must remember that no matter what mother does, you will not be so willful. It’s for you! For you, my mother is willing to endure no matter how much hardship she has."

"You are the only hope of the Han family. Mother doesn't dare to let you take any risks. Mother let you hide in Prince Duan's Mansion to protect you. You have to be patient. In the future, mother will give away all this." In your hands, it will be a brighter future than you can imagine! Those who bully you now, no matter who they are, princes or princesses, will not be worthy of carrying your shoes in the future..."

She stretched out her hand and stroked his face gently: "Zuo'er, mother knows that it is not easy to be a servant, but this is also a test for you... Good boy, don't let mother down, don't care about temporary gains and losses, be careful. Look further ahead..."

She kept talking, and Han Zhenge just listened quietly.

The woman talked for a long time before changing the topic: "Zuo'er, I heard that the little princess often calls you over recently?"

Han Zhenge's heart skipped a beat, he nodded, and said softly: "The little princess is very kind to me."

The woman's expression changed, and tears flowed down again: "Zuo'er! What you said... what you said is poking my heart! My mother asked you to disguise yourself as a person below, how can you really pretend to be yourself? Human? What do you mean by her being nice to you? For a princess to be nice to her servants, that’s just the master throwing a bone to the dog! Can you wake up a little bit!! Zuo’er! It’s only been a few years, but you have become so useless. It’s time to get ahead! Are you worthy of your mother’s high expectations for you? You’re really pissing me off..."

She cried uncontrollably.

Han Zhenge stared at her blankly, his eyes full of confusion.

So, what should I do?

I am a servant, but I cannot regard myself as a servant, so what should I regard myself as?I regard myself as my master, so can I still be the current person in peace and stability?
The master is good to me, but the master throws a bone to the dog... What should the dog do?Devouring the Lord?Starve to death? ?

He couldn't figure it out.

But seeing the woman crying so hard that her whole body was shaking, he instinctively admitted his mistake: "Mom, stop crying. It's all my fault. I won't do it again."

The woman cried for a while and then said: "Zuo'er, remember, never forget who you are! Never regard yourself as a real servant!"

Han Zhenge whispered: "But who am I?"

The woman said solemnly: "You will always know in the future."

Han Zhenge was silent for a long time: "Why do I have to be a servant? I am a farmer and a hawker, can't I?"

The woman was so anxious that she shed tears again: "How many times do you have to tell me! This is to hide your identity! No one would have thought that you would be an ordinary cook in Prince Duan's Mansion, so even if the matter is exposed, you will never be implicated!" "

Han Zhenge sighed silently and stopped talking.

The woman sighed for a long time and suddenly asked: "Have you seen that Crown Prince Duan?"

Han Zhenge was slightly startled and nodded: "I've seen it before."

The woman asked: "How is the relationship between Crown Prince Duan and Prince Duan?"

Han Zhenge hesitated for a moment. He didn't know why he didn't want to answer. After a while, he said, "Why do you ask me this?"

The woman said: "Mom, of course it will be useful. Just tell me what you see."

Han Zhenge buried his head for a while and then said: "I rarely see the crown prince, and only occasionally see the little princess."

"Oh?" The woman's eyes lit up and she said, "In other words, when the prince is at home, he doesn't actually go to see the little princess often?"

Han Zhenge said vaguely: "I don't know, I'm only called occasionally, and I don't see the master very often."

The woman frowned for a long time: "I haven't seen Prince Duan and Prince Duan get along with each other?" Han Zhenge nodded and looked away: "Yes."

The woman said: "Then you should pay attention in the future, especially the relationship between Crown Prince Duan and the little princess, Prince Duan and Princess Duan, to see if their relationship is good or not, and then tell Uncle Ma, and he will naturally pass it on to me. , hurry up."

Han Zhenge responded in a low voice.

The woman did not dare to wait too long, and hugged him again: "Be good, go back. Mom will ask you to come out and meet her when she has the chance."

Han Zhenge responded again and then went downstairs.

As soon as he walked out of the grocery store, his slightly curved spine slowly relaxed and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

He is very afraid of his mother.

Five years ago, his family suffered a disaster and his family fled to the capital. All his family members died and his father became ill again. He sold himself to try to cure his father's illness, but he still could not be cured and his father also died.

Later, he stayed in the tooth shop for a while.

One night, mother suddenly came to him and said that she was his biological mother, and that his dead family members were just mother's servants. She was hunted down because of changes in the family, so she asked the servants around her to take care of him. He took it away.

He did meet her.

When he was a child, she visited him twice and left him some money and food. After that for a while, his parents always looked at him with strange eyes, and he still remembered it.

However, he never thought that she was actually his biological mother, but his parents were not his biological parents.

He asked her why she didn't come earlier and why she couldn't save her parents.

Mother said that it was already too late when she got the news, and she rushed here day and night. She said that he did not need to care about their lives, because they were just servants, and it was their mission and honor to die to protect him.

He couldn't figure it out.

He didn't know what servants or honors were. He only knew that they were his parents and his family. He was really sad when they died.

He asked his mother if she wanted to take him away. He didn't want to be alone. He had been good at cooking since he was a child and could be a small cook to support her.

But my mother was angry at that time, crying and saying that he had no future, saying that he was supposed to be a nobleman from Tianhuang, how could he think of being a cook?He should study and practice calligraphy and have greater ambitions.

He was not yet ten years old at the time. When he saw her crying, he was very scared and quickly said that he was wrong. He could read and learn to read and take the No. [-] exam and earn her a life... But his mother said that she could not take him away yet. , he wants to live by himself for a while first, and then she will come to pick him up after she has finished some big things.

Then she left.

He entered Prince Duan's Mansion and became a cook.

Later, when his mother came to see him again, he was extremely worried, fearing that her mother would be angry.

Mother was indeed very angry and looked at him with extremely disappointed eyes.

He didn't dare to raise his head for fear of meeting her eyes like this, but he felt aggrieved and didn't want to be useless!He also wants to study and become literate, but he has no money and no freedom. If he wants to survive, he can only live as a human being.

His mother left in tears and did not see him again for a long time.

He was extremely sad, thinking that she would never come again. Fortunately, a few months later, she came again and whispered to him: "It's your useless mother who makes you suffer like this. Don't worry." , Mom will do her best to bring you a good life."

Even today, he has met his mother six times in total.

Almost once a year.

He had always felt that his mother loved him very much, but she was troubled by terrible things and had to work hard for his future, so she had a lot of helplessness.

But today, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

His mother always didn't like what he did, but she never helped him solve it or taught him how to solve it.

On the contrary, the little princess, who is only three and a half years old, responds to everything.

When he was bullied in the kitchen, the little princess said, I will protect you, and no one dared to bully him from now on.

He said, I want to pinch Pixiu and Shi Gandang, and the little princess said, I don’t know how, but I can ask Guo Guo for you.

Then these things were placed in front of him.

When he thought of the little princess, Han Zhenge couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly, then slowly closed it, feeling slightly stunned.

So, mother, do you really love him?
(End of this chapter)

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