After my brother was reborn and turned into a black man, he was so cute with the group's favori

Chapter 270 How to become a tiger after being used to being a rabbit

Chapter 270 How to become a tiger after being used to being a rabbit
After Han Zhenge left, the woman was still crying. The waiter in the shop quietly went upstairs and whispered to her: "Madam, stop crying."

The woman cried: "Why can't Zuo'er live up to his expectations? Why can't you understand my painstaking efforts!"

The waiter's voice was that of a woman, and she said warmly: "Madam, the young master is still young. Besides, we haven't accomplished anything yet, so we don't dare to say anything to the young master. The young master is naturally confused, and he will understand in the future. "

The woman cried, "Tell me, was it wrong for me to let him be my wife? He is so timid now, I, I really feel uncomfortable when I see him!"

The waiter sighed: "Madam is doing it for his own good. The eldest and second young masters are gone. Now the Han family only has the young master. There is nothing we can do if Madam is more careful."

She didn't say, how can a person who is used to being a rabbit become a tiger?How can a person who is used to being a subordinate become a superior?
Because she couldn't listen even if I said it.

She only said: "Madam, we should go. There are many people in the capital and it is too easy to be exposed. Young Master Twenty and Miss Seventeen are both broken. We must be more careful."

The woman said: "It doesn't matter, they are just confusing the public. Of course I have other plans."

She wiped away her tears and stood up, her expression regaining her determination: "Let's go!"

at this time,

In the North Courtyard of Honghu Guard.

Zhu Zhu'er, the top student, has survived three waves of classmates, enjoyed countless envious looks, and successfully completed the third and most difficult step of the entry stage. The little mouse followed the prescribed route...

Then, finally, a brand new course arrived.

Shen, the cold-faced master, Ling Jue once again showed his reliability in this regard. Because Zhuzhu was too small to learn boxing and kicking, he asked someone to build a wooden staircase that went up in a circle. Each level was different. It's high enough, just enough for a dumpling to walk up without shaking or holding on to the railings.

Then he started climbing the stairs with Zhuzhu.

The circular staircase is only as high as one person, so Shen Lingjue taught directly from below, "Take a deep breath and walk up the third step."

Tuanzi took a deep breath, walked one step, then another...

Shen Lingjue almost laughed out loud and reached out to lift her down: "This student needs to walk alternately with his left and right feet, not just his left foot."

Tuanzi nodded, looking cute: "Oh!"

Shen Lingjue coughed and said with a cold face: "Let's do it again, take a deep breath, walk three steps, one, two..."

Tuanzi took two steps, and accidentally let out a little bit of anger. He quickly inhaled a little more and took another step.

Master Shen was selfless and carried her down again: "No, inhale, take the third step, no less, no more."

The dumplings being carried around: "..."

She glanced furtively to the side.

Nowadays, the third wave of bad students are still practicing the step of inhaling and walking into the hands, and no one seems to have noticed her side.

However, Tuanzi, a top student with a heavy burden, was still a little bit nervous.

So she breathed hard, stepped on her short legs, and pushed hard. Finally, she passed the third step. Then she breathed a sigh of relief and huffed and puffed several times.

Master Shen: "..."

He couldn't help but turn his head and look. Could it be that the steps were higher?But it's obviously only a little bit high.

Then pinch the little bubbles on her legs, okay, it's really high for her, so take your time.

He said: "Student, you can't do this. The whole movement is to inhale deeply through the nose, take three steps, and then exhale through the mouth, take two steps, just like this, inhale slowly and exhale slowly, and relax in a controlled manner. Only when a set of movements is completed can one proceed to the next set. The more sets the better, and one has to go all the way to the top."

Tuanzi was stunned for a moment, looking at him with wide eyes, disbelief written in his eyes.

Shen Lingjue was confused: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The little dumpling gestured to himself, feeling aggrieved and angry: "There are too many beads!"

Zhang Chi has accomplished so much, what’s there to show off!Zhuzhu is the best!

Shen Lingjue: "...??" He didn't know why: "Then, just come. It doesn't take much, just finish one set first."

Tuanzi turned his back angrily, Shen Lingjue: "...??"

Tuanzi was so anxious that he stamped his feet and turned around to urge him: "Hurry up! You have used up all the time. Zhuzhu has no time to practice!"

Her whole little body tilted and the collar fell into his hand.

Shen Lingjue: "..."

He silently stretched out his hand, picked up the collar of her back shirt, and sent her down.

Then Zhuzhu kept practicing, practicing, practicing...

However, it is a step-by-step process for inner breath to improve the body. It will take at least three months to take effect. Anyway, Zhuzhu's body is still a little loser now. She really worked hard and tried her best to eat milk. , I practiced until noon, and then I finally finished the whole set smoothly.

At noon, Sheng Minglin came to pick up his sister, and saw that her sister was wilted. Instead of the proud little rooster she used to be, she looked downcast.

Sheng Minglin quickly asked: "What's wrong with Zhu Zhu'er?"

Tuanziju said sadly: "Zhuzhu loses!"

"Ah?" Sheng Minglin said, "Zhuzhu is number one, the top pick, how could he lose?"

"Zhuzhu is the loser. The master said, Zhang Chi did more than Zhuzhu. Wow, Zhuzhu is so embarrassed, everyone saw that Zhang Chi..."

Sheng Minglin didn't know who Zhang Chi was. After thinking about it, he didn't see any young boy who was too outstanding today. He quickly comforted her: "It's okay. Zhuzhu is already very good. Today is a new course. It's just when you don't adapt to it." In this way, once you get used to it in a few days, you will definitely be much better than them!"

Tuanzi's mouth was flat and he nodded sadly.

Sheng Minglin beat Shen Lingjue countless times in his heart, and said: "Okay, okay, don't pay too much attention to what the master said. He praised Zhuzhu so many times and only praised Zhang Chi once. He definitely didn't mean it." of."

Tuanzi nodded with tears in his eyes, "Yes! That's all! Zhuzhu doesn't care at all. Zhuzhu's left ear goes in and his right ear comes out. Zhuzhu doesn't care if it decreases or decreases."

As he spoke, he almost cried, and suddenly he lay on Sheng Minglin's shoulder, hiding his little face. After a while, Sheng Minglin felt a wave of heat.

Sheng Minglin felt distressed and funny at the same time. While he continued to coax, his mouth was dry, and Zhuzhu finally felt a little happy.

It happened that Shen Lingjue was not worried about Zhu Zhu, so he quickly changed his clothes, walked over with a bright smile, and said: "Zhu Zhu, are you happy in the martial arts class today?"

Tuanzi: "Not happy."

"Ah!" Shen Lingjue said, "What's wrong?"

Tuanzi shook his head and said nothing, just thinking there blankly.

Sheng Minglin quietly asked Shen Lingjue: "Who is Zhang Chi?"

"Who? Zhang Chi?" Shen Lingjue said blankly: "I don't know them. I don't know everyone's names. I'm all called by numbers."

Sheng Minglin finally realized something was wrong, "Then you praise him today?"

Shen Lingjue: "Hush! Hush! Hush! It's not me! It's Master Wu! Master Wu!!"

He booed wildly for a long time. Seeing that Tuanzi didn't pay attention, he felt relieved and whispered: "I didn't praise you. I haven't praised anyone except Zhuzhu."

The two brothers went through it from beginning to end, getting every word correct, and finally understood what was going on. They couldn't laugh or cry for a while, but they couldn't explain it.

However, Tuanzi, who had just been a top student for a few days, was being stimulated by his imaginary enemy Zhang Chi, and made a request: "Guo Guo, Zhu Zhu wants to go to the border yard, but he also wants to go around in circles."

Sheng Minglin sighed: "That's OK, but Zhuzhu doesn't have to work so hard, right?"

"Yes," Tuanzi's eyes widened: "Zhuzhu can be a general's tiger girl! Zhuzhu can't lose!"

(End of this chapter)

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