Chapter 272: Show off to the point where others want to hit them
A small hand reached up and patted his face.

Huo Chenzhao lowered his head, and Tuanzi raised his little face, looking at him faintly with his little eyes.

Huo Chenzhao laughed: "What's wrong?"

Tuanzi asked seriously: "Beautiful Guoguo, did Guoguo teach you how to make strings?"

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said: "No, you need to study by yourself. If you read many, many books, you will understand many, many truths, and then when you encounter something, you will be able to say a string of words."

Tuanzi suddenly said: "Oh!"

Huo Chenzhao said: "Zhuzhu, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Tuanzi suddenly jumped up. He jumped so fast and his legs were sore that he almost fell to the ground.

Huo Chenzhao quickly picked up the dumplings and said quickly: "Pretty Guo Guo, let's go eat Tangtang!!"

Huo Chenzhao laughed, held her hand and went into the house.

Tuanzi probably thought he wanted her to study... so he interrupted her hurriedly. In fact, he didn't intend to say that. After all, she studied martial arts for good health, and she could study literature or medicine even when she was five or six years old, so there was no need. So anxious.

So Tuanzi, who thought he had succeeded in interrupting, happily ate candies with him.

In the evening, Sheng Minglin came back, had dinner as usual, and came over to brush his sister's teeth.

Now he is doing this job as a serious matter. Although he has learned from Li Zhi, he does it by himself as long as he is there. He is always worried that others will use too much force and scratch his sister's little tongue, or maybe the force will break. My son is young, he can't brush the candy out, and he has a toothache.

After brushing Zhuzhu's teeth, she went to bed and coaxed her to sleep before Sheng Minglin came back.

Huo Chenzhao was in his yard. He heard from a distance that he had returned to Zeyuan before coming to look for him. Sheng Minglin was taking a bath. Fortunately, he didn't like others to wait on him when he was taking a bath. There was no one in the house.

Huo Chenzhao explained today's exchange with Han Zhenge in detail across the screen.

Sheng Minglin listened carefully, wiped it casually, put on his clothes and came out, saying: "Today the housekeeper told me that a steward in charge of purchasing, surnamed Ma, specially came this morning to ask Han Zhenge to leave the house. "

This seems normal, but it's actually quite abnormal.

Because Han Zhenge sought favors from his master, it was normal for those stewards who were not usually close to his master to find opportunities to get close to him.

Whether Manager Ma met him outside or deliberately found the master of dough making, and then did a favor and gave the tools and patterns to Han Zhenge, it was normal.

But the question is how much money does it cost to buy the whole set? If you want to do a favor, you can just buy it and give it away. How can you have the courage to take Han Zhenge out of the house?

This is not quite normal.

Sheng Minglin said: "But the housekeeper said that Manager Ma has a second daughter who is very beautiful. She just got haircut last month. He specifically wanted to invite his daughter to come and see Han Zhenge... This reason is not wrong. It makes sense. But I always feel that it is too complete and too coincidental."

He paused for a moment: "Before you came, I wanted to tell my father about arresting these two people for interrogation, but when you said that, I suddenly felt... Han Zhenge might have us. Unexpected effect. After all, Zhu Zhuer is Xiangrui, how could the person she likes be a bad guy?"

He straightened his clothes as he was talking, tied his wet hair casually, and walked out. After taking two steps, he said: "But, from today on, wherever Han Zhenge is, you must be with Zhuzhu." Let’s protect Zhuzhu together.”

Huo Chenzhao agreed.

He walked directly out to find Prince Duan.

As soon as he arrived at the main courtyard, Prince Duan greeted him with a smile and called him very kindly and lovingly: "Lin'er!"

As soon as Sheng Minglin saw his expression, he knew something was wrong. He paused silently. After thinking about it, he couldn't escape anyway, so he stepped in again and said, "Dad, no matter what the matter is, just tell me. My son will suffer." Live."

Prince Duan himself was so happy that he laughed a few times before saying: "It's not a big deal. Just today, what about that? I was chatting with your uncle Huang, and I accidentally boasted to him about you... You Can you understand the feeling of showing off for your father?"

Sheng Minglin smiled and nodded: "Yes, dad." "Yes," Prince Duan smiled and said: "Then, your uncle Huang is a bit stingy sometimes, mainly because when your father and I were bragging, I forgot that he had a Unfortunately, the second son has just passed away, and the eldest son is also a little underachieved, so your uncle Huang said that since your Qilin'er is so powerful, let him handle the affairs of the Holy Religion."

Sheng Minglin was stunned and his eyes widened: "Holy Cult? What should I do? What should I do? Can Jin Yiwei be used by me?"

Prince Duan coughed lightly and shook his head.

Sheng Minglin said: "Then what should I do? You have to give me some manpower, right?"

Prince Duan said very gently: "Don't you have a Honghu Guard?"

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

He was really angry.

He is not a person who is afraid of trouble. In fact, he quite likes to work. Even if it is an obvious hot potato like the Holy Cult, he doesn't mind too much. But if he is not given any manpower, what can he do?
Honghuwei, more than half of them haven’t even learned the basics of inner breath yet!
They are all weak and thin young men!The official saying is that raw melon and eggs are not so good!
He just wanted to know how good his father was at that time, so that he was in the eyes of Uncle Huang?Give him such a big problem?
Thinking of this, Sheng Minglin suddenly laughed.

I think it's actually quite pleasant to let his father show off to the point where others want to hit him or something.

Sheng Minglin said calmly: "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, so I can think about it." He turned around and left.

"Lin'er, wait a moment!"

Prince Duan stopped him and gestured with three fingers.

Sheng Minglin's eyes widened: "Is there a time limit? Three months?"

Prince Duan smiled innocently and nodded.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Dad or something, just put it on the table and make do with it, otherwise what can I do and I can’t change it!

He left silently, sat in the room and thought for a long time, and then asked Wenzhi to find a little cook.

Because he wanted to investigate Han Zhenge, he had just sorted out the kitchen and knew the staff very well.

There are several assistant cooks in the big kitchen. This child's name is Liu Xiaowan. He is not very old. He came later than Han Zhenge, but he is smart and sweet-tongued and knows how to solve problems. He is a fellow cook with a fellow cook. His short name is "Uncle Tiantian, Uncle Chang". It's a pretty good mix.

He asked Wenzhi to find him privately, and asked him to keep an eye on Han Zhenge quietly without being noticed by him, and to see if he had met anyone or anything.

Asked if he was doing well, he excused himself to eat a bowl of noodles, and soon connected with Liu Xiaowan.

When asked about being a celebrity in front of the prince, Liu Xiaowan immediately agreed and promised repeatedly that he would do it.

Sheng Minglin closed his eyes again and passed the Honghuwei group of children in his mind.

The Honghu Guards were to be built into an elite division through his hands step by step, so he took great care of them from the first day. It is no exaggeration to say that he is very fond of every one of the three hundred or so people now. familiar.

Although he is definitely not comparable to the experienced Jin Yiwei, but if you look carefully, it is not that there are children who are clever and useful.

But where should we start regarding the Holy Religion?

Thinking of this, he suddenly remembered, wait, where is his playbook?Why hasn't Liu Yue sent it yet?


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(End of this chapter)

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