Chapter 273 Smart and powerful
Sheng Minglin thought about sending someone to urge him, but before he could do it, Liu Yue came over early the next morning.

He told him: "What you wrote seems awkward to me, and I can't even write it."

Sheng Minglin took it over and looked at it with a smile.

Liu Yue was obviously too embarrassed to change his, so he relied on his writing, which was completely different from his own. It looked really awkward, but some of the things that belonged to him made Sheng Minglin feel very down-to-earth. Very interesting to watch.

Sheng Minglin read it back and forth twice, and it was as if he had been opened up to Ren and Du's second channel. Suddenly he felt something, so he asked someone to get a pen and start writing.

With his writing, the name "Mr. Qingcheng" gradually became the mouthpiece of all the people. He was despised by the literati and could not be put on the stage, but he was secretly envied, and was talked about by the people, thinking that he was their mouthpiece.

Of course, Sheng Minglin didn't know anything at this time. He just felt as if he had found a way to write this kind of thing. His writing was so fast that Liu Yue couldn't help but stand up and stand behind him to watch.

Sheng Minglin finished the play in one go without even making any changes. Liu Yue hummed the words to himself and nodded: "That's good! Master, this play of yours will definitely become a hit." From north to south!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and thanked him, and said to him: "Uncle Liu, this drama is to be released privately, and the identity cannot be exposed, so I can't give Uncle Liu a name."

"It's okay, it's okay," Liu Yue waved his hand: "This general has told me, I understand! We are not people who are just greedy for this little fame!"

Sheng Minglin nodded and said, "I'm sorting out Uncle Liu's manuscripts. Once they're sorted out, I'll have them sent to you for review."

Liu Yue smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'm sorry."

The two chatted for a few more words before Liu Yue stood up and left.

Sheng Minglin looked at the time and asked someone to notify Huo Chenzhao, asking him to coax Zhuzhu to have breakfast and send her to school. He took advantage of the feeling at the moment and finished writing the storybook.

It's the previous storybook, because it was written for literati. Although it seems to have some flaws now, there is no need to change it.

After writing it, the more Sheng Minglin read it, the more he thought it was very good. He couldn't wait for his father to come home, so he directly asked someone to send it to him, and asked Prince Duan to use his own way to compose music and engrave it, and then find someone to tell the story and sing it.

Sheng Minglin sat down and drank a cup of tea. Taking advantage of the flood of thoughts at this moment, he began to write about the woman who had a lot of children.

Because the emperor said that the affairs of the holy religion should be left to him, then this should be written in his own name. Sheng Minglin thought about the style of the last time he wrote the Anmin notice. It seemed that the writing was rigorous and orderly, but the praise and criticism in it But it's a deep-seated feeling.

This is also an official notice, which is used when going to sea to capture documents. Sheng Minglin plans to write it longer to make things clear.

He wrote according to that feeling. On the surface, the writing was rigorous, but underneath was ridicule.

After I finished writing it, I compared it in my mind with the notice on peace of the people, and I instantly felt that I had lost... Because the imperial court is a high-ranking and upright person, and cannot do such things as cynicism.

So he immediately wrote another one, and this time it felt right.

This person sent his godson to marry his daughter to harm the imperial officials. This situation has happened five times. Well, it was actually twice, but five times seems more... and the experiences of these people are very similar. They all encountered something happened to the whole family. All died, leaving only one person. After investigation, it was found that this person was probably searching for outstanding children everywhere, and then created various massacres, killing the children's entire family, and then appeared as a benefactor, saving people from fire and water, and cultivating them through gratitude. Killing tools...all kinds of things.

Therefore, the court reminds you that if you see this person, you must protect your children at home and report to the official as soon as possible, otherwise the family will be in danger.

Look, wouldn't this arouse people's anger?The court’s love for the people is so touching!And the despicable face of this woman was fully exposed.

After the news spread, it is impossible that every one of those children would be obsessed with it?

Sheng Minglin read it twice and felt that he had found the way to "Mr. Qingcheng" and the way to "Sheng Minglin". He had gained quite a lot and was very happy, so he took this to Xu Heshu to read.Xu Heshu was happy when he saw it.

The advantage of Xu Heshu is that although he does not follow this route himself, he can appreciate the beauty of every style.

He said: "This path is following Master Xie's path, right?"

Sheng Minglin asked: "Master Jie?"

"Well," Xu He wrote, "Xie Ji'an can write at the age of five and poetry at the age of seven. He is known as the most talented person in Dasheng. He often helps the emperor draft imperial edicts. I think his writing has the same flavor."

Sheng Minglin suddenly realized: "It turns out to be Mr. Xie. It seems that the last notice to reassure the people was also made by Mr. Xie."

Xu Heshu nodded: "I think this article is excellent. If you have a chance, you can ask Mr. Jie for advice. His article is not only sharp, but also powerful. It is not grand, but the momentum of charging into battle." . Your article... seems to have a somewhat wilting meaning."

Xu Heshu smiled and said: "I didn't say this was bad. This is just a scholar's opinion. But it would be great if such notices were put out for the people to see."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

At this moment, Zhuzhu was in class.

Fortunately, Huo Chenzhao helped relax the muscles, so Zhuzhu didn't have any leg pain today and successfully completed a set.

Then Shen Lingjue complimented her seemingly unintentionally: "Well, this student performed well today. The whole set of movements was smooth and natural..."

Tuanzi's eyes widened.

She was obviously doing so well, yet she was so relaxed and relaxed!I can’t even praise you enough!

The next moment, Master Wu said calmly: "What? You don't understand? Zhang Chi has a degree. This is an idiom. Zhang means tight, Chi means looseness. Zhang Chi Youdu actually means a degree of tightness and tightness, which means it is natural and smooth. .”

How about that?
Tuanzi was stunned for a moment.

Shen Lingjue didn't seem to notice anything, and said again: "Did you practice more after you went back? Well, for being so good and working so hard, you really deserve to be the most powerful princess in the Dasheng Dynasty!!"

Tuanzi was coaxed immediately and smiled sheepishly, "Although Zhuzhu is excellent and annoying, Zhuzhu also has shortcomings, Zhuzhu..." She thought for a long time before she remembered her shortcomings: "Zhuzhu reads fewer books."

"What does this have to do with anything," Shen Lingjue said immediately, "I am a martial arts master, not a literary master. I only know that Her Royal Highness is the best at learning martial arts!"

Tuanzi smiled from ear to ear and practiced with great energy.

Then she unknowingly reached the top. When she turned back, Tuanzi was still a little excited. When she turned around, her little voice was crisp and milky: "The elbow is over! The Zhuzhu elbow is over!"

Shen Lingjue hummed, maintaining a cold expression, and nodded: "Not bad."

Tuanzi looked down and was frightened. He squatted down, covered his eyes with his hands, and shivered.

The circular staircase is as high as one person, and it is indeed a bit scary when standing on it. Shen Lingjue quickly comforted her: "Don't be afraid, jump down, I will catch you."

(End of this chapter)

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