Chapter 275 The persimmons are ripe
When he asked, he said, "Master, this morning, Steward Ma came to see Han Zhenge. Liu Xiaowan quietly went around and listened. Steward Ma seemed to want to ask Han Zhenge something. His voice was quite low and he couldn't hear clearly. , but Han Zhenge kept his head lowered and said he didn't know, and also said, 'The princess is not in the room and I have never seen her.' Manager Ma said a few more words before leaving."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows, thinking that these people were quite impatient.

However, Han Zhenge clearly saw Zhuzhu yesterday, but said he didn't, so Han Zhenge and them are indeed not of the same mind.

He thought for a moment and looked back at Shen Lingjue.

Shen Lingjue could also disguise himself, but he was not good at it, so he simply went to find Qin Jiangbai.

Qin Jiangbai's figure is definitely stronger than Han Zhenge's, but he usually wears an apron or something and is not conspicuous.

So when Zhuzhu got up to make the dough, he asked Qin Jiangbai to come over and observe it, and learned various aspects of his expression and voice. The next day, he asked someone to bring Han Zhenge out early, and then replaced Qin Jiangbai. Jiang Bai went over.

As a result, no one came all morning.

Sheng Minglin was not in a hurry and continued to do the same thing the next day.

Han Zhenge didn't notice it because the reason for calling him out was that it was almost August [-]th and he was asked to draw the appearance of the mooncake so that the craftsmen could make molds.

He was painting seriously.

Although Han Zhenge has never seriously studied painting, his hands are very steady and his patterns are very delicate and original.

And on the other side,
Qin Jiangbai was sitting in Han Zhenge's room when someone came quickly and walked in without knocking. It was Manager Ma.

Qin Jiangbai pretended to be startled, looked up at him, and then pretended to look out the window.

Manager Ma's voice was very low and said: "Don't worry, I checked the ones that were not available. How did your check go?"

Qin Jiangbai was not nervous and lowered his head.

Manager Ma persuaded him in a low voice: "Whatever Madam does is just for you, why are you getting angry? This matter seems to be a small matter, but it is of great importance. You can't make a fuss at this time..." Besides, you don’t need to do anything, you just need to take a look, what is the relationship between the Crown Prince and his family?”

Qin Jiangbai suddenly realized.

After grinding for a while, he imitated Han Zhenge's demeanor and said softly: "Your Majesty, it seems that he is not good to the little princess! He is very good in front of others, but once there is no one, he seems to be a little impatient. There seems to be something wrong with Princess Duan...but I have never met the prince."

"Oh?" Manager Ma said, "Really? He has a bad relationship with the little princess and Princess Duan?"

Qin Jiangbai said: "It's not bad, it looks pretty good, but sometimes, when they are alone together, the prince always lets the little princess play by herself, and sometimes his expression makes me a little bit confused. Scared, the little princess is still so young..."

Manager Ma seemed to believe it and nodded, "Okay, you still have to keep an eye on me in the future, okay? I'm leaving!"

Qin Jiangbai lowered his head and did not answer.

Manager Ma opened the door, looked around, and then walked away quickly.

Jin Yiwei, who had been hiding in the dark for a long time, followed quietly.

Guan Ma doesn't know kungfu, doesn't walk very fast, and behaves very normally after returning home.

Until noon, he told the housekeeper to go home for dinner. When he arrived at his house, he wrote a few notes and tied them one by one to the pigeon's feet.

Nowadays, homing pigeons are usually released in groups of several or even a dozen at a time. Jin Yiwei quickly snatched one with only a few words on it: "Brother Fu, the persimmons are ripe, come back soon."

The note soon reached Sheng Minglin's hand.

Qin Jiangbai laughed when he saw it and called him: "Persimmon? Persimmon?"

Not to be outdone, Sheng Minglin also called him: "Madam, madam?"

Qin Jiangbai was also happy.

This note looks ordinary, but considering everything before, the meaning is easy to guess.

Madam, the prince is available and can be won over.Sheng Minglin smiled and said: "It seems that someone is coming to your door. Hurry up, I can't wait."

Qin Jiangbai also said: "When I hear the word 'Madam' now, I can only think of one person. So, is Han Zhenge also one of the 'godsons'?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Yes, you will know after you try it."

He had asked his father two days ago, and after his father told Xie Jian, he went to visit last night.

Xie Ji'an read the notice he wrote and heard him express his thoughts. He smiled and said directly to him: "If you write to the people, you don't need to care what the literati think. Imperial notices should be straightforward, concise and to the point." , have clear goals and never try to cover everything.”

These words can be called a word that awakens a person from a dream.

Yes, this is a government notice, not a show of talent by literati. This is not an article, but a tool. Therefore, regardless of what literati think of it, just achieve the goal to the maximum extent possible.

Looking back on the original Anmin notice, there was really not a single word, but the writing style was sincere... Xie Ji'an is certainly not without talent, but he will not show his talent at inappropriate times or at inappropriate times.

Sheng Minglin was so enlightened that he rewrote it in front of Xie Ji'an.

Xie Ji'an smiled after seeing it and said, "That's it. At such a young age and with such a character, your achievements are limitless."

Sheng Minglin was still a little ashamed. After all, he felt that he was not really young anymore.

But having said that, at this time, the sea arrest documents had been distributed everywhere, and his notice was also distributed together. He asked someone to bring a copy and put it on the table.

Zhuzhu woke up in the afternoon and asked him to come make the dough as usual.

Then Han Zhenge was very happy and asked Zhuzhu to look at the mooncake mold he drew.

He drew several kinds of scenes, such as Zhuzhu practicing martial arts, Zhuzhu reading, Zhuzhu eating... Such small scenes were accompanied by scenery such as trees, moon, pavilions, etc., and they looked like a painting. Like a scroll, cute and beautiful.

The dumpling praised: "It looks so delicious at first glance!"

"Yes," Han Zhenge said: "When the time comes, this area will be coated with a little sugar, and the color will be slightly darker. This area is more yellow. These fruits are made of preserved fruits, which are delicious and not greasy..."

Tuanzi drooled: "Okay."

Huo Chenzhao couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Did you draw this tree?"

Han Zhenge said sheepishly: "I drew it from the painting Mr. Huo gave me, but the mooncake is small, so the painting is smaller."

Huo Chenzhao nodded and said with a smile, "You are extremely talented."

This is not just about painting a big tree small, but painting it small, and ensuring the coordination of the entire picture. However, he obviously has not learned anything at all and relies entirely on instinct. The painting is so spiritual and full of energy. This is indeed a rare thing. talent.

Sheng Minglin was looking at the painting on the surface, but out of the corner of his eye, he kept paying attention to Han Zhenge's movements.

The Haizhu document was on the table, just under his mooncake mold. According to the habit of a scholar like him, there was something with writing on the table. He had to pick it up and read whatever he said, but Han Zhenge kept pointing. He was explaining the painting to Zhuzhu without even squinting his eyes. He actually didn't pay attention at all.

Fortunately, the two of them were chatting, and Zhuzhu said she was greedy, so she picked up the piece of paper and read it. Then Han Zhenge saw the portrait on Haidu's document at a glance.

The portrait was drawn according to the description of the two people, and it was specifically noted on the portrait that they had gray hair and a good face. They looked about forty years old, and they were said to be quite similar.

Judging from Han Zhenge's face, he should be quite similar.

Han Zhenge was literate, although not much, but he stumbled and read the notice written by Sheng Minglin, his face turned pale.

Tuanzi held up the piece of paper and looked at it for a long time, then said to him: "Han Jiujiu, let's do it this afternoon!"

Han Zhenge was stunned and completely turned away. Even Tuanzi could tell that his expression was wrong and pushed his hand strangely: "Han Jiujiu? What's wrong with you? Are you sick?"

(End of this chapter)

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