Chapter 276 This is His Way

Han Zhenge was pushed by Tuanzi and suddenly came to his senses. He was so frightened that he knelt on the ground: "Master!"

Tuanzi was also frightened by him. He fluttered his little arms and pushed several pieces of paper to the ground.

Sheng Minglin quickly picked up his sister, patted her back gently to comfort her, and said, "Han Jiujiu, what are you doing?"

Han Zhenge subconsciously wanted to say it was nothing, but Sheng Minglin asked him again: "Do you know this person?"

Han Zhenge shuddered, looked at the face at his feet, and closed his eyes subconsciously.

Sheng Minglin said: "Aren't you also a member of that cult?"

Han Zhenge raised his head anxiously and said, "I'm not!"

Sheng Minglin looked at him quietly, and Han Zhenge lowered his head again, in great panic.

Tuanzi also felt the unusual atmosphere. He looked at this and that, and asked in a low voice: "No, can't we eat pancakes?"

Han Zhenge raised his head anxiously and said, "Young man, do it right away..."

"Okay!!" Sheng Minglin suddenly said, interrupting him: "Of course you can eat it. If you think about it, ask if the mold has been made. If not, let them use the previous mold to make several kinds of mooncakes. Take them for dinner. Come up."

Han Zhenge was stunned and looked at him, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

Sheng Minglin walked in with Zhuzhu in his arms and said, "Please step back."

Tuanzi glanced back blankly: "Yes, Zhuzhu wants to eat cakes made with Korean wine."

Han Zhenge was pulled down by the boy without any resistance, and the voice of the dumplings was heard in his ears: "The Korean wine is beautiful and delicious."

Han Zhenge's eyes suddenly turned red.

He was taken back to his room and locked directly outside.

This room was very close to the big kitchen. After a while, I heard someone bringing the molds over. From a distance, I heard him laughing: "I've only made two, so I'll make do with them first. I'll make the rest tomorrow!"

Someone said: "Is this a painting by Xiao Han? At first glance, it is Xiao Han's handiwork."

"Yes," the boy said vaguely, "but he's not free, let's ask Master Zhou to do it!"

The people in the kitchen responded, and then there was a period of silence, and then the familiar sweet aroma wafted out.

Han Zhenge sat by the wall with his ear against the wall, feeling suddenly very sad.

In such sadness, I gradually recalled every word and every sentence in the previous Haidu documents one by one.

For a moment, I felt like I had a sudden enlightenment.

No wonder she doesn't love him.

It turns out that she is not his mother at all!
So she only appears once a year, so she always blames him, so she is not satisfied with anything he does!

It turns out that there are many, many people like him!
Han Zhenge suddenly sobbed, then covered his face with tears streaming down his face.

He no longer has to worry about being scolded as worthless, nor does he have to worry about being unqualified. He can think of his parents and family without restraint and cry for them without restraint.

Or for yourself.

At this moment, Sheng Minglin had already coaxed his sister.

He didn't know Han Zhenge's psychological changes, but he could predict them.

Why do you want to do this?

Because Han Zhenge's temperament is actually very soft.

He is a quiet and gentle person. Most of these people do not have strong loves and hates, have no ambition to make contributions, and do not seem to have much independent opinions.

He is very smart, but his smartness is based on a certain skill.

A person like him is suitable for a certain place to quietly study his favorite skills to the extreme. If during this process, he has a few friends who can appreciate his skills, then for him, life will be very complete. .

In the eyes of many people, he may be hopeless, but this is his way, the way he is willing to devote wholeheartedly.

It is useless to talk about interests with such a person.

Talking to him about the country, justice, and ambitions has little effect.Because he has such a personality, if you reason with him, it is likely to happen... He thinks you are right and agrees to stand by you, but when he sees that his mother is very pitiful, he will not be able to bear it. Stay soft-hearted.

As a result, he may ultimately choose not to help you or her, and retreat passively... Because of his character, he is not good at dealing with worldly relationships, let alone such sharp conflicts.

However, being in it doesn't mean he doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to do it. If he doesn't do it, he will be used by others to do it. He will never allow Zhuzhu to have such an unstable person next to him.

So what Sheng Minglin had to do was to let him see the results in advance.

Let him feel the consequences of his choice first, and then force him to make a choice. In this way, he will become... I turn to you. If she wants to find me, you can help me deal with it.

This is enough for Sheng Minglin.

Han Zhenge stayed alone in his room all afternoon, unable to go out and without food.

In the past few days, he had become accustomed to making creative food for Zhuzhu at every meal. Suddenly he didn't have to cook, and he felt empty. He cried bitterly. Tired of crying, he couldn't help but distinguish the food floating in the kitchen. Taste, thinking about what they made, I wonder if it tastes good or not, whether Zhuzhu likes it or not.

I thought about it wildly for several times, but no longer dared to think about it, I couldn't help but start to think of... a cult?
Mother, no, is that Mrs. Liao a member of a cult?
She created a murder case so that she could take away the children of that family and adopt her as her adopted son, so was he?

His parents loved him very much, but they beat him when they needed to, and scolded him when they needed to. He never felt that he was any different from his brothers and sisters, and he never thought that he was not their child.

While escaping from famine, his family members died one by one. Just two days after his father died, Mrs. Liao came. Is it really such a coincidence?
When he fled famine, he was just a thin boy. His elder brother did farm work every day and was very strong, but his elder brother died first, followed by his mother, sister-in-law, and sister. Only he himself never even got sick.

Is this really just a coincidence?

He didn't dare to think about it.

But, no matter what, Mrs. Liao is a member of a cult, and he, in the eyes of others, is on the same side as her.

So is he going to die?

He couldn't help but spread his palms and stared blankly at his slender and beautiful hands.

If I had known this would happen, the feathers of the bird that had the last meal should have been better and prettier.

I just kept thinking like this until night.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound outside the door, and the lock was opened. Han Zhenge turned his head slowly and saw Sheng Minglin walking in.

His room was very cramped, and as soon as he entered, he couldn't help but become nervous, stood up suddenly, and took a step back.

A sweet fragrance suddenly hit his nose, and his eyes couldn't help but be attracted to the plate in Sheng Minglin's hand.

Sheng Minglin looked at him with searching eyes, not because he was hungry, but because he was interested, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This is really his way.

He put the tray on the table and said, "They made this, you can try it."

Han Zhenge didn't know what he meant, but he nodded anyway, picked it up and looked at it carefully, then broke off a small piece and tasted it.

Zhuzhu likes sweets, and the pastry chef of the palace is actually a master among masters. Besides, the mooncakes are made using molds, and the fillings are very delicate. Han Zhenge couldn't help but nod as he ate them.

Sheng Minglin said: "What do you think?"

Han Zhenge said: "Not bad."

"Can you do better?"

Han Zhenge thought about it seriously and shook his head: "Maybe, no."

Sheng Minglin said: "But Zhuzhu won't eat it."

Han Zhenge looked up in shock. Sheng Minglin looked into his eyes and said slowly: "Zhuzhu only took one bite and refused to eat it, saying that it was not made by you and it is not as delicious as yours."

Han Zhenge looked at him blankly.

Zhuzhu is definitely different in Han Zhenge's heart.

Zhuzhu is not only a little confidante who likes him and understands him, but as a young child, she is innocent, ignorant, innocent and harmless, which makes people feel at ease; more importantly, she is the master.

This has nothing to do with integrity. For a person with a soft temper, it is really important to have a leader.

Sheng Minglin looked at him and sighed: "Do you have anything to tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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