Chapter 278
Sheng Minglin kept an awkward but polite smile.

Can he say that this is probably because the number eight is more auspicious?
Moreover, this cake is really ugly, and the grinning look of the little man is quite silly. He really doesn’t want to admit that one of them is him...but what can he do? He can only say: "Zhu Pearl is right."

The little dumpling's head tilted from left to right, and he admired it for a long time. He was so pleased with it, and he obviously thought this cake was really great.

Then she reluctantly held it up and took a small bite of the edge of the cake. After biting the edge, she took off the little figures and ate them one by one. She also warmly invited Guo Guo: "Eat it quickly, it's delicious!"

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to take a small mooncake and start eating.

It’s so annoying to be an adult and I can’t help but think too much!He couldn't bear to chew any of the little ones, so he chewed them all twice and swallowed them dry.

Tuanzi was very happy and said to Princess Duan: "Mother, Zhuzhu wants a box, put... put four similar cakes for Si Guo Guo."

Princess Duan smiled and said, "Yes, as long as you don't let me eat anything, you can."

The second sentence she said was vague, but Tuanzi didn't hear it clearly: "Huh?"

Princess Duan said quickly: "Mother said, pick the best-looking box for Zhuzhu."

Tuanzi nodded: "Thank you, mother."

She looked at the plate again. Han Zhenge might have been inspired by making little people, and he also made some small cakes, which were also made for little people, and spread them on the plate, as if they were queuing up.

Tuanzi looked at it and suddenly thought of something. He pointed and said, "Zhuzhu wants a lot of these cakes for everyone to eat tomorrow."

Lychee hurriedly went out to give orders.

After finishing the meal, Zhuzhu was not in a hurry to go to bed, so she just sat there and wrote a letter to the fourth prince.

First draw a big circle to represent the moon and the Reunion Festival.

Then draw a little stick figure, with a circle on the head, and smaller circles inside the circle, indicating that Zhuzhu thought about it for a long time before coming up with this idea.

Then he drew a stick figure, kneading a ball of dough, and specially drew fingers on the front of the match to show his skillful hands.

Finally, draw a mouth to indicate that you can eat.

Prince Duan watched the whole process from behind, but he didn't understand it at all, so he coughed and pretended to ask his son: "Lin'er, what does this letter written by Zhuzhu mean? I know it, but do you know it?"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He immediately said: "Of course I know, Zhuzhu and I are of the same mind, but I'm worried that fourth brother can't understand it. Why don't dad help me write a few words next to it?"

Tuanzi admired his masterpiece and nodded: "Yes, Siguoguo might not be able to understand it, so daddy will help Zhuzhu write it."

Prince Duan: "..."

He just picked up a pen and wrote next to it: "I can't understand it either, so just guess."

Tuanzi asked: "What kind of system did dad write?"

Prince Duan said: "Let Guo Guo give you Nian Nian. He and you are of the same mind."

Tuanzi was completely unaware of the fighting between father and son. Maomao tilted his head and looked at Guoguo cutely.

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He was silent for a moment, while Princess Duan watched from behind, laughing silently.

Tuanzi was a little strange and pulled his sleeve: "Guo Guo?"

Sheng Minglin coughed, then coughed again. He couldn't say he didn't know him, otherwise he would be too smart, so he had to step forward and said, "What dad wrote is..."

At this moment, a boy came in hurriedly from outside: "Sir, Mr. Qin said that he has something urgent to ask you."

"Well," Sheng Minglin immediately rubbed his sister's little head: "Dad, mother, Zhuzhu, I'll go out for a while."

Turn around and leave.

Prince Duan: "..."

Tuanzi turned around and said, "What about daddy?"

Prince Duan shot himself in the foot and had no choice but to say: "What dad wrote is, the new moonlight on the Mid-Autumn Night, the heart of the old man two thousand miles away... Well, this is a very good poem, which means Mid-Autumn Night The moonlight is bright, I am thinking about my friends far away..." Blah blah blah.Tuanzi suddenly nodded, pointing at the paper, and uttered a string of children's words: "What's the new moon in the mountains, what's the heart in the two-twos... eh?" She looked at her fingers, and then at the paper. The word "Shan Shan..." was very confusing.

She raised her chubby hand and said very strangely: "That's not right, Daddy, you write less and talk more."

Princess Duan laughed hahaha, she couldn't stop laughing. Prince Duan said without changing his expression: "Aren't I explaining this to Zhuzhu, explaining the meaning...ah, Zhuzhu wanted her father to say a few words to her. This sentence is, When will the bright moon come? Ask the sky for wine..."

He picked up his daughter and said, "Okay, baby, it's too late. It's time to go to bed. Daddy will help you brush your teeth."

Tuanzi pointed back at the paper: "It can be tied..."

"Hey!?" Prince Duan said, "Daddy still doesn't brush Zhuzhu's teeth. Can Zhuzhu teach daddy?"

Tuanzi: "It can be tied to four pots..."

Prince Duan: "Don't worry, I believe my mother will help you take it out tomorrow. Now let's brush your teeth and go to bed, okay?"

Tuanzi finally sighed, full of the helplessness of a young adult: "Okay then!"

So Prince Duan carried his daughter all the way back to Yueyuan.

Over there, when Sheng Minglin came out, Qin Jiangbai was already waiting for him and said directly: "Steward Ma is dead."

Sheng Minglin raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Qin Jiangbai said in a calm voice: "When he was first captured, he kept pretending to be ignorant and calling out injustice. Later, when my people mentioned the Holy Religion, he might have sensed that something was wrong, so he pretended to say something, and then took advantage of others' absence. He was ready, so he threw himself on the rack of torture instruments and died."

Sheng Minglin let out a sigh of relief.

I didn't expect him to be so decisive.

But yes, he is in Prince Duan's Mansion, such an important place. If he is a mediocre person, I am afraid that the leader of the Holy Cult will not be worried.

He asked, "Where is his family?"

Qin Jiangbai said: "He has a wife and a son who is not yet married, but after interrogation, these two people seem to know nothing. He only knows that the pigeons are raised by him for fun. His son is almost ten years old, and he is in Prince Duan's Mansion. I've been here for ten years, and I was already in Prince Duan's Mansion before the capital was moved, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get into charge."

Sheng Minglin nodded silently.

Qin Jiangbai said: "Would you like to tell the empress to check the house carefully?"

Sheng Minglin said: "I will tell my parents that the investigation is necessary, but this kind of investigation cannot actually be found."

Most people in this world do not commit crimes, not because their moral standards are really that high, but because they are afraid of the law.

The servants of Prince Duan's Mansion did not betray, not because of the high treatment given by Prince Duan's Mansion or how loyal they were to their masters, but mainly because they were afraid of the consequences.

But the opposite is also true. Since they betrayed, they must be fully prepared.

Therefore, nothing can be found out through such a superficial investigation. Just like Manager Ma, if we don't know his identity, nothing can be found out through an open-face investigation.

Fortunately, the group of people who really came into contact with the master were different from these people. Sheng Minglin still believed in his father's ability to recognize people.

He went back and told his parents, and Princess Duan began to investigate the house carefully the next day.

No matter what happens in the house, it can't affect Zhuzhu.

After Zhuzhu got up, she went to school carrying the snack box prepared by her servant.

After a round of practice, during the break, Zhuzhu washed her hands, opened the food box, and divided the cakes into small baskets.

As soon as the food box is opened, there is a sweet smell. Han Zhenge's craftsmanship is of course excellent. The cookies are sweet and crispy, and the shape is extremely cute. Most of these teenagers are from poor backgrounds. Where have they ever eaten such exquisite snacks?

Her ears turned red involuntarily. She spread her palms and looked at the tiny little dumplings. The white and pink little hands picked up the cakes and looked at the red sleeves. The small hands were so pink. Little Nail, I really feel that the little princess is a born fairy child, completely different from them.

Zhuzhu began to divide them: "One for you, one for Zhuzhu..."

She stuffed it directly into her mouth. The mini-pie was quite big and more than half of it was exposed.

Everyone suddenly said: "Host host!"

(End of this chapter)

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