Chapter 279 Let’s run away from home together

Zhuzhu raised her face and paused with her hands: "Huh?"

The boy who had just had his turn was startled and stood up in a hurry.

Shen Lingjue also took a step forward: "What's wrong?"

Tuanzi shook his head and waved his hands quickly, but his mouth was still stuffed with biscuits and he couldn't speak.

Tongtong whispered: "Host, the group pet line has increased! You can draw a lottery! We will talk about it later."

Zhuzhu nodded and continued dividing.

One for you, one for Zhuzhu... Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu...

She held up the pancake and stuffed it left and right, but unfortunately her little mouth couldn't hold the second pancake, so she could only hold up the pancake with a confused look on her face, which made all the teenagers smile.

Fortunately, Zhuzhu quickly thought of a way to put the cake into the basket, and then continued to recite silently in her heart: One for you, one for Zhuzhu, one for you, and one for Zhuzhu.

The dumplings were divided quickly. Shen Lingjue divided the dumplings into three. Then he put the half-eaten little man into his mouth, raised his little face, and said with big eyes, "Uh-huh, uh-huh." Uh-huh-huh-huh?”

Shen Lingjue: "..."

The young prince felt that he was so powerful. He was so surprised that he could tell from the ups and downs of Xiao Tuanzi's voice that she was saying, "Master, can Zhuzhu go find Guoguo?"

Shen Lingjue said: "Okay, but we have to come back soon."

Tuanzi nodded, hugged the basket and ran away.

Sheng Minglin, who was inside, had already come out quickly, carried Zhuzhu into the house, fed her some water, asked her carefully, but didn't pay much attention to it, so he left her alone until she got home at noon, then she had some free time. Take a twitch.

As a result, a "[-] ways to make sugar" was extracted.

Tuanzi's eyes lit up: "Tangtang?"

Sheng Minglin took a look and saw that it was a rather thick book. It wrote about sugar production from ancient times to the present, from beet to sugar cane, from brown sugar to white sugar, as well as the production of various fancy candies.

It's useful, but Zhuzhu can't use it!
It was probably because Zhuzhu was obsessed with eating sweets that she finally pulled out something like this.

Sheng Minglin had no choice but to explain it to Zhuzhu, but Zhuzhu didn't care much and said, "Then just give it to Guo Guo!"

Sheng Minglin said with a smile: "Give this to my brother. He can't use it. Give it to my parents. Give it to them. They will find someone to build a workshop and make sugar for Zhuzhu'er to eat."

Tuanzi nodded: "Okay."

So Sheng Minglin put the books away first.

At night, he gave the book to Prince Duan.

Princess Duan didn't pay much attention at first, but after hearing that he said it was for her parents, she took a look at Prince Duan's hand.

When I saw it, I immediately became interested. I snatched the book and flipped through it carefully. Then I came over, held my daughter's hand with both hands, and smiled lovingly: "Zhuzhu, this is how to make sugar, my mother used it to make sugar. If you can sell it for money, my mother will pay you fifty-fifty."

Sheng Minglin: "Pfft!"

Tuanzi raised his little face, very confused: "What does [-]-[-] mean?"

Princess Duan said: "That is, if I make sugar using your method and sell it for one penny, I will give you five points and give me five points."

Tuanzi suddenly understood, and then she said sweetly: "Zhuzhu doesn't want any money, just give it all to mother."

"That's not okay," Princess Duan said seriously: "I have principles in doing business. No matter what our relationship is, I have to make money, but no matter what the relationship is, I will not cheat you of your money."

Tuanzi was stunned by what she said.

Prince Duan immediately said: "If you don't want Zhuzhu, how about giving it to daddy? Daddy is so poor and has no money."

Tuanzi waved his hand very generously: "Okay, give it to daddy. All the money and delicious food from Zhuzhu will be given to daddy!"

Prince Duan smiled and nodded, and said to his wife, "This is too much for one person to eat. We can't make it ourselves."

Princess Duan said harshly: "I know, of course I understand this! Isn't it written in the book?" It says that sugar is a strategic material and can be used to make explosives. If a person buys a large amount of sugar for no reason, it usually exceeds Eight kilograms will be investigated by the government.

Princess Duan said: "I won't do the big one, but I can do the small one at the back, right?"

Prince Duan smiled and said, "Of course you can."

He reached out and touched his daughter's little head: "Zhu Zhu'er, this book of yours came just in time, very timely."

So after dinner, Prince Duan went to copy books. Sheng Minglin carried his sister back to the courtyard and asked her for leave, saying that he had something serious to go out tomorrow morning. Huo Chenzhao was also going out by the way, so it was Qin Jiangbai who came to pick her up from school. .

Although Tuanzi was a little unhappy, he still nodded and agreed.

So the next day, Qin Jiangbai came to pick her up from school.

Tuanzi went to school and practiced martial arts as normal, and didn't feel anything was wrong until she vaguely heard the sound of drums beating, which was very lively.

Tuanzi's eyes widened suddenly and he pointed over there: "Huh?"

Shen Lingjue said: "Oh, there will be dragon and lion dances in the next two days. These people will go there several times every day."

Tuanzi stood on tiptoe to see, but could only see the high wall. Shen Lingjue suddenly became energetic and said as if unintentionally: "You might be able to see it if you go to the highest point."

Tuanzi hesitated again and again, but still walked up.

But when I don’t know, I’m not afraid. When I know, I keep looking down, and my calves are so weak that I don’t dare to walk.

Shen Lingjue simply jumped up, sat on the inner circle, held her with one hand, walked to the top, and then picked her up. Zhuzhu lifted half of her body, grabbed Shen Lingjue's bun with one hand, and pulled her out. look.

It's true that you can see a little from such a high place, but they live in a standard aristocratic area, far away from the lively neighborhoods. No matter how hard Zhuzhu tries, she can only see the lanterns on the restaurant, not the bustle below. , only the faint sound of drums came.

Tuanzi's heart suddenly drifted away, and he murmured: "Guoguo, don't you go out to play secretly, without Zhuzhu?"

As Shen Lingjue's maternal brother who has been fighting for favor all the time, Hei Sheng Minglin had a conditioned reflex and immediately said: "How do you know? They went to see the lanterns without you."

He squinted at Tuanzi, waiting for her to cry so he could be comforted.

As a result, Tuanzi was stunned, and then, after thinking for a while, he suddenly hugged his face and said, "How about we leave home and fight."

"Ah?" Shen Lingjue said, "Isn't this bad? It's too unsafe."

"Okay, okay!" Tuanzi's eyes were bright, and he tried his best to persuade: "Master and Zhuzhu are both masters. Even Guo Guo can go out, so of course Master and Zhuzhu can do it too!"

Shen Lingjue was actually a little moved: "But your brother will curse when he comes back."

"It doesn't matter!" Tuanzi said: "Zhuzhu shares the same difficulties with you and gets scolded together!"

Shen Lingjue: "..."

I'm afraid I will be the only one who gets scolded then!

Tuanzi hugged his neck and said softly: "Master, great, master is the best in the world, master is the best in the world, Zhuzhu and master are the best friends in the world, leave home together, go out to play together... "

Shen Lingjue couldn't resist immediately and coughed: "Okay, then after you go out, you have to listen to me in everything."

Tuanzi's eyes lit up and he nodded sharply: "Don't worry!"

So Shen Lingjue went down and gave a few instructions, then hugged Zhuzhu and ran away.

After waiting for a while, Qin Jiangbai finished his work and looked out the window. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find Zhuzhu. He quickly came out and asked. There was a black line on his forehead. He quickly led people out to look for her.

Shen Lingjue had anticipated this and took Zhuzhu around in a small circle before letting her down and leading her forward slowly.

A prosperous place like the capital loves to celebrate festivals the most. Although the Mid-Autumn Festival is not as grand as the Dragon Boat Festival, the streets are lively in a different way. I used to see dumplings in carriages, but now I can't see enough. Can’t help but: “Wow!!”

She suddenly saw something: "Eh? Guo Guo!"

(End of this chapter)

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