Chapter 286: Everything that is considerate

So Zhuzhu started to smoke, and after taking it out, Sheng Minglin was speechless at that time.

Zhuzhu pulled out one: "Jinghong Step"

There is also a note under the title of the book: Extremely light kung fu, very suitable for women to learn.

It’s not that Qing Gong is not good, of course Qing Gong is very good, but this is just like the Hundred Methods of Making Sugar last time, and this Jinghong Step, they are too serious, not like a group pet line, not like a three-year-old child Baby’s reward!

This feeling is like a child celebrating his birthday. If you reward him with a set of Four Books and Five Classics, even a person like Sheng Minglin who loves reading will not be very happy!

They are all very innocent: "But the host wants this!"

Sheng Minglin realized it all at once.

He is really stupid, this is a system!The system has never been good at understanding "people's" intentions!
So Zhuzhu wants a lot of sugar, and the system thinks she needs a hundred ways to make sugar; so Zhuzhu wants to learn kung fu in the North Academy, and it gives her the ultimate lightness kung fu.

Inexplicably, I have a very reasonable feeling?
Sheng Minglin was quite dumbfounded.

They all said happily: "And the host's points have exceeded [-], and the system mall is also open! There are also products on sale!"

After Sheng Minglin understood what special offers meant, he asked what kind of products there were, and they all said: "For example, there is a medicine chess game that can be played by two doctors. One party will treat a disease, and the other party will give out prescriptions. It's such a big package. It usually costs more than 100 points, but now it’s only ten points, it’s really a good deal!”

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

Could this be fun?He talked to Huo Chenzhao, and Huo Chenzhao thought about it and nodded: "It should be quite interesting."

Sheng Minglin: "..."

Fine.Sheng Minglin asked: "Isn't there something more fun?"

Tongtong said: "This is based on the host's lottery. If the host wants something fun and draws something fun, then the one with a special price that day will usually be fun."

Sheng Minglin nodded.

Then he explained it to his sister. Before he finished explaining, Tuanzi said without hesitation: "Buy it!"

Sheng Minglin: "Really buy it?"

"Buy it! Zhuzhu has money!" Tuanzi said: "After all, special price means no money! If you buy it, you will make money!"

Sheng Minglin: "..."

He felt that when the vendors on the street were shouting about big sales, his sister would be the first one to run over. It was so deceptive.

He asked carefully again and finally bought the medicine chess for Zhuzhu. After all, it was really cheap.

As soon as I took out the medicine chess, it was a big box, and on the "medicine" card, there was a very clear picture, including a picture of a plant, with a circle drawn on it, which was a sun-dried pattern, and the name of the medicine was written on it. The medicinal properties and preparation methods are also written at the back.

The "disease" card also has a prescription written on it, which can be verified on the spot when playing.

Huo Chenzhao had quickly finished checking the Qing Gong book. Although he didn't have time to take a closer look, he noticed something unusual.

Medicine chess is also very useful. Even if it is not played as chess but used as flashcards to teach Zhuzhu, Zhuzhu will probably be happy to learn it.

Sheng Minglin said to Zhuzhu: "Before the next draw, Zhuzhu don't draw. Think about what Zhuzhu wants in advance."

Tuanzi thought for a while and said softly: "Yes, Zhuzhu has everything!"

Sheng Minglin smiled and sighed.

Yes, as the little princess of the most powerful king in Dasheng, what does she want?
He wanted to get something from the system that was not available in this world. This kind of thing can only be said to be rare... Let Zhuzhu think for himself, if Zhuzhu took out a plate of sweet pastries or something, it would not be worthwhile. , it is better to just let nature take its course.

All of them exclaimed in a human-like manner: "The host's material desires are too low."

Sheng Minglin nodded in agreement.

Indeed, Zhuzhu has absolutely no materialistic desires. It’s not that she wants to control, but she really has no materialistic desires.

This kind of mood really needs to be cultivated since childhood. There are so many good things around you. Occasionally, if you have an idea, you can get it immediately, or even get it several times, or get better. If your soul is satisfied and rich, then there is nothing wrong with it. Material desires.Well, at most, I was not allowed to eat sweets since I was a child, so I love eating sweets very much.

On the contrary, a person who couldn't get what he wanted even if he cried as a child will long for that thing and many things when he grows up.

Seeing that it was finally time for lunch, Sheng Minglin couldn't care less about sighing and hurriedly called down the meal.

In fact, in many wealthy families, if their children are sick, they will have to go hungry for several days. Although Zhuzhu does not have to go hungry, she can only eat ordinary white porridge and side dishes. Sheng Minglin and Sheng Minglin also accompany her to eat white porridge.

While eating, Prince Duan also came back. He had to come back to see his daughter at noon.

But Zhuzhu was exhausted. She didn't say a few words to her father, ate a bowl of porridge and fell asleep.

After he fell asleep, Prince Duan looked at these things and asked what was going on.

Sheng Minglin whispered to his father: "I suddenly realized that things like points must be implemented in a practical way."

What does it mean to put it into practice? For example, young people like Honghuwei, didn't they like Zhuzhu before?
I definitely like it too. Most people like this cute, pretty and not naughty child.

But this kind of liking is similar to a little girl passing by on the street, and I think she looks very cute... This kind of fleeting, floating good feeling.

Only like that day, Zhuzhu suddenly thought of sharing the cookies. The person who got the cookies may not really be for the cookies to increase their favor, but Zhuzhu suddenly became a concrete, real person, with a sense of reality, Luo Zhu When it comes to practice, the points will increase.

It's the same now, because Zhuzhu took leave and didn't go, so everyone will think of her, which makes her more real, and the group favorite line will grow.

After he explained, Prince Duan frowned: "You mean, the National Defense Line is also like this?"

Sheng Minglin nodded: "So I have been telling myself just now that Zhuzhu is my lucky star for Dasheng and has done great things for Dasheng... Shen Zhao, you can try it too. It will work. There is no loss if you try it." .”

You know, although they all love Zhuzhu, there is a difference between loving Zhuzhu and trusting Zhuzhu.

This is like a minister who may be 60 or [-] years old and an important minister in the court, but in the eyes of his parents, he may still be that ignorant boy, and he will have no trust or respect.

Prince Duan nodded: "I'll give it a try too."

The views of both father and son are the same. If you can handle it on your own, don't bother Zhuzhu. Otherwise, even if Zhuzhu is having fun, as long as there is an additional purpose of earning points, Zhuzhu will feel wronged.

Then Prince Duan said to Huo Chenzhao: "Xiu Mu, please ask your master and wife to come over tomorrow?"

Huo Chenzhao stood up and replied: "Ming Lin told me, I will go back now and tell them."

Prince Duan patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, that's it."

He got up and left.

The next day, Zhuzhu was mostly healed, but immediately she couldn't lie down on the couch and wanted to come out and play.

So Sheng Minglin carried her to the door to greet the guests. As soon as Zhou Yinhan and his wife arrived, Tuanzi waved enthusiastically: "Beautiful aunt!" He forgot to call aunt again.

Sheng Minglin didn't correct her, he just stepped forward with a smile. Mrs. Zhou smiled and stretched out her hand, "Zhuzhu, Auntie, hold me."

Tuanzi immediately opened his hand and let her hug her. Mrs. Zhou touched her face and said, "I heard that Zhuzhu is sick, is she feeling better?"

Tuanzi said: "Okay! Zhuzhu heard that auntie is coming, so hurry up and get ready!"

Mrs. Zhou was made to laugh out loud by her, and Zhou Yinhan couldn't help laughing. The group of people walked forward slowly. Prince Duan and Princess Duan came out without any pretense. When they met, Prince Duan couldn't help but let out a surprised sound. He quickly stepped forward and put his hands on Zhou Yinhan's shoulders: "Is that you?"

Everyone was stunned, but Zhou Yinhan smiled, squeezed Prince Duan's shoulder and said, "Long time no see."

Sheng Minglin and Huo Chenzhao looked at each other, both of them confused.


Sorry, I don't feel like overturning and rewriting the next chapter. I can't finish it, so there are only two chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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