Chapter 287 Prince Duan overturned
Sheng Minglin said: "Dad, do you know Uncle Zhou?"

"We know each other," Prince Duan sighed, "How could it be such a coincidence? It must have been more than ten years ago, right? But I didn't know that he was Zhao Ge'er's master. This is such a coincidence. Brother Zhou, please come in and sit down first. .”

A few people came in and sat down, and Prince Duan talked to them.

During the reign of Emperor Taizu, there were nine great fortress kings. The fortress kings were the vassal kings who guarded the frontier fortresses and expanded their territories. The original Emperor Mingxi granted him the title of King Yan, and he was one of the nine great fortress kings.

Prince Duan had outstanding literary talents since he was a child. Grandpa Taizu often said that it was rare for anyone in his family to be able to read, so he was not among the kings of Sai from the beginning.

Brothers of their generation usually become kings early in life and become vassals after they get married.

Before getting married, they will spend at least one year, and as many as three to five years, to observe the people's conditions and become familiar with farming and military matters.

At that time, all the other brothers went to Fengyang, and he went to Lu'an alone, hoping to get closer to King Yan so that it would be convenient to write letters or send things.

But Lu'an was quite chaotic at that time, and bandits were rampant in some places.

Prince Duan was only thirteen or fourteen years old at that time, and it was when he had a strong sense of justice. He envied his brother for his ability to fight every day, so wherever he went, he led his troops to quell the bandits, and with his cleverness, he usually suffered few casualties. The harvest was great, and sometimes a lot of trophies were seized from the bandit villages, which were sent back to the great ancestor.

Grandpa Taizu praised him, so Prince Duan became more interested, but there were only so many bandits, and they all had ears. You brought so many soldiers and horses to suppress the bandits, and they were so stupid that they squatted there waiting for you to beat them.

So soon there were no more bandits.

Prince Duan, the leader of the bandit suppressor, was very unhappy and led his people around.

Then one day, I heard that there was a sect that abducted boys and girls. Regardless of whether their parents agreed or not, they took the children away in their infancy and sent them to the mountains to learn martial arts. They were not allowed to see their families until they died.

Prince Duan is okay with this?Lawless!
Immediately sent people to investigate, and after questioning several people, each one was more mysterious than the last. The scouts sent by Prince Duan also saw a woman who was beaten down before going up the mountain. She was rolling and crying at the bottom of the mountain. miserable.

According to her, her daughter was lost after she was born. She searched for it for several years but could not find it. Then one day she saw a person on the street who looked very much like her daughter.

Because her daughter had a very special scar on her face, and it looked similar to her eldest and second daughter, she followed her and wanted to identify her, but her daughter didn't recognize her at all, and she was not allowed to enter the cottage.

If it were Prince Duan at this time, he would feel a little strange, but Prince Duan was still young at that time, and he would have been filled with righteous indignation.

Then through investigation and observation, he found that the village was very small, and many of them were women, so he only brought two hundred soldiers and horses to surround the mountain, and then he overturned.

When Prince Duan said this, Huo Chenzhao already understood and was suppressing a smile.

Prince Duan also laughed and pointed at him to tell him not to speak. At the same time, he hugged his daughter and covered her ears.

Xiaotuanzi is very familiar with this kind of adult talk. Sometimes children can't listen to this kind of situation. He obediently tilted his head and rested it on his father's shoulder so that his father could cover it more conveniently. At the same time, he bared his teeth at Zhou Yinhan next to him. laugh.

Zhou Yinhan also smiled back.

Prince Duan lowered his voice slightly and continued.

The leader of this small village is actually Mrs. Zhou.

Mrs. Zhou is also well-known in the world, and is known as the Scimitar Jade Lady. Her surname is not Yu, but Lin, and her name is Lin Shutong. The word "yu" refers to her beauty.

In short, Mrs. Zhou's kung fu is very good. At night, Zhou Yinhan is also here. With these two people, they can almost sweep the troops brought by Prince Duan.Moreover, the hilltop on Mrs. Zhou's side is connected to the back hill of Zhou Yinhan sect by a suspension bridge. They keep watch and help each other. As soon as the signal is given from here, people from the other side come cheering, and all the people who come are experts.

In short, Prince Duan overturned his car and rolled over very unexpectedly and quickly. He was caught before he could recover at all.

Fortunately, they were wearing the clothes of officers and soldiers, Zhou Yinhan could keep his temper, and Prince Duan was never a bully, so the two sides exchanged a few words.

What's the matter?

Because here, there have been years of drought, and everyone's life is miserable.

Gradually, several surrounding villages began to have the tradition of killing female infants.

Mrs. Zhou was abandoned by her parents when she was young, so she has been rescuing baby girls since she learned martial arts and got married.

Finding that there were too many infanticides here and there was no way to save them, Mrs. Zhou built a baby grave and publicized it everywhere, asking everyone to throw baby girls here, saying that this would make the baby girls good in their next life. Moreover, the baby girl will be able to feed the luck of her life back to her blood relatives, the family will be more prosperous, and it will be easier to give birth to a son... and so on.

In this way, some people are distressed about the child, and some are looking forward to having a son. In short, they would rather believe that there is a baby girl than bother them and will send the baby girl here.

The Luoying Tomb was built like a grave. It was dark inside and nothing could be seen. In fact, it was covered with thick straw and cotton wool, so that the child could not fall if he dropped it. Then when he dropped it here, her people rushed over to rescue him. .

There are some who cannot be saved, but most of them can be saved. The advantage of this is... the person who throws it away thinks that the daughter is dead, and the daughter's parents have grown up and no longer need to be burdened by family ties.

They all abandoned her. When she grows up, she wants to take advantage of them. How can it be such a good thing?

But after more than ten years of work, the news still spread, so Zhou Yinhan simply asked people to spread some more mysterious news to confuse the public.

As for the woman discovered by the scouts that day, she had given birth to three daughters and then another. Her husband was so angry that he stabbed the baby girl's face with a fire hook, leaving a curved scar. At that time, the baby girl was I was almost out of breath, so I threw it directly into the forest. The villagers passed by and looked pitiful, so they walked a while and took it to Luoying's grave.

As a result, now that the woman found out that her daughter was not dead, she came to pester her again, only to be seen by the scouts sent by Prince Duan.

Prince Duan sighed: "You don't know, I was very ashamed at that time, because I have been around the area for more than half a month, and I didn't know anything about female infanticide."

Zhou Yinhan kept listening with a smile on his face.

Prince Duan didn't know his name, but he knew that he was Prince Duan at that time.

But at that time, they had no scruples when they took action. Prince Duan and his party lost in a very embarrassing manner and were hung upside down for a while. This should be considered an embarrassing thing for him.

Therefore, he would never mention it to outsiders, and he was prepared to have Prince Duan pretend not to know him or be embarrassed when he arrived.

Unexpectedly, Prince Duan didn't take it seriously at all and spoke very enthusiastically.

Then Prince Duan continued: "After I left in the morning, I ran to scold the county magistrate and severely punished the infanticide... Actually, thinking about it now, it is a bit biased. After all, the most fundamental reason for infanticide is poverty. , not evil, but I couldn’t think of it at that time.”

He paused and turned his head to explain to Zhou Yinhan: "Your place is not my garrison, so I can't stay for a long time. In fact, it's mainly because I'm young and thin-skinned, so I took out my anger on the county magistrate, so I left in disgrace. Yes. If it were different now, I would have to go to your house to eat, drink and work hard for three to five months, and try to live a life as a ranger."

(End of this chapter)

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