Chapter 291 Brought to the ditch
Sheng Minglin sneered: "What about the future? Is it difficult to find another 'Yang Xianrong' in this world to bear the wrath of destroying good seeds?"

He looked at him and said in a soft voice: "Why don't you think about it carefully, if I didn't write the play and advertise it widely, what would happen to the whole thing?"

Liao Zhehe was stunned.

Indeed, if he didn't write it, then this matter would only be known to hundreds of officials, and then gradually spread in the capital, and then spread sporadically to other places... Everyone would just listen with suspicion, and not believe everything.

Then, the emperor sent the fourth prince to plant the seeds in a decent manner. He could also ask the fourth prince to report the good news and show that everything was normal. When the time came to harvest, he would find a disgusting courtier like Yang Xianrong, or even a relative of the emperor?

In short, if something happens to such a person who needs to be dealt with, it will be reported to the outside world that because of what this person does, all the good breeds will be destroyed overnight! !
How logical!
At that time, no matter what the emperor does with this person, it will be reasonable!There is no need to worry about anyone objecting!This is called killing two birds with one stone!
Come back and think about it again, why did this improved species appear?

It’s because there was an earthquake first!

No matter how much we say to the outside world that the earthquake is God's punishment for Yang Xianrong, it is inevitable that some people will think of the emperor. However, once the superior seeds come out, all rumors will be self-defeating! !
Therefore, Prince Duan is clearly worried about the emperor, and the emperor clearly knows the inside story and cooperates with the show!

As soon as Sheng Minglin saw his expression, he knew that he had been successfully led into the ditch.

In fact, this argument is not clever, but the opponent is the Holy Cult.

The holy religion is based on the people at the lowest level, and they must have a very good understanding of farming. Compared with courtiers, they can deeply understand the difficulty/impossibility of "a yield of five thousand catties per mu".

If there really is such a grain, even if it is not possible to plant it for a while, it would still be hope for the people!
In this case, what else do they have to play with?You can’t play at all, okay?

So in their hearts they tend to think it is impossible, and when he says it, they are willing to believe it.

As long as they believe it, they will not destroy it, but will help promote it. Otherwise, there is no way to guard against thieves. If they succeed in destroying it, even if there are still roots, promotion one season later will be huge for the court. Loss.

Sheng Minglin drank tea slowly without squinting.

Although Shen Lingjue's decision to bring the baby was not reliable, other things were still reliable. As soon as he entered the door, he gave him a hint by talking about goldfish that there was someone hiding behind the bamboo forest not far away.

That should be someone from the true holy religion.

In fact, after talking about this matter this time, for both parties, they have achieved their goals.

We won’t talk about practical issues anymore.

As a result, before Sheng Minglin finished his cup of tea, someone dressed as an imperial guard came in hurriedly and whispered: "Your Excellency." He whispered a few words in his ear. Liao Zhehe looked shocked and stood up suddenly, saying: "Your Majesty. Sit down and I will come back as soon as I go!"

Sheng Minglin nodded: "Uncle, it's up to you."

Liao Zhehe hurried away.

Sheng Minglin didn't expect such an incident. Was this to observe his private behavior?
After all, as soon as Liao Zhehe left, there was no one in the yard except the two of them. However, at the distance of the bamboo forest, most people couldn't hear anything and didn't expect anyone to be there.

So he looked around, stood up, and walked to the railing with his hands behind his back, blocking the view of the bamboo forest so that he could not see Shen Lingjue's expression.

The main reason is that I am not confident about Shen Lingjue's acting ability.

Sheng Minglin was about to take the initiative to speak, but Shen Lingjue looked up and thought he had received the hint, so he said: "What happened to Liao Zhehe! He left us here!"

Sheng Minglin said: "It must be an accident. At this time, he doesn't need to show me any power and deliberately tease me."

Shen Lingjue reached out to scoop up the water and said, "Then let's just wait?"

Sheng Minglin said: "Wait a while, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal. Judging from Liao Zhehe's attitude, there must be someone behind him. He can treat a prince-in-law as a pawn, and he can be placed in such an important place in front of the emperor. There are people behind him. People, or power, must have great abilities. I don’t have the people at hand now. If they can be used, many things will become easy in the future." Shen Lingjue said: "I feel a little unsure."

"What are you afraid of?" Sheng Minglin said softly: "My father's brand name is still very useful. They are more afraid of things being exposed than us! I am the most valuable to them if I am in front of this prince!"

He flicked his sleeves and sat back again.

There was no movement in the bamboo forest, and Liao Zhehe never came back.

Then, a little maid came over covertly, then suddenly ran over, knelt on the ground, and begged: "Your Majesty, save me!"

Sheng Minglin stepped back, and Shen Lingjue stepped in front of him.

This little girl looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old. Her clothes were in rags, and her exposed skin was covered with blood and scars. She seemed to have been abused or tortured in some way, but she had a delicate appearance and a pair of beautiful deer-like eyes. Tears are so touching.

She trembled and begged: "Master, they are members of a cult! I overheard that they want to kill me, please save me, Master!"

Shen Lingjue suddenly turned around and looked at Sheng Minglin, stunned.

Sheng Minglin frowned, feeling speechless.

If Liao Zhehe's "accidental" departure just now, leaving them alone here, was a good move for a nine-year-old like him, this move seemed superfluous.

But he also understands that the other party wants to test what step he can take, a cult or something, so he should expose it first to see his attitude, so that follow-up arrangements can be facilitated.

What can Sheng Minglin do, he can only start performing.

He stood up, with an impatient expression on his face, looked at the maid a few times, then suddenly raised his eyebrows, pulled away from Shen Lingjue, and said very gently: "Don't be afraid, tell me, what did you hear?"

The maid murmured: "I, I heard the Prince Consort saying that he was a member of the Holy Religion. He said that the Grand Ancestor took away the Han family's kingdom and killed the emperor. Now it's time for them to get it back. ”

"Oh?" Sheng Minglin asked in a persuasive manner, "Who is the prince consort talking to?"

The maid murmured: "It seems to be a woman, I can't see it, I can't see it from where I stand!"

Sheng Minglin said: "Please tell me in detail from beginning to end."

At the same time, he took Shen Lingjue's hand and squeezed it gently. Shen Lingjue didn't know what he was going to do, but he knew that if he reacted casually, Sheng Minglin would make it right.

So he said: "Minglin! She..."

Sheng Minglin took a long breath, glanced at him, and took a few steps back.

The maid looked back and begged: "Please, take me away first! Take me away, otherwise I will definitely die."

Not far away, Liao Zhehe hurried over. The maid looked anxious and kowtowed desperately, blood dripping from her forehead: "Your Majesty, please... take me away."

Liao Zhehe rushed over and asked two people to drag her down, while saying: "I'm sorry! I didn't notice that this bitch actually ran out."

Sheng Minglin said unhurriedly: "Uncle, do you think I look like a fool? A maid who was imprisoned and tortured, 'happened' to run out at this time, and 'happened' to find me here, and 'coincidentally' 'You know who I am, and yet you open your mouth and spit out scary words... Now you tell me it was an accident? If this is an accident, then you are really stupid. I never associate with stupid people, so excuse me!"

He turned away.

(End of this chapter)

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