Chapter 292 True and False Son
Sheng Minglin actually wanted to provoke the people behind the bamboo forest.

But there was no movement behind the bamboo forest. Only Liao Zhehe caught up with him, bowed, lowered his body and apologized.

Sheng Minglin let him talk for a while, then came back angrily. Then when he mentioned something related to the Holy Cult, he shook his head gently at him, and then gestured to Shen Lingjue suggestively.

Liao Zhehe understood.

After Huo Chenzhao acted brightly, and Shen Ling was definitely loyal and good, it was very hard to believe that the two of them would join a cult just because they had a relationship with him.

So Sheng Minglin’s character is: I’m extreme, I’m unscrupulous, I don’t mind, but they won’t agree, so we don’t say it in front of them.

This will also facilitate subsequent acting.

The two chatted happily, and Liao Zhehe even stayed with Sheng Minglin for dinner.

After Sheng Minglin left, Mrs. Liao slowly walked out from behind the bamboo forest.

Liao Zhehe said: "Mother."

Mrs. Liao nodded, sat down, and said: "This Sheng Minglin, at a young age, is very smart, alert, strategic and calm, so he can be used."

Liao Zhehe said: "My son thinks so too."

He came closer and said, "Mom, that grain seed is a good opportunity."

"Indeed," Mrs. Liao said: "Sheng Minglin's plan makes it easy to lift a weight with ease, and he is already quite a counselor. In this case, let's give him a try and spread the news to him all over the world! Then, keep an eye on the test Don’t let anything go wrong on the farm! Even if we can’t stop it, we still have to muddy the waters! By then, let’s see how the Sheng family dynasty responds to the world!”

Liao Zhehe nodded: "My son will arrange for someone to do it."

He paused: "It's just the sea fishing documents..."

"Don't worry about that," Mrs. Liao said, "I know you feel sorry for your mother, but the Haidu document has been posted. Even if you tell him, you can't take it back. It's better to just let nature take its course."

Liao Zhehe said: "But in this case, it will be difficult for those people to use them."

"It's okay," Mrs. Liao said warmly, "I will naturally appease them. Many of them were bought by me from Shantang Yaxing, and not all of them are refugees. I raised them so big that they were well fed and clothed, and I also taught them skills. , isn’t it just to make them work for my son? If they are obedient, it will be good. If they don’t listen, there will naturally be ways to disobey, don’t worry.”

Liao Zhehe smiled broadly: "Thank you, mother."

Mrs. Liao smiled and patted the back of his hand and said, "Okay, it's time for mother to go."

As he said that, he turned around.

After turning around, a trace of ridicule appeared on her face, and then she walked away quickly.

And over there,
Sheng Minglin returned to his house and was about to find Zhuzhu when his servant said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty and Mr. Huo have gone out to play."

Sheng Minglin: "...??"

The young prince was very depressed.

Why go out to play while he's not around?Aggrieved!
Princess Duan posted an appointment with Mrs. Zhou yesterday and will have dinner at Yunlai Tea House at noon today.

She came to pick her up when Zhuzhu was out of class. After asking, she found out that Sheng Minglin had gone out, so Princess Duan directly asked Huo Chenzhao to hold Zhuzhu and follow her out.

One day later, Zhuzhu already had three sets of really powerful outfits. She wore one set during class, and now she immediately changed into another one. She even carried a sword on her back, feeling very majestic.

Princess Duan changed into men's clothes because she wanted to get along with Mrs. Zhou more easily, but Mrs. Zhou probably also wanted to cooperate with her and changed into women's clothes.

As soon as they met, both of them were happy. Princess Duan immediately reached out from the carriage and pulled her up. She said in a manly voice: "Madam, come quickly. I will take you to the street to play."

Zhou Yinhan was sent out: "..."

Mrs. Zhou laughed so hard that she fell down and got into the carriage.

Tuanzi immediately jumped up and showed her: "Auntie! Look! Look at Zhuzhu! Look!" She was so excited that she walked around in the carriage, opened her arms, let her see her belt and boots, and turned her back. Show her her sword.

Mrs. Zhou repeatedly praised: "Zhuzhu is so beautiful, so beautiful! So majestic!"

Seeing that the hilt of the sword was inlaid with gems, she subconsciously raised it: "It's so heavy? Can Zhuzhu carry it?"

"Hey!" Princess Duan still said in a man's voice: "I didn't know she had to carry a sword on her back. No matter how old she is, the sword is longer than her! It took me a long time to pick out this shorter one. The color of the gems matches her clothes a little bit.”

Mrs. Zhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "..."

Later, Huo Chenzhao was carrying the sword to Tuanzi. Mrs. Zhou looked at the car and asked curiously: "Ming Lin isn't here?"

"Well," Huo Chenzhao said with a smile, "Ming Lin happened to be out on business. I left a message for him. I don't know if he will go back home for dinner."

"It's okay," Princess Duan waved her hand: "Your father said he will take you out to play tomorrow, we just have a meal today."

The group of people chatted and laughed and soon arrived at the appointed teahouse.

Princess Duan first jumped out of the carriage, held the hand holding the folding fan behind her back, and then reached out to pick up Mrs. Zhou. She was so graceful.

Mrs. Zhou smiled and reached out to cooperate, taking her hand down.

Huo Chenzhao also jumped down with Zhuzhu in his arms, squatted down and straightened Zhuzhu's short skirt.

The results were not finished yet. Zhuzhu had already seen something and ran forward quickly. As a result, he was knocked back by the heavy sword after just one step. He fell down with his little hands spread out and he almost fell down. Fortunately, Huo Chenzhao reacted quickly and rushed over to grab him.

Several people in front of the door suppressed their laughter, but Tuanzi didn't pay attention. She pointed it out to Huo Chenzhao excitedly: "Look! Look at the beautiful Guoguo, a big lion! A big lion that can blink!"

As soon as the person holding the lion's head saw her pointing at him, he immediately moved his lion's eyes, snapping, snapping, and Tuanzi was surprised: "Wow!! Move, move, move!"

The big lion shook his head and teased her.

Tuanzi's eyes were wide open, his mouth was opened into a circle, and he was staring at it.

Princess Duan turned back and said with a smile: "If you like, you can touch it. We invited it from our own family, so you can touch it."

So Huo Chenzhao carried her over. Tuanzi didn't dare to touch her. Huo Chenzhao coaxed her in a gentle voice: "It's okay. It's a fake. It doesn't bite."

Tuanzi still doesn’t dare.

As a result, a voice came from the lion: "Don't bite, don't be afraid!"

Tuanzi blinked in fright, and the whole group leaned back, trembling: "Say, talk! The lion is talking."

Huo Chenzhao smiled and said, "Because there is a person hidden inside the lion. Come out and let her see."

The lion dancer took off the lion's head and saluted with a smile. He was a very energetic young man wearing a lion costume.

Tuanzi looked at him carefully, and even peeked at the back of his butt to see that there was no tail. He didn't look like a lion spirit. Then he relaxed a little and reached out to touch the lion's head, but he still didn't dare to touch it hard and only touched it twice. Next, he turned around and hugged Huo Chenzhao's neck: "Elbow."

Huo Chenzhao carried her in.

Princess Duan booked a room by the window because during the past ten days, many big restaurants have dragon and lion dances, so you can sit here and watch them.

Sure enough, before the food was served, the drumming sound was heard. Tuanzi perked up and pointed outside: "Here it comes! Zhuzhu wants to see it!"

Huo Chenzhao held her to see her, and Princess Duan and Mrs. Zhou also came to watch.

Following the sound of drums, after a while, a dragon came along the street, followed by two lions.

(End of this chapter)

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